
yl.beam #122 nov 2023


  • ALARA-meet Tasmania Nov 3– 6, 2023
  • WOTRA (Women On The Radio Award) 2023
  • Hedy Lamarr and Frequency Hopping
  • Happy  94 Birthday  PT2TF-Therezinha Felix Cardoso
  • YL Raisa R1BIG reports back from Conference in Croatia
  • YL/OM UFT competition suspended (French Union of Telegraphists)  
  • Contact & Calendar


ALARA-meet Tasmania Nov 3– 6, 2023
We're just giving YLs a reminder about our ALARAmeet next month 3rd to
the 6th November.  We have a special call sign for our meet  - VI7ALARA.  
I will be using that call sign for our special sked on Sunday
5th November at 0000 UTC on our Echolink ALARA conference station.  Last
time we did this was in 2017 at our ALARAmeet in Cairns.  We had
checkins from five continents with 43 YLs checking in.  What a pile up
we had but thankfully I had a scribe to help me.  Same this time so that
she can write all the call signs in our log.
So, hopefully some of you will be able to join us on the day.
33  Shirley VK5YL   Vice President, ALARA

    Antonia Ferrín Moreiras

WOTRA (Women On The Radio Award)
The November 2023 edition is dedicated to three pioneering astronomers:
Antonia Ferrín, first Galician astrologer who contributed to astronomy with works on stellar observations by the Moon, double star measures and astrometric measures and in 1963 became the first Spanish woman to defend a thesis on astronomy.
 Henrietta Swan Leavitt, an American who discovered a way to accurately measure distances on an intergalactic scale, paving the way for modern astronomy to understand the structure and scale of the universe.
Vera Rubin, who was the first woman to use the instruments at the Palomar Observatory. Before this, women had no permission or authorization to easily access, and their observations were very important to demonstrate the existence of dark matter.
This diploma is only operated by YL's. So we encourage our colleagues to participate.
If you know any local or foreign radio fans who might be interested, let them know.
If any YL reads this and wants to participate as a grantor: ec1yl@yahoo.es
Asorapa, ea1rci, 30rci 9 Oct 2023

Dr. Vera Florence Cooper Rubin (July 23, 1928 – December 25, 2016) US astronomer
Henrietta Swan Leavitt  (July 4, 1868 – December 12, 1921) American astronomer.
Antonia Ferrín Moreiras (Ourense, 13 May 1914 – Santiago de Compostela, 6 August 2009) age 95, mathematician, professor and the first female Galician astronomer.

Hedy Lamarr and Frequency Hopping
Hedy Lamarr - November 9, 1914 – January 19, 2000
Hedy Lamarr, who was a Hollywood actress in the 1940s as well as an inventor who holds the patent for frequency hopping, which is used in wireless communications today like WiFi and Bluetooth.  She was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame posthumously in 2014.
 Hedy Lamarr (movie actress) and George Antheil (composer and pianist) worked together to develop a wireless communication system that stopped enemies from jamming signals that controlled the Allies' torpedoes in WW11 .Their joint invention used a mechanism akin to piano player rolls to synchronize the progression between the 88 frequencies.  The invention was dubbed frequency hopping because the system caused radio waves from the transmitter and receiver to switch to a new frequency simultaneously.

What is Frequency Hopping?
Frequency hopping is the most basic version of a radio transmission technique known today as the spread-spectrum technique, which refers to any method that broadens a signal's frequency band. Radio stations typically broadcast on a single carrier frequency, making eavesdropping simple: you tune your radio to the correct frequency and receive the programming.
Frequency hopping  prevents transmission interception and decipherment by shifting the carrier frequency in a predetermined, usually pseudorandom manner—that is, in a way that appears random but is produced by a deterministic algorithm. The message can be picked up by a receiver hopping around in time with the transmitter,

8th straight year running we will celebrate with this special event net (callsign N9H) will be on at 9am pst/12pm est, (17:00 UTC)
Help us celebrate her 109TH Birthday, her technological advancements and her silver screen roles in the movies
Join us and have fun and check in to:
 Echolink *ROC-HAM* Conference server node #531091 or
Allstar nodes 2585, 47620, 531310
DMR TGIF Talk Group 2585
DMR Extended Freedom Network Talk Group 2585
Extended Freedom Network SIP Portal 2585
 HF you can join me on 14.313 MHz
The net which will run for 4 hours or longer depending on the number of stations checking in.
Stop by and check in and get a QSL Card…..we will be using Netlogger for this even
so look for N9H - HEDY LAMARR DAY 2023/HF 14.313.

Happy  94 Birthday  PT2TF-Therezinha  Nov 10, 2023
Terezinha Felix Cardoso, PT2TF is one of the oldest YL operators in Brazil and was a member of the 1st Brazilian women's radio amateurs DX-expedition to Ilha Comprida-SP, 1998 (yl.beam news-setter #86 sept 2020).
She has been a member of YLRL (USA) for 47 years
She achieved many awards, during a time, mid-80s and early 90s, when there was no help from computers and GPS. QSL's were hand written and sent by postal services. Some arrived without the country name and had to be found via the area code.   QRZ.com only started in 1992. No e-qsl or e-mail.  
 In 2008 she received the highest award that a radio amateur can receive in Brasil,  “La Comenda da Ordem do Mérito do Radioamador” from LABRE (Liga de Amadores Brasileiros de Radio Emissão.) An award that only 34 radio amateurs have received and only 3 women (PP5ASN - Alda Schlemm Niemeyer;  PY6EAS Edna Assunção Sanches;  & PT2TF-Therezinha Maria Abranches Felix Cardoso)  Terezinha says this achievement would not have been possible without the support of husband Walter, PT2TG, who was tirelessly at her side solving everything needed in the radio shack or with antennas.
PT2TF-Therezinha  was Award Manager, until December 2011, of BRYLA (Brazilian YL Award), she found it a wonderful way to encourage the hunting of YLs not only in Brazil, but also in the rest of the world.  She feels that a contact with a YL is similar to rare DXpedition, or a space station contact,  due to the shortage of operators (LOL)

She was recently interviewed by Martin Butera LU9EFO/PT2ZDX, the interview was published in CQ Amateur Radio in the September 2023 edition in English. Her picture appeared on the cover and the five page interview  tells about this lady amateur radio operator.  The same interview, also in English, appeared in Radio ZS Volume 76, No 8 August 2023. p 42-49)
The interview is too long to reproduce here but has several interesting anedotes, best read in the original. However, the quote below from the interview says much about this remarkable operator.
“Terezinha: Amateur radio has always enriched my soul and spirit. It's like it keeps you alive, it motivates you, the fact of having so many friends all over the world, bonds of friendship are formed that never end. It is something wonderful.”
Reproduced in Spanish by Carlos Almirón  (LU7DSY) 15 Sept 2023,
YL Raisa R1BIG reports back from the Conference in Croatia   11 Oct 2023
 Istra Contest Conference is over. We were 8 YL-operators out of 150 participants. This ratio is greater than the number of female voices on air. What's the secret?
We Radio Amateurs don't often have the opportunity to see each other face to face. Last weekend the Istra Contest Conference took place. This is a young event in our radio world. In 2023, the meeting was held for the second time, and the number of participants was about 140 people. The purpose is to exchange experiences, communicate, and support young people in our hobby. The list of presentations was amazing in its diversity.
The young people made several very good presentations - they talked about their experience of participating in contests, gave advice on how to support them, and even one of the young people demonstrated his difficult path to a homemade amplifier. This is inspiring!  
I was also honoured to give a presentation about YLs on the air. It was an exciting experience, although it was not so easy for me to be in front of an audience and speak English.
The conference took place in a beautiful hotel, right on the shores of the Adriatic Sea. Nearby there are several beautiful and interesting places to visit - Porec, Rovinj, you can take a boat tour and see dolphins.
I was very glad to take part in this event and meet the wonderful people I met on the air before. Many thanks to the organizer (Davor 9A1UN, Mirko 9A6KX, Richard 9A1TT, Emir E77DX and others) for the invitation and for their work promoting the radio. We are united by our love for a hobby and the desire to do something to develop it.
We invite everyone to attend the Istra Contest Conference next year on October 3-6. Plan ahead. See you there!
Now look at the photos, and of course there will be several videos! https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=742453481230354&set=pcb.742459787896390

YL/OM UFT competition suspended (French Union of Telegraphists)  
This competition was initiated several years ago by Evelyne F5RPB to give the bands a little boost, and to highlight the YL telegraph operators.
In recent years, the number of YLs active in telegraphy has decreased for various reasons, the age of the operators being one of the main factors.
Given the few reports received over the last two or three years, and after discussion with the YL concerned, the UFT board of directors decided to put this competition on hold.
The organization of such an event, the correction of the logs, the necessary publicity and the publication of the results, represent a certain amount of work that is no longer justified by the low participation rates.
We all hope to relaunch this mini contest in future years, if the number of telegraph operators justifies it. The discussions in the salons give us hope for a rebound in the practice of our art in the coming years, so hope is not lost.
88 and 73 to all.  F6EEQ   - October 12, 2023    https://www.uft.net/concours-yl-om-uft/

CONTACT  US     yl.beam news:  Editor Eda zs6ye.yl@gmail.com    
newsletters can be found: https://jbcs.co.za/wp/
It is now published on:- https://wrarc-anode.blogspot.com/
Italian Radio Amateurs Union: QTC U.R.I.
West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society  https://wosars.club/category/yl-news/

Unsubscribe: If you do not wish to receive this newsletter, please email:  zs6ye.yl@gmail.com

November  2023
Nov 1- 4     26th IARU R1 General Conference, Zlatibor, Serbia
Nov  4 - 5   ALARA-meet Tasmania 2023
Nov  9        Hedy Lamarr Day 2023
Nov 11       Armistice Day 105 years since end of WW1
Nov 10-12  Jornada Radial Ferroviaria Argentina, 14th edition (Railways-on-the-Air)
Nov 12       Japan Ladies Radio Society (JLRS) "YL CQ Day"2nd  Sunday of every month!
Nov 25       International Day against Gender Violence  "WOTRA AWARD" 2023  (5th year)