
yl.beam #130 july 2024


  • 85th YLRL Convention Celebration
  • SARL RAE May 2024   Welcome New YLs
  • YL Recipient 2024 Yasme Excellence Award  Raisa R1BIG  
  • SYLRA 2025 Iceland Meet?  
  • Iceland    
  • Silent Key Patricia Nelson – KE0QXD  
  • OMIK Amateur Radio Association,  
  • Mary Watkins,103 years old,  Bletchley Park veteran  
  • Alan Turing – Enigma - Bletchley Park    
  • AO70AT- 70 Years after Alan Turing's Death
  • CONTACT  & Calendar


85th YLRL Convention Celebration  (Young Ladies Radio League)
Will be in St George Utah, USA.  July 11th-14th. 2024
And our St George Convention Committee is chaired by Rachel KJ7CMI and her team.
There will be a meet and greet, tours, business meeting, banquet and fun!
The convention will be in conjunction with HamCon:Zion.

HCZ (HamCon:Zion):2024 July 12 & 13, is also the host event for The ARRL Rocky Mountain Division Convention, the RV Radio Network 2024 Western Rally, as well as the YLRL 85th Anniversary Convention, and HamCon:Zion will host various presentations and engage with amateur operators during this two-day event in St. George.

ZU6RK Rebekah during her RAE- HF assessment.
SARL RAE May 2024 -  Welcome to our newly licensed  ladies (YLs)
Tradition is not preserving the ashes but passing on the flame.
ZS1COG Claire, CT
ZS1DPW Lynnore,  Stillbaai, WC
ZS1GIS Giselle, Hout Bay
ZS3AB   Annick . Douglas. N Cape
ZS6AME Annemarie,  Magaliesburg
ZS6CRX Chantal, Pretoria
ZS6KRN Karen, Randburg
ZS6LB Lindi, Roodepoort,
ZS6MAG  Maria, Roodepoort,
ZS6NO Nina, Florida, WR
ZS6RST Ronel, Randfontein
ZU6RK Rebekah, Secunda
Yasme Excellence Award YL Recipient 2024
Raisa Skrynnikova, R1BIG – For very actively promoting amateur radio on YouTube.
Her YL Raisa YouTube channel has more than 15,000 subscribers from all over the world, showing how a newcomer experiences amateur radio activities.
With her enthusiasm and charm, she attracts new comers and encourages radio amateurs that are looking for new challenges.
Well done Raisa, 33
SYLRA 2025 Meet  (Scandinavian YL Amateur Assoc.)
Dear YL's. & everyone
Next year, 2025 TF land (Iceland) is supposed to hold the SYLRA meeting. Due to the fact that Iceland is becoming a very expensive tourist trap, Anna (TF3VB) and I (TF3VD) have been having a hard time trying to decide what to do without going into big personal financial risk.
And we have an idea: We are thinking about doing something different from other meetings in SYLRA. We are thinking about an expedition trip and run TF1SYL. We can go to a scout camp (Úlfljótsvatn scout centre) where we will have access to a 'shack' (Radio-scouts have one and will let us use it). Indoor sleeping in bunks, all meals. There is the  possibility of installing additional antennas and 'shacks' so we can be QRV all the time while it is bright outside. ..........oh wait a moment, it is bright outside all night in the end of  May in Iceland!
We are looking at the days Wednesday 28th of  May until Sunday 1st of June 2025.
Price will be affordable since the accommodation will be rented from the scouts.
First estimate is a maximum of 150.000 IKR. Including meals.

So here is a short survey for you - would you like to join us?
We need a minimum of 15 persons for this to be possible.
Please comment on our facebook or send email.. OMs are  welcome as usual!
TF3VD Vala Dröfn Hauksdóttir  · 18 June 2024  

SYLRA meets every other year.      https://sylra.is/SYLRA23/booklet23.htm
The founding meeting was in Denmark 2003 and the first open meeting was in Iceland 2005.
The countries that host the meetings are in this order:
OZ – Denmark
TF – Iceland
SM – Sweden
LA – Norway
OH – Finland

Founded in 1941, Úlfljótsvatn Scout and Adventure Centre, has been the home for Icelandic Scouts for over 80 years and is open to the public.
Located in the south west of Iceland, it is situated on Lake Úlfljótsvatn, which lies just south of Lake Þingvallavatn. It is approximately 70 km east of the capital Reykjavík.  
Iceland is one of the safest countries in the world with a rich history, involving Vikings and volcanoes. Easily reached from many major cities in Europe and North America.

Does anyone know who the first African American YL was?

Silent Key - Patricia Nelson - KE0QXD,
Pat became a silent Key on January 29.2024, age 68.
Born and raised in Brooklyn, NY, she moved to Minneapolis, MN, where she was involved with Fresh Air Radio - KFAI.  She hosted several shows and events on the air, and really liked broadcasting.  So much so, that she became a trainer at the station, which is 90% volunteer-based!
One of her students, who became a dear friend and co-trainer, Mike Stapp, KE0WW, told her about ham radio and his involvement of many years. It took a little over 10 years, but she studied and got her Tech. General and Extra ticket.  
She was an ARRL member. She was a lifetime member of OMIK and served as an Area Director of OMIK (primarily for African American folks) and a member of RARA (Queer Amateur Radio enthusiasts).
 Pat was the owner/principal of NelsonWorks, LLC, a business that provides computer  support for homes and small offices. She also served as a health care and an academic administrator.

OMIK Amateur Radio Association, Inc. founded August 17, 1952
by Black hams from the states of Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, and Kentucky (USA).
 In the early 1950s, as Amateur Radio enjoyed a post-World War II boom, African American hams encountered discrimination. Many clubs denied membership to black hams and they were often subjected to deliberate interference on the air.
That was the impetus for forming their own association, the OMIK Electronic Communication Association. The acronym came about because most of the founders and initial members were from the states of Ohio, Michigan, Indiana and Kentucky (USA). OMIK, pronounced "Oh-Mike," had nothing to do with microphones or the ohm, the unit of electrical resistance, but "resistance" was certainly on the minds of its founders. Black Amateur Radio operators who encountered blatant racism in all aspects of their lives, including in their hobby of choice, finally had an on-air association they could call their own.
Founded in 1952 one of the first things that happened was the  establishment of  regular on-air nets so members had a virtual place where they could gather. The group soon expanded to become a national organization.
The OMIK group also discovered a priority public service they could render. At that time in U.S. history, black travelers were not welcomed in many hotels and restaurants, and that discrimination extended to all corners of the nation. There was a popular publication available that listed African-American-friendly accommodations--The Green Book, featured recently in the Academy Award-winning motion picture of the same title--but it was only printed once a year and thus was often out of date.

OMIK members realized that Amateur Radio operators who had mobile capabilities could get on the air as they drove through an area, speak with local hams, and learn of establishments that welcomed their business regardless of their race. Those hams could also report back their experiences and the group could maintain updated lists for members and others as they travelled. That information was freely available on the nets.
OMIK was the first and the largest organization for black Amateur Radio operators and is an American Radio Relay League affiliated club. Today they welcome members of all races and locations.
Mary Watkins, 103 years old,  Bletchley Park veteran
Mary, who was born in 8 May 1920, got a job as a bookkeeper when she left school, but her life changed when, with the outbreak of war, she volunteered for the Auxiliary Territorial Service (ATS), the women’s branch of the Army.  
Mary joined the Auxiliary Territorial Service in 1939 at the age of 19. Because of her love of solving puzzles and crosswords, Mary was selected for special duties with MI8,  in London. MI8 was the signals intelligence department of the War Office that ran a  worldwide Y-stations network.
 She was told her work would be top secret and she would never be able to talk about it, nor would there be any formal recognition for what she did. As a result, as a member of the ATS, she started work on a punch card system of coded letters and numbers, which came from the German code device, the Enigma Machine. After being promoted to sergeant, she then went on to work at Bletchley Park, supporting the team that finally cracked the Enigma Code.
While at Bletchley, Mary met her first husband and having become pregnant, had to leave the military (around mid-1943).  After the war, she qualified as a teacher and was a deputy head in a Surrey school before retiring aged 61.
Having signed the Official Secrets Act, Mary never talked about her wartime work and her family only found out about it much later. Code cracker Mary, had previously only received a lapel badge in recognition for her intelligence work.
This 103 year old veteran, who helped Alan Turing crack the Enigma Code during World War 2 was finally recognised in 2023 for her service. Initially, Mary received a veterans’ pin badge similar to the lapel badge she had already been given for her services. Then her daughter Bobby had a call to say she was entitled to additional medals; one inscribed as a defence medal, the other a war medal that includes the dates of World War 2.
Mary Watkins' beloved mother, grandmother, great grandmother and Bletchley Park veteran died peacefully at Stildon, East Grinstead (UK) on 27th March, 2024  aged 103.

 Alan Turing – Enigma - Bletchley Park
In the field of radio communications, Mathematician Alan Turing led the Bletchley Park team in developing a machine which could decipher German messages during WWII. Decrypting the Morse codes sent by the Nazis through the "ENIGMA" machine it is estimated that their work shortened the duration of World War II by two to four years, resulting in a considerable number of lives saved.
 Turing's career ended suddenly after he was prosecuted for homosexuality in 1952.  He was granted a posthumous pardon in 2013.
He died 7 June 1954 (age 41 years),

AO70AT- 70 Years after  Alan Turing's Death
To remember Alan Turing, the PADRÓN AMATEUR RADIO ASSOCIATION (ASORAPA EA1RCI) are hosting the AO70AT station on the air, (info at QRZ.COM )
PLEASE update email -
failures for German yls using  @darc.de  & yls from Finland @sral.fi  
NB:  AMSAT Mail Alias Service is scheduled to end on August 1, 2024.The rise in domain name hacking and email account high-jacking has made it impossible to sustain this service

CONTACT     yl.beam news: Editor Eda zs6ye.yl@gmail.com
newsletters can be found: It is now published on:-

Italian Radio Amateurs Union: QTC U.R.I.
West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society  https://wosars.club/category/yl-news/

Unsubscribe: If you do not wish to receive this newsletter, please email:  zs6ye.yl@gmail.com
July 6  Marconi Memorial Contest HF 14:00
July 7  Marconi Memorial Contest   14:00 CW
July 7  Islamic New Year
July 9 1968  birth day of ORARI and Indonesian Radio Amateur Day.
July 11 - 14  YLRL Convention, @ St George Utah, USA.   2024
July 13 - 14  IARU HF Championships (2nd full weekend of July 2024).
July 20         Princess Elettra birthday - 94 in 2024 (daughter of Marconi)
July 21         ALARA  founded 21st July 1975
Julio 21        Concurso INDEPENDENCIA DEL PERU 2024
July 21         1st meeting-selvamar-news “In the street” Girona, 99 km NE of Barcelona.
July 26, 2024 - 8th Aniversário YLs Portugal (started  JULY 26, 2016)
July  27 – 28   RSGB  IOTA Weekend (Islands on the Air) 1200 – 1200 UTC  

Aug 4 -10     YL event OL88YL Czech Republic
Aug 17 – 18  ILLW The 27th International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend
Aug 25 – 26   A.L.A.R.A. Contest  (Australian Ladies AR Assoc.) last FULL weekend of August.


Congratulations to all the new YL's

Well done all.














yl.beam #130 june 2024

Club of the Year The Young Ladies’ Radio League, (YLRL)
Out & About: DX YL
Friedrichshafen celebrates 60 years of IOTA – Islands On The Air!
The Koos & Annie van der Merwe Gold Award
Ja Well No Fine (Editorial):
History of deep-sea salvage tug “SEEFALKE”
Maritime Radio
Amateur Radio onboard Seefalke  
“Seefalke” turns 100 years old  DK100DDSR
 DL2BJW  Marita Westphal-Blome
Silent Key
Contact & Calendar
Club of the Year The Young Ladies’ Radio League, (YLRL)
Young Ladies' Radio League (YLRL) received the Dayton Hamvention 2024 Club of the Year Award for their role in promoting women in amateur radio through scholarships, contests and more.

The Young Ladies’ Radio League, Inc (YLRL) is proud to be celebrating its 85th Anniversary this year.  With members from all over the world, the organization has been involved in everything from contests to emergency events to helping new hams get licensed and, on the air, as well as everything in between.  Established in 1939, YLRL has been found at Hamfests and Conventions all over the world and has been proud to have had a booth at Hamvention® since the 1950’s and a YL Forum since the 1960’s.
Women helping women in Amateur Radio is a mission statement for this organization, but there are also contest and award opportunities for the OMs who support their YLs.  
YLRL has the motto QRV-I AM READY and they are ready to assist in the radio community.

Interview with Cheryl Muhr (N0WBV) Publicity Chairwoman and Historian of YLRL. Cheryl gives an overview of the league and how people can get involved.

 YLRL Convention, @ St George Utah, USA.  July 11th-14th. 2024
And as announced, on Saturday April 20,2024 on the occasion of World Amateur Radio Day, the Radio station Club Peruano OA4O was on the air from 18:00  hours OA, operated by our fellow Young Ladys (YL).
Despite having scheduled the activity for transmit only on the 40 meter band, colleagues locals that do not have HF stations joined together to the activity since our colleagues were also active through the local VHF repeater.
Our congratulations and thanks to Elsa OA4BOL, Sonia OA4DEM, Tatiana OA4DUD, Alina OA4DUI, Monica OA4DYD and Bertha OA4EDH who They were very lively during the entire time of the activity. Some of them were operating for the first time.
We hope that this activity will be repeated again during the year.
Radio Club Peruano, Boletín Semanal OA Edición No 14 del 23 de abril de 2024
Out & About: DX YL
Elvira, IV3FSG to be active from Niamey (capital), Niger as 5U5K during June 6-20, 2024. 
QRV on SSB & FT8/FT4 (MSHV) + some RTTY & CW; 160-6m. 
Francesco, IK0XBX is a pilot station. QSL via IK2DUW.
Niger, is a landlocked country in West Africa. Over 80% of its land area lies in the Sahara.
Niger lies between latitudes 11° and 24°N, and longitudes 0° and 16°E.
HAM RADIO 2024: From June 28 to 30, everything will revolve around amateur radio in Friedrichshafen on Lake Constance. In cooperation with the organizers, the DARC, as the conceptual sponsor of Europe's largest amateur radio trade fair, this meeting will open the doors to a world of almost unlimited possibilities.

Friedrichshafen celebrates 60 years of IOTA – Islands On The Air!
Since 1964, the international IOTA program has been promoting radio contacts with stations on islands around the world, from small rocky reefs in the vast ocean to the largest islands in the world. That sounds like adventures in remote corners of the earth, and that's exactly what many IOTA fans and active participants can tell tales about. IOTA stands for the joy of discovery that every radio amateur develops, even if he or she does not set sail personally, but IOTA is also a symbol of friendly competition among radio amateurs. Finally, IOTA is a symbol of the significance of amateur radio as a global unifying force.
That's why the motto of the 47th HAM RADIO is "60 years of Islands on the Air: technology meets adventure!"
The lecture program of 47th HAM RADIO, in Friedrichshafen, is online at https://www.darc.de/nachrichten/veranstaltungen 
2024 - Heather Holland, ZS5YH -  At the Council meeting of 16 and 17 February 2024, Council approved the award of the Koos & Annie van der Merwe Gold Award to you for your support of the YL section of the Amateur Radio hobby and the publication of the monthly YL.Beam Newsletter.
On behalf of Nico van Rensburg, ZS6QL, President of the SARL, Council and Members of the
SARL, I would like to congratulate you on this prestigious award.
Radio ZS, June 2024 Junie, Volume 77, Issue 6, page 33

Thank you SARL (South African Radio League) for this Award.
WOW it is difficult to find the words to express my appreciation for this recognition.
But this award is not mine alone,  I share it with 2 very supportive OMs – ZS5YAT Jess Hawes and ZS6WL John Brock.  Without their help this monthly newsletter would not happen.
Every month Jess (the true editor) reads, corrects, criticizes and generally 'knocks it into shape'.
And every edition is circulated by John. It is thanks to him that our yl history is visible and out on the ww web.
I don't say 'thank you' often enough, but this award belongs to you both.
And great timing as June is our Birthday month -  our 13th Anniversary!  
88 Heather, ZS5YH
Ja Well No Fine (Editorial):
By the time you read this letter the YL – SOTA Queens of the Mountains event will be in the past (June 1-2). Hope you found it a fun event? Please share your experiences, pictures and suggestions with  Amy-AG7GP- ag7gp.amy@gmail.com ;
Paula-K9IR- pmuscian@sbcglobal.net ; or myself Eda zs6ye.yl@gmail.com     
Although  'Museum Ships On The Air' will also be history (June 1 - 2), are there any ladies who operated aboard a museum ship?
DL2BJW  Marita, a German YL activates a museum ship all year round (below). She is also involved with the annual  "International Day of the Seafarer", June 25.
33 / 88
History of deep-sea salvage tug “SEEFALKE”
This powerful and fast deep-sea salvage tug “Seefalke” (Sea Falcon) was built in Germany in 1924. She was the first Diesel salvage tug world wide and as one of the largest and most powerful salvage tugs in her day, she started the German Emergency tow vessels.
During a bomb raid in 1945 she sank at the port of Kiel, on the German Baltic coast.  After the war, when the Allies wanted to fill the harbour basin with rubble to make it unusable, the ship´s owner secretly raised the “Seefalke” and sunk her again in the outer Kiel Fjord.
 After the Allies lifted the salvage prohibitions in 1950, MS Seefalke was finally raised; repaired, modernised and returned to service. Active as a salvage tug for another 20 years, she was decommissioned in 1970 and handed over to the German Maritime Museum Bremerhaven. Ever since she has been an exhibit in Bremerhaven‘s Old Harbor and open to the public.

Maritime Radio

Voice radio introduced around 1900 was a ground breaking  communication medium and until the early 1980s contact on the world's oceans was exclusively via radio.
Today however, large ships communicate digitally and via satellite. Morse and radio messages are no longer essential and probably unknown among younger people using smart-phones and social media. Radio on ships, now an out-dated technology, still has its nostalgic fans and is remembered by members of the German Amateur Radio Club (DARC).

Amateur Radio onboard Seefalke
since March 1st, 1976, members of the Bremerhaven section of the DARC, have operated the club station DK0SN, in its permanent location in the ship‘s former radio room, using museum-like old equipment.
“Happy Birthday”: The “Seefalke” turns 100 years old
DK100DDSR Special event club station onboard MS "SEEFALKE"
in the German Maritime Museum, Bremerhaven, Germany
 To celebrate the 100th anniversary of MS SEEFALKE and to commemorate the ship's original call sign “DDSR“, the Bremerhaven section of the DARC, created a special event station, which will operate from January 1st until December 31st, 2024.
QSL: via DARC bureau or direct via DL2BJW Marita Westphal-Blome
DL2BJW  Marita Westphal-Blome
Marita Westphal-Blome (DL2BJW) a German amateur radio operator from Bremerhaven,  broadcasts to many countries from the radio room on the museum ship “Seefalke” in Bremerhaven.
Marita came to radio in 1994 through her husband Winfried DL3BJX. In 2000, Winfried  was made chief operator of the Bremerhaven club station DK0SN onboard “SEEFALKE”.  
Marita and Winfried spent many days and weekends through the years 'on-air' in the radio room.  At the same time, introducing radio to interested visitors and tourists on board the museum ship. Winfried died in January 2015  and Marita took on the responsibility for the club station DK0SN onboard SEEFALKE .

 “There are around 75,000 radio amateurs in Germany, ten percent of whom are female. There are three women in Bremerhaven. As one of them, I often have an advantage and quickly get into conversation,” says Marita, whose knowledge of English is an  advantage for international communication.
Normal “contact” via radio follows strict rules and has little to do with small talk: “Usually we exchange information about our location and what type of technology we are using. The fact that I'm on a museum ship often causes amazement." 
Silent Key 
It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of our esteemed member, Ma. Theresa D. Aniceto, DW3TRZ, who joined the Creator this morning. On behalf of the Board of the Philippine Amateur Radio Association (PARA) Inc., we extend our heartfelt condolences to her family and loved ones during this difficult time.
Ma. Theresa Aniceto was a valued member of our community, and her contributions to the field of amateur radio will always be remembered. Her presence will be deeply missed by all who knew her.  May she rest in peace.
Philippine Amateur Radio Association Inc.  18 May 2024

Editor: We introduced Theresa in yl.beam #78 January 2020.  See also:
Member Spotlight Ma. DW3TRZ Theresa Cruz Aniceto, www. Arrl.  
QST January 2020 p13. Author: KC1KNL Jen Glifort, jglifort@arrl.org
QTC U.R.I. - Unione Radioamatori Italiani  Anno 5° - N. 40 - Gennaio 2020  

 DW3TRZ Theresa Cruz Aniceto her QTH was in Malolos city, 45 kms north of Manila, capital of the Philippines, on the island of Luzon.
 Theresa was added to the Young Ladies Radio League (YLRL) Facebook group  by KA1ULN Niece Haynes.  It was through this group that she was introduced to her mentor, KC9YL Anne Dirkman.  She made cross-stitched designs of  call signs for YLs to display in their stations. See YouTube channel -(https://www.youtube.com/DW3TRZsMabuhayDXstitch_AmateurRadio ).

CONTACT     yl.beam news:  Editor Eda zs6ye.yl@gmail.com    
newsletters can be found: https://jbcs.co.za/wp/
It is now published on:- https://wrarc-anode.blogspot.com/
Italian Radio Amateurs Union: QTC U.R.I.
West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society  https://wosars.club/category/yl-news/

Unsubscribe: If you do not wish to receive this newsletter, please email:  zs6ye.yl@gmail.com

June 2024
June - Discovering Marconi 2024 (ARI Fidenza):  II4RDFE / Radio Broadcasting for All
June 1 - 2    Queens of the Mountains YL SOTA Special Event Weekend!!
June 1 - 2    Museum Ships On The Air  2024 · June 1 @ 8:00 am - June 2 @ 4:00 pm
June 1 -2     2024 NZART Conference, Christchurch at Air Force Museum of New Zealand
June 1962    WARO - NZ (Women Amateur Radio Operators) founded 62 years ago
June 8 – 9    Portugal Day Contest HF  Time: 12:00 UTC to 11:59 UTC
June 8 – 9    WWSA (Word Wide South America) CW DX Contest  2nd weekend of June.
                     Saturday 15.00 UTC -  Sunday 15.00 UTC. 24 hours period.
June 9          Japan Ladies Radio Society (JLRS) "YL CQ Day" 2nd  Sunday of every month
June 14, 2024 – 100 years authorization for the radio of Amicionados in Spain.
June 15        ARRL Kids day
June 15 – 16  International Museums Weekends 2024 Amateur Radio Special Event
June 16, 1963 Soviet cosmonaut Valentina V. Tereshkova launched aboard the Vostok 6
                        spacecraft and the era of women in space began.
June 17    World QRP Day
June 19     Aniversario ce4ylc (Radio Club yl Chile)
June 22 - 23 His Majesty The King of Spain SSB: 4rd full weekend of June,
                  1200 UTC Saturdayl 1 -159 UTC Sunday. Bands: 10, 15, 20, 40, 80 and 160 m
June 22 - 23  International Museums Weekends 2024 Amateur Radio Special Event
June 22 - 23  ARRL Field Day  always held on the 4th full weekend in June.  
June 23      INWED International Women in Engineering Day
June 25     "International Day of the Seafarer" annually
June 28      Fredickhaven  
June 29      Danube Day HG7DANUBE the 14 countries along the Danube annually
                    celebrate one of Europe's greatest river systems
 June 30 -  July 4, 2024 6th IARU World Youth ARDF Championship, Moldova


radio amateur feminas - yl.beam #128 may 2024


 radio amateur feminas    
 yl.beam #128  may 2024 

LU7EPT  Ana Paula Tessi,  activates 11 Argentian Mountain Peaks  
OL88YL  YL-event  team .
Indonesian Women Special YL event  celebration
Silent Key Julia Canales CE2IPH
R1BIG  Raisa - Spreading the Joy of Radio Around the Globe
Contact & Calendar
Australian Ladies Updates (extracts)
ALARA NEWSLETTER April 2024 Issue No. 189
May 6  ALARA AGM 2024 1030 UTC 2024
          on EchoLink ALARA Conference Station and 80 M 3.6325 MHz

Our intrepid yachtie DX member Jeanne VE0JS is enjoying a more leisurely sailing voyage around the globe – she’s cruising New Zealand, and is just back on board after a short visit by air to Australia as guest speaker at the annual Australian Women Who Sail ‘Gathering’ (like ALARAmeet for yachtie YLs!). She was joined by guest speaker Kay Cottee, the first Australian woman to sail solo around the world and I’ve seen them both referred to as “Sailing Royalty”. Lyn VK4SWE/VK4EI

Oceania DX Contest
The Oceania DX Contest Committee is pleased to announce that the results for the 2023 contest are now available. If you entered the contest in 2023, head on over to the contest website Oceania dxcontest.com  where you can see all of the results.
Congratulations to Misa JF1UOX who won the Austine Henry Award (World YL phone and cw single op) and Catherine VK7C who won the Florence McKenzie Award (Oceania YL phone and cw single op). These awards are sponsored by ALARA. Catherine also won the Australia phone YL single op award, sponsored by Diane VK4DI and Bill VK4ZD
This year’s contest will be held on October 5th and 12th respectively.
Linda VK7QP
Tina VK5TMC ALARA Editor <alaranewsletter@gmail.com>
 LU7EPT  Ana Paula Tessi,  activates 11 Argentinian Mountain Peaks  
 by Carlos Almirón LU7DSY 20 April 2024
Ana Paula Tessi (LU7EPT) in June, 2024  will celebrate three years in the world of amateur radio. She overflows with enthusiasm when she talks about  radio and  wishes she'd found the activity  sooner.
She joined the Radio Club San Nicolás LU1EY, where she did the course and, shortly after receiving her license, she began with an experienced group to activate SOTA (Summits on the Air). By the time she completed her first year she had activated six summits.
After confirming the last four activations, a few days ago, Ana Paula felt the need to share her experiences and thank those who helped her.
"our legs were finished, but we made it." We went to defend the SOTA Buenos Aires and we did it. I needed to prove to myself that training was worth it.  My face hurt from smiling so much and my belly from laughing; and the realization that there are millions of summits to reach; and most of all,  I needed to prove that I could  do it  And I made it.
It involved Team work:  My route partner LU3DPW Pablo;   LU9MZO Diego, the sherpa that pushed us to the limits. I cannot stop thanking LU5YEC Mauricio for my antenna that makes me love the 2 meter band more every day. Thanks also to Radio Club LU1EY, de San Nicolás de los Arroyos (B A) and the many radio fans who supported us.
 OL88YL - YL Event - Brno - Czech Republic 2024
Update:   7 April 2024    Eva Thiemann-Pospíšková
 Welcome ladies. Many thanks to OK5Z for hosting us.  OL88YL team below.
Mayumi JP3AYQ
Alena OK2APY
Martina OK1MAR
Arianna OK1ARI
Renata OK1GB
Chantal HB9FRC
Veronika HB9HBW
June LX2DU
Halina SQ6PLH
Merzuke TA7YLY
Linda G0AJJ
Margreet K2XYL
Siggi DK2YL
Janin DK1LJ
Johanna DJ5YL
Michaela DL1TM
Karin DO2OL
Kartini Day   celebrates Indonesian Women
21 April, Indonesians commemorate Kartini’s Day. The focus is on the empowerment of women
Raden Adjeng Kartini was born  21st of April, 1879  and although she died at age 25, she is hailed as Indonesia’s first feminist. Her desire to see women freed from repressive laws and beliefs made her a heroine.

In commemoration of RA Kartini's 145th Birthday Year 2024 and as a Communication Training Event for YL Members of Radio Indonesia Amateur Organization, the YL Community Section organized the RA KARTINI AWARD Special Event Station with Callsigns 8A145RA, 8A145KAR, 8A144TI, 8A145. Held from 20 to 22 April on all Bands and Modes. It was a popular activation with many YL participants.
YL Operators ORARI Daerah       https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71T4kX3lEsw
ORARI YL Community   https://www.facebook.com/groups/1101584281266085
Julia Canales CE2IPH.jpg
Silent Key - Chile 
  3 April 2024  Dear colleagues and friends,
With great regret and sadness, we announce the passing of Mrs. Julia Canales CE2IPH distinguished amateur radio enthusiast. Mrs July was a key figure and a founding partner in our CE2RSA Radio Club.
 This club is named after and in honour of, her late husband, Hugo Roa CE2HPQ.
We remember with gratitude the commitment and enthusiasm that Ms. Julia showed
 during the 1985 earthquake.  She and her husband opened the doors of their home to colleagues and coordinated communications with authorities and families affected by the disaster.
Her influence extended beyond our radio club, as she was also a director at the Federation of Radio Clubs of Chile (FEDERACHI), proudly representing radio fans in the province of San Antonio.
CE2RSA Radio Club Hugo Roa Santander de San Antonio    3 April, 2024

 R1BIG  Raisa - Spreading the Joy of Radio Around the Globe
Amateur radio is a worldwide hobby, and Raisa Skryn- nikova, R1BIG, known as YL Raisa, has traveled far and wide. In addition to being licensed in Russia as R1BIG, Raisa is also licensed in Finland as OH7BG, and in Canada as VO1BIG. She was first exposed to the wonderful world of radio by way of an amateur radio direction finding contest, which sparked her interest and inspired her to try other forms of amateur radio.
A World of Inspiration
Raisa was fortunate to have had great mentors on her journey. Jukka Heikinheimo, OH2BR; Boris Gnusov, UA1DJ/OH5Z, and Alex Sheynis, UA1AJD, helped her explore amateur radio and study for her first license test. Raisa's first operating experience was as a second operator of the OH73ELK station in Finland. The contacts she made and the way the radio worked fascinated her, reinforcing her desire to get her own call sign. Raisa passed her Novice exam in Russia and was issued the call sign UB1AOA. She later upgraded and got her current call sign, R1BIG. Raisa also obtained her
Canadian license so she could operate a remote station there from her home in Russia.  
Raisa lives in St. Petersburg, Russia, and experiences the same struggle many hams face: she lives in a 27-story building with plenty of interference. Raisa compares it to a hive of bees constantly buzzing. As a result of this, she likes to operate outdoors when the weather is agreeable, or from friends' shacks when it's too cold. When neither of those options is available, she has the opportunity to work remotely from Canada, thanks to Rob Noakes, VE3PCP.  
Videos with a Flair for Education
When Raisa joined YouTube in November 2018, she had no idea how popular her channel would become. The first few videos she posted were about the process of getting licensed, then she jumped right into the contest scene. In her video, "Ham Radio Contest - My First!" (http://tinyurl.com/Raisa-contest ), Raisa heads back to OH73ELK and works with the team there to participate in her first contest. The team racked up 1,000 contacts and Raisa was hooked.  
Raisa & Anatoly RC9O participating in the Russian DX Contest.
Raisa creates several types of videos for her channel. She films most of them while operating portable, due to her not having a shack in her home. While Raisa's content undergoes editing after filming, she usually includes snippets of her preparing to film, letting viewers see her personality and get a sense of how much fun she's having in the field. One such video is titled "How a YL can set up a portable HF station in the Russian woods" (http://tinyurl.com/2pmucmhy ), we see Raisa quickly explain what gear she's using, then go through the process of getting the antenna in the air. The fact that she's enjoying herself is obvious, as she jokes with us through the camera. To wrap up this video, we get to see Raisa make some contacts with another YL.

In her video "Ham Radio Ladies - how to invite More YL Operators to join Amateur Radio!" (http://tinyurl. com/Raisa-yl ), Raisa discusses the issue of there being so few women on the air. She lets viewers, especially women and girls, know that the barrier of entry is not difficult. She also explains that amateur radio helps her learn geography and other languages. In one of the few parts of her video that's not in English, Raisa shares some of the contacts she has had with other YLs.  

CQ Japan! QSO tutorial in Japanese | YL Haruka JJIROE teachs YL Raisa
Raisa enjoys helping others learn. In a video titled "CQ Japan! QSO tutorial in Japanese | YL Haruka teaches YL Raisa" (http://tinyurl.com/Raisa-Haruka ), Raisa connects with Haruka, JJ1ROE, in Japan to learn some basic Japanese phrases.  Viewers get to see them practicing the pronunciation of common answers to questions that might be asked on the air. Haruka teaches Raisa how to say "Your report is five and nine" in Japanese.  
This video ends with getting to know Haruka through a video montage that shows some of her other interests. Raisa's favorite type of video to create is one that has an instructional component to it.

YouTube Content Motivation
Much of Raisa's reason for creating her YouTube chan- nel was due to the realization that there are far fewer women on the air than men. Raisa focuses her efforts on helping other women understand the opportunities  that are available to them in  amateur radio; she is passionate about getting more women and girls interested and engaged in the hobby.
YL Raisa is developing naturally and organically; however, it would be unfair to say that there aren't any struggles. Despite not being a native English speaker, Raisa
 creates all of her content in English. She does this because English is the language of international communication among radio amateurs. However, some of her compatriots criticize her for not using her native language to create content. Raisa spoke very little English when she began creating videos, but she uses her content creation as a means and motivation to continue learning it.

Community Enjoyment
Raisa has many amateur radio dreams and aspirations. She wishes to go on a DXpedition, travel to the US to attend Dayton Hamvention, and meet some of her on-air friends in person. Raisa is usually the only YL in the room when attending club meetings, but has found that members are extremely supportive and willing to help grow the ranks of women and girls in amateur radio.
YL Raisa has built a YouTube following of approximately 15,000 subscribers. You won't see unboxing videos or reviews; instead, Raisa focuses on sharing the joy she gets from being a part of the amateur radio community. If you're looking for a channel where you can watch some feel-good videos about ham radio, YL Raisa is the channel for you.
www.arrl.org  QST March 2024  
CONTACT US     yl.beam news:  Editor Eda zs6ye.yl@gmail.com    
newsletters can be found: https://jbcs.co.za/wp/
It is now published on:- https://wrarc-anode.blogspot.com/
Italian Radio Amateurs Union: QTC U.R.I.
West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society  https://wosars.club/category/yl-news/

Unsubscribe: If you do not wish to receive this newsletter, please email:  zs6ye.yl@gmail.com
May 12 Mothers Day - Carnations are the official Mother's Day flower. They symbolise love and gratitude. The connection between carnations and Mother's Day began with Anna Jarvis, the founder of Mother's Day, who honoured her mother with some white carnations.

May 2024
 1 - 31  May SOS Radio Week every year.
May 1  Workers Day
May 6  ALARA AGM 2024 1030 UTC 2024 on EchoLink ALARA Conference Station and        
            80 M 3.6325 MHz
May 17-19 Dayton Hamvention
May  17 World Telecommunications WTISD 2024 celebrates the power of digital
              innovation in advancing sustainable development and prosperity for all.
              The first celebration happened on May 17, 2006, recognizing the role of ITU
               in connecting people globally.
May 24  1844 first message sent by Morse code across a long distance 
               (Washington, D.C., to Baltimore)
May 25 - 26 WPX CW Contest
May 26 Sally Ride Day