- Listen to the Australian AR ladies
- Meet YL Raisa, R1BIG, “International Newsmaker of the Year 2023”
- Raisa R1BIG feeling excited. Newsmaker of the Year 2023
- Saint Helena Island
- St Helena Island (IOTA AF-022) YL Amateur Radio Activations
- New Zealand - Myrle Campkin ZL2MIC
- Hello from Peru
- Parks on the Air (POTA)
- International Women's Day 2024 YL POTA PARTY
- Contact & Calendar
Listen to the Australian AR ladies
on WIA News Broadcast for the 17th of Dec 2023 - Ham Radio News for Amateur Radio Operators by VK1WIA
(ALARA) presentation occurs several times each year including close to Christmas
ALARA president vk2ayl Michelle joins Leslie vk5LOL with operational news covering contests and the DX window.
Shirley vk5yl covers the international desk.
Linda vk7QP handles special interest group news and AR news lines editor Caryn Eve Murray KD2GUT from the USA chatting to R1BIG Raisa about being newsmaker 2023
Raisa QSL bureau St. Petersburg Nov 2023
PAUL/ANCHOR: For our final story we have an awards presentation. The Amateur Radio Newsline International Newsmaker of the Year award celebrates a clever and creative innovator in this, its fifth year: She is YL Raisa R1BIG/OH7BG. Through social media and various websites she has given the world a window into what it means to struggle and grow as a ham.
Newsline's editor Caryn Eve Murray KD2GUT spoke with her.
CARYN: Congratulations to Raisa Skrynnikova, R1BIG, who began in 2018 to channel her enthusiasm and humour to show how a newly licensed ham learns to put up antennas, enter a contest, activate a SOTA summit and handle some incredible pileups. Her blogs, livestreams and YouTube videos are a source of information and good will. Raisa told Newsline why she decided to put her own story in the spotlight.
RAISA: To show step by step that it is not very difficult to get and to pass the exam, to make your own equipment. You can also make your antenna yourself and set it up yourself also. I try to do all these videos to show that the ham radio hobby is not so difficult and you can do simple steps and know more and more information. Why I like the ham radio hobby is because every day, every time, you need to learn something new - and this is the best thing, I think.
CARYN: In 2021, Raisa advocated for greater friendship among the world's hams by taking another bold step. Building on the earlier work of two hams, she enlisted help from friends in different countries and assembled an easy-to-use interactive online practice guide offering commonly used QSO phrases in 11 different languages.
RAISA: It is so nice, you feel a very nice feeling, when someone talks a little bit in your language and I thought, "Oh I would like to know some phrases in the different languages and to say hello buon giorno, buona sera." It's so wonderful and make people a little bit more happy.
CARYN: Her humor and her relentless optimism about ham radio's future have provided a bright spot by using the technology that is guiding the next generation's amateurs.
RAISA: I think that the new technology and the internet and social media will not kill the hobby. I think that they will help the hobby because we can use them for promoting the hobby and make this hobby more popular. And that is exactly what I try to do.
CARYN: We are proud of this year's International Newsmaker, Raisa R1BIG. I'm Caryn Eve Murray KD2GUT.
“International Newsmaker of the Year 2023” Raisa feeling excited. 8/12/2023
What a morning surprise: A.R.NEWSLINE recognized me as “International Newsmaker of the Year 2023”
For me, such a decision by a respected international team means responsibility and a challenge. I'm so happy when I hear on air or read comments from those who, after watching my videos, decided to get a ham license, returned to the bands or just became more active on the air.
Thank you, my followers, for your inspiration. I will do my best to continue to promote such a relevant hobby, that connects people around the world.
Saint Helena Island [15°58′S 5°42′W]
located in the South Atlantic Ocean, a small remote volcanic tropical island 1,950 km west of the coast of south-west Africa, and 4,000 km east of South America.
Discovered by the Portuguese in 1502, the island was an important stop for ships.
However after 1869 fewer ships arrived when the Suez Canal opened. Ships en-route from Asia to Europe could bypass the South Atlantic and the Cape of Good Hope.
Until 2017, the Royal Mail Ship RMS St Helena was the only scheduled connection to the island when the first scheduled air service began.
St Helena Island (IOTA AF-022) YL Amateur Radio Activations
ZD7AA Agata and husband ZD7CA/ HB9FIY Christopher are operating on St Helena Island during December-January 2023/24
Elvira, IV3FSG will be active from St Helena as ZD7Z during January 16 to February 4, 2024. QRV on 160-6m; SSB, CW, DIGI using IC-7300, Hexbeam, vertical and Inverted-L. QSL via IK2DUW, Club Log OQRS – Livestream. (Grid: IH74GA)
probably best known of all current amateur radio diploma programmes is IOTA, Islands on the Air. It is the second most popular international activity programme after DXCC.
The aim is to promote worldwide radio operation with amateur radio stations on inhabited and uninhabited islands with the help of the competition idea. As with many other activity programmes, participation in the IOTA programme is possible in two ways: the "chaser", one who collects the island points, and the "activator" on the island who operates the station and makes these contacts possible.
The British shortwave listener Geoff Watts, editor of the DX news sheet DXNS, laid the foundations for this amateur radio activity as early as 1964 with the IOTA programme.
1964-1985 Geoff’s concept of working islands caught on immediately with a small number of amateurs, particularly in Europe and the USA
1985-1994 change of stewardship to RSGB (Radio Society of Great Britain)
Roger Balister, G3KMA was inducted into the CQ DX Hall of Fame in May 2016 for his years of involvement since March 1985 as Manager of the IOTA Programme.
1994 – 2004 Sponsorship helped to finance a DOS-based computer system until 2007
2004-2014 an Internet-based module enabling on-line applications launched in 2007 .
IOTA Ltd, was set up in early 2016 as a not-for-profit company, to run IOTA separate from the RSGB. IOTA Ltd now has an extensive international management team of volunteers.
The current IT system was launched on the IOTA website at
New Zealand - Myrle Campkin ZL2MIC
Hi to all Yls from NZ And abroad my name is Myrle Campkin Zl2MIC my QTH is New Plymouth, New Zealand. I am and have always been a keen Dxer
I was licensed on 11 th June 1996 then, almost 27 1/2 Years now.
During this time I was not just keen on DX but for around 2 years up to 2008 I was net controller on the popular DX net, the ANZA net which I thoroughly enjoyed each Thursday night.
I’ve worked every continent and Antarctica as well as DX from all areas of the world literally thousands of amateurs. I have met some very friendly operators, some with just a wire antenna through to some DX operators using the most modern sophisticated equipment I could only dream of owning for sure.
My hardest station to contact was Bouvet Island a very difficult operation but I managed it even though with a small signal report. I’ve worked and listened to many unusual stations.
One I worked was a 14 year old American boy running 10w and a skate board through Los Angeles streets. I’ve heard the Australian flying doctors in outback Australia worked ships and aeroplanes and trucks. I’ve worked a ship QE2 off Australia in the Coral sea who gave me a 59 signal report.
My equipment is a new Kenwood TS590SG replacing a Kenwood TS430S and a Kenwood TS850S which I still use. My antenna is a High gain TH3jr at 30 feet high. A tilt over antenna which works great for the DX.
Also I wish to thank ZL3DUG Doug for all the help Doug has given me with my current station I really appreciate your kindness Doug.
73 33 Myrle I Campkin ZL2MIC Myrle’s page is
(Ngaire ZL2UJT sent the above article & picture with Season's Greetings from New Zealand to Yls everywhere.)
Hello from Peru:
I tell you that after many attempts, I managed to win a Contest as a radio amateur. It's difficult to do it here because I'm the only active radio amateur.
This year I have been climbing positions and in several competitions I obtained 3rd place. I am proud of my achievements and I share them with you. 73, 88 and 33 Sonia E. OA4DEM
Parks on the Air (POTA)
is an international radiosport award program that encourages licensed amateur radio operators to operate portable equipment in a variety of parks and public lands.
The attraction lies in combining the hobby of amateur radio with an outdoor activity. POTA is easy to activate and also suitable for older and less athletic participants.
POTA issues awards to participants based on a range of criteria including the total number of radio contacts made, number made on each amateur radio band, and for different modes of communication including voice, Morse code or FT8.
Amateur radio operators who set up a temporary station at a park are known as activators, while others who 'spot' and complete contacts with them are called hunters. Equipment used is typically small, battery operated, and may have been constructed by the operator themselves. The radio may be hand-held, carried in a backpack or a 'go box', or it could be mounted in a vehicle, as permitted by the park operator.
Activators can signal their intent to be on the air in advance using the POTA website, so that hunters are ready for them. Activators log all the contacts they make and upload them to the POTA website. A successful activation requires a minimum of 10 contacts (QSOs) from a park in the designated list within a single UTC day (Zulu day).
Originally, POTA was an offshoot of the National Parks on the Air programme launched in the United States in 2016. It built on the surge of interest in portable radio operation caused by the ARRL hosting a one-year program called NPOTA to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the National Park System.
World Flora and Fauna (WFF) initiated in 2008 by the Russian Robinson Club (RRC) was relaunched in 2012 as WWFF (World Wide Flora and Fauna). The WWFF activities are essentially the same as the POTA programme.
International Women's Day 2024 YL POTA PARTY
(Parks-on-the-Air): Celebrate Women in Ham Radio!
Event by Shannon Gibney KC1OHT
This event is open to all female amateur radio operators, regardless of POTA experience.
What to expect:
Activate a park during the 24-hour event window. Submit your POTA activations and share your experiences with other participants.
Connect with other YLs from around the world. Share stories, tips, and support.
Learn more about POTA and how to get involved.
Why participate?
Celebrate the achievements of women in ham radio.
Connect with other YLs and build a supportive community.
Have fun and enjoy the POTA hobby.
How to participate:
Activate a park during the 24-hour event window
Submit your POTA activations to the POTA database.
Share your experiences and photos on social media using the hashtag #YL_POTA_Party.
We encourage you to wear pink and/or decorate your station to show your support for International Women's Day!
Spread the word and invite your friends to join the party!
Together, we can make this a memorable event for all YLs in ham radio!
Here are some additional details about the event:
Date: March 8th, 2024
Location: Any POTA park (or hunt POTA from home!)
Frequency: Any amateur radio frequency within your license class
Hashtag: #YL_POTA_Party
We look forward to hearing you on the air!
Note: This event is not sponsored by the Parks On The Air Foundation.
Here are some resources that you may find helpful:
POTA website:
We hope you have a wonderful International Women's Day!
CONTACT US yl.beam news: Editor Eda
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Calendar Jan. 2024
Jan 1 CQ DX Marathon starts
Jan 1 Straight Key Night 0000 UTC - 2359 UTC. ARRL CW party
Jan 2 -7 JARL (Japan) (09:00 to 21:00(JST) CQ NEW YEAR PARTY 2024
annual QSO party for 132 hours for 6 days
Jan 6 ARRL Kids Day
Jan 6 Ham Radio University 2024- 25h event Saturday, Brookville, NY (USA)
Jan 9 - 16 Ganga Sagar Mela pilgramage. Sagar Island,India (IOTA AS-153) AT24GSM
Jan 13 YB DX Contest (Indonesia) 2024 annualy 2nd week every January
Jan 21 – 27 QuartzFest ARRL Convention, Sonoran desert USA.
Feb 16 - 18 16th "American Lighthouse Weekend",
March 8 International Women’s Day
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