
yl.beam #117 june 2023 - amateur radio feminas


  • Inverhuron Ham Radio Club, Canada.
  • Eva HB9FPM Swiss YL On the air via Remote station in Canada
  • Austrian yl OE5TTB Silvia
  • Turkish yl Merzuke Gediktaş  9A/TA7YLY -  DXCC Certificate
  • South America  Museum Weekend  19 - 21 May 2023
  • SK - CT1YH Lucia Silva Santos Tome
  • June Birthday
  • Calendar & Contacts


(Australian Ladies Amateur Radio Ass.) April 2023 Issue No. 185
EchoLink provides an easy option to contact others on the radio so make sure to join in the ALARA nets. The 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month are on EchoLink with the other Mondays on 80m.
ALARAmeet Tasmania  event will be on 4-5 November 2023 with optional activities on the 3rd and 6th. It will be a great chance to put a face to voices that we hear over the radio.  Michelle VK2AYL
We (ALARA) had our AGM (1 May 2023) and Michelle VK2AYL will continue as our President for the coming year. We had 13 check-ins for the AGM so that was a good turnup.
Everyone is looking forward to ALARAmeet. I’ll send you a reminder nearer the time for the Echolink session that Shirley will be running for us.33  Linda VK7QP  2/5/2023 

Inverhuron Ham Radio Club, Canada.
Please join me in congratulating Eva Thiemann-Pospíšková HB9FPM on taking first place on SSB in the YL-OM contest on February 19, 2023.
It what was her first time solo on our remote station, she made all the contacts for the contest and we submitted the log. Much to our great surprise, she was awarded a 1st place trophy for her efforts! Great job Eva!
Looking forward to many more on air operations and the YLRL YL-OM contest again next year so she can defend her 1st place title!     Rob Noakes  VE3PCP ·  5/5/2023
15 May 2023  congratulate Eva Thiemann-Pospíšková for passing the Canadian Amateur Radio Basic test with honours. Her Canadian call sign is VA3QET.











REMOTE - On the air from anywhere -  Eva Thiemann-Pospíšková HB9FPM
I'm very happy to introduce you to Rob VE3PCP. He's a founder of an International YL and Youth Remote group and an Advance Amateur radio operator. He always has good ideas together with Raisa VO1BIG, R1BIG, on how to be on the air.
The Inverhuron Ham Radio Club was founded in January 2018 by Rob Noakes VE3PCP, Advance radio Amateur and his family in Inverhuron,ON. Canada.
The club is a youth oriented club that promotes the fun side of Amateur Radio through many activities both in Public and in Private throughout each year.
Yearly activities include ARRL Field Day, International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend, Jamboree on the Air with both Girl Guides and Scouts plus other community engagement activities.
Rob has held his Canadian Advanced Qualifications since 1986. He is also an accredited examiner for Canadian Amateur Radio Qualifications.
We are a group of International YL's and Youth, from many different countries able to operate through our remote station.
We usually operate with the club call sign VA3YRL. QTH of our remote station is in Tiverton, Ontario on the shores of Lake Huron, Grid Square EN94EG, in Canada.
Rob VE3PCP is present and supervises the station as the control operator; providing technical support and logging but the ladies and youngsters make all the contacts.
We use RemoteHams Software and control and band limits set for antenna capability. Set up for phone and CW.
We operate our remote station in accordance with Canadian Radio Communication Regulation SOR-96-484 Section 46(1).
As part of our on-air operations, we live-stream to our VE3PCP YouTube Channel. It’s a great chance for all of us to work stations in Canada and the USA. Typically we use a spread-sheet to set up blocks of time so operators are able to choose when they will be available. People can follow our live stream to see what band and frequency we are on and also hear their QSO with us.
The station is a Kenwood TS850 connected to an 8 band modified Hustler Vertical antenna giving excellent performance across all 8 bands in the Phone and CW portions. 80M is limited to phone only. We do have a small 300W amplifier in line that we can use as well as a 3 element tri band yagi for 10M through 20M and a full size 80M NVIS Dipole antenna. The station is equipped with a remote power shut off system.
The vertical is our main antenna that is connected all the time and it operates on 10M, 12M, 15M, 17M, 20M, 30M, 40M and 80M.
Usually once Raisa, VO1BIG starts calling CQ, she gets many stations wanting to work her and the other YLs. We have a lot of fun. We're waiting for upcoming potential on-air activities like ARRL Field Day and celebrating the coronation of King Charles III and birthday of Queen Victoria on May 24th weekend. Using a special call sign CJ3YRL between May 5 and July 2, 2023
I  (Eva HB9FPM) had the opportunity to participate the YLRL YL-OM contest on February 19, 2023. It was my first time solo on a remote station. To my great surprise, I was awarded a 1st place trophy.
Thank you Rob VE3PCP for promoting remote ham radio and giving us the change to be on the air. Looking forward to more REMOTE projects in the future.  
Eva, HB9FPM, 6 May 2023

YL Operators  (Ladies)
VA3KGZ Alicia, Kincardine, Canada
R1BIG VO1BIG Raisa, St. Petersburg, Russia
R3TM Maria, Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia
HB9EPE Dora, Chur, Switzerland
HB9FPM Eva, Muri AG, Switzerland
DK3YB Biggi, Berlin, Germany
DL9YJ Yvette, Frankfurt, Germany
YU3AWA Marija, Sombor, Serbia
YV4AW Carolina, Valencia, Venezuela
Youth Operators
VA3AQZ Justin, Inverhuron Ham Radio Club, Canada
YU3ABC Milos, Radio Club Nikola Tesla Sombor, Serbia
YU3ARP Mahailo, Radio Club Nikola Tesla Sombor, Serbia
YT3AWR Veljko, Radio Club Nikola Tesla Sombor, Serbia
OE5TTB Silvia from Frankenburg, Austria wrote:
 1 May, 2023   Dear Eda, I wish you a speedy recovery.
I'm almost daily on the higher bands in SSB, not 5/9 but love to have good conversations and don't do contests. That is not my strength. Unfortunately I never hear other women chatting with OM 😎 if so then only reports and "mini QSO’" like QTH   Greetings   73 de OE5TTB

OE5TTB Silvia QRZ.com:. She is a painter. She loves to ride her HDFatboy motorcycle over the mountain-pass roads in Austria and Italy. She had a radioshow for 6 years: "Silvias Kochwelle", and is the author of the 3 vegetarian cook-books
Merzuke Gediktaş  9A/TA7YLY -  DXCC Certificate
In Dec. 2022, I started amateur radio work from Croatia with remote control.  I did 3719 QSOs.  I participated in many contests. I got 133 confirmes and 100 worked. As of today, I won the DXCC certificate.  A big thank you to Remote Ham Radio Youth.  Thanks to these free opportunities offered to young people, I have completely different goals and dreams.  
Now I'm working for 8-band DXCC.  I am grateful for making me experience successes far beyond my dreams in the hobby of radio amateur..
73 & 88 de 9A/TA7YLY    15 May 2023

 DXCC Award
The ARRL DXCC Award is the pre-eminent operating award in all of amateur radio. The basic DXCC certificate is awarded for working and confirming at least 100 DXCC entities.
South America  Museum Weekend  19 - 21 May 2023 organized by the Radio Club Group DX Bahia Blanca.
Radio fans from 8 nations of the South American continent activated museums in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, El Salvador, Honduras. Mexico, Puerto Rico and Uruguay.
 from the event: Carmen Greene Rodriguez (KP4QVQ), of  Sweet Fruits on Air Amateur Radio Club KP4SFA, from the Porta Coeli Religious Art Museum KP 001 "Excellent activity I enjoyed and learned. It was a wonderful experience.":


Silent Keys   / RIP / QEPD
CT1YH Lucia Silva Santos Tome  S/K
April 14, 2023 we lost a long time member of the YLRL.  Lucia has been a member since 1952 (71 years).
Obituary: My mom Lucia departed at 101, near 102 years of age. She calmly slipped into a better life. In this world, mom had a full life and enjoyed it with enthusiasm.
Born in the town of Coimbra, went to Mozambique as adolescent with the father and one sister. There she married and had me. She returned to Coimbra after retiring from work and lived in Portimão for the last 10 years.
She was ahead of the times, as a professional telegrafist, having been even a morse teacher in times where being recognized in a man’s environment, was not an easy task. Nevertheless she improved herself and succeeded in her career.
Later and at first as CR7LU and posteriorly as CT1YH, she enthusiastically became a radio amateur, were she conquered a very large amount of diplomas, medals, cups and other prizes achieving national and international recognition.
Her impressive radio amateur legacy, including QSL cards, diplomas and other prizes, have been donated to the Portuguese nacional radio amateur league REP and to a Coimbra club, TRGM, for permanent show and will be published in the internet by those organizations.
She departed to join the love of her life, my father, who unfortunately departed many years earlier.
Rui Tomé CT1CFN
YL group birthdays
June is our 12th Birthday month! Our 1st yl.beam newsletter mailed June 2011

June 2, 1952, was when the SAWRC (South African Women's Radio Club) was founded 71 years ago.

19 de junio aniversario ce4ylc (radio club yl chile)





June  2023 Calendar
June  WARO - NZ (founded 1962)   Women Amateur Radio Operators
 3–4 June 2023 97th NZART Conference  AGM,

June 3 – 5 MUSEUM SHIPS WEEKEND 2023 0000Z June 3,  to 2359Z June 4

June 11  Japan Ladies Radio Society (JLRS) "YL CQ Day" 2nd  Sunday of every month

June 17 – 18  International Museums Weekends.2023;  3rd weekend in June

June 23-25 Ham Radio Friedrichshafen

June 24 -25 International Museums Weekends.2023; 4th weekend in June

CONTACT  US        yl.beam news:  Editor Eda zs6ye.yl@gmail.com     

newsletters can be found:   https://jbcs.co.za/wp/   
Italian Radio Amateurs Union: QTC U.R.I.

West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society https://wosars.club/category/yl-news/