
yl.beam #69 april 2019

  • Silent Keys
  • South African Yls awards 2019 & YL Sprint results
  • Dxpeditions: Senegal, 6W. Elvira, IV3FSG & The Gambia , DL6SAK  Annette  (YL)
  • SYLRA 2019 – Registration,  before April 29th, 2019.
  • GB40BYL Special Event  2019
  • YL CHILE  Report back: International Women's Day 2019 -
  • & 1st  YL group  to activate  lighthouse in South American weekend event.
  • YL Forum Saturday April 13 at Visalia International DX Convention
  • YLRL Scholarship Applications Due April 30
  • The Carole Perry Award  
  • Austria - International Girls in ICT Day,25 April
  •  AMRS Frauenreferat – YL's  Meet  Allentsteig, Waldviertel (5-6 July, 2019)
  • Japan Yls Web group
  • Contacts & Calendar

Silent Keys
ZR6MAG  Marie Aline Gosselin went SK on 22nd February 2019   
Our condolences to Om ZS6GBJ Rene, daughter ZR6GAG Gaelle, Gwendolyne, grandchildren, family and friends..
She passed the  RAE in May 1998  and was a member of the  Sandton ARC

Silent Key - It is with sadness that I report the passing of Amelda Beale-Robberts (Evert) ex-ZR6MEL, after a fatal heart attack last night  (13/03/2019) in Paarl. (She was the ex-wife of Denys Evert ZR6DJE) She was active in the 90's with rally communication, as well as with ARMA at Kyalami.   RIP Mel.  (posted by  ZS1K (Kobus) Conradie  Posted - 14/03/2019)

South African Yls awards 2019
March/Maart 2019 Radio ZS     SARL Awards and Trophies for 2018
Awards and Trophies will be presented at the April 2019 SARL AGM Awards Dinner
Congratulations to all.
The Icom Excellence Award. This award is bestowed annually by Council on the SARL member who through his/her activity in the Amateur Radio Service has brought international recognition to South Africa by either the achievement of a VHF/UHF long distance record which is internationally recognized by the IARU, or by service to the Republic of South Africa or the SARL in the field of scientific research using the amateur spectrum, or in promoting the amateur service internationally or as Council may determine from time to time.
Sid and Adele Tyler, ZS5AYC and ZS5APT - they mapped Namibia's summits so that Namibia is now also on the SOTA database.

The AKYAB Trophy. Awarded by the Contest Committee to the SARL member who, in his/her first year of licensed activity, achieves the highest score during the annual HF Phone Contest.
2018 – Charmaine Schutte, ZS5CVH

The SAWRC Trophy. Awarded by the Contest Committee to the YL SARL member amateur who achieved the highest aggregate score in the three annual South African Radio League HF Contests.
2018 - Charmaine Schutte, ZS5CVH

SARL Certificate of Recognition    Heather Holland  ZS5YH / ZS6YE  for her contribution in promoting women in amateur radio with the monthly newsletter YL Beam and the regular posting of interesting items on the SA Radio League Facebook page.

SARL Certificate of Recognition  For the 2 metre FM QSOs between ZS1/ZS3 and St Helena Island (amongst others) made by  Michelle van der Merwe, ZS3TO and her OM  Kobus van der Merwe, ZS3JPY.

Results of The SARL - YL Sprint 9 March.2019
received 6 logs
1st Karin Andrews, ZS6MMA - 96 points
2nd Clarissa Clark, ZS6LIS - 70 points
3rd Simone Jones, ZS6SIM - 62 points
4th Valerie Wagner, ZS5VAL - 55 points
5th Heather Holland, ZS5YH - 18 points
6th Roy Walsh, ZS3RW - 14 points (OM)
HF Happenings 840, 25 March 2019
Dxpeditions (Africa)
Senegal, 6W. Elvira Simoncini, IV3FSG, is now active as 6W/IV3FSG from Thies, near Dakar until 16 April. She works for the Informatici Senza Frontiere organization. Activity will be limited to her spare time on 80 - 10 meters. Look for Elvira to operate SSB and possibly the Digital modes. QSL all SSB and Digital mode QSOs via IK3GES. Logs will be uploaded to both LoTW and ClubLog after the operation

German YL DL6SAK  Annette to The Gambia
DL7DF.com ... Gambia between April 1 and 15, 2019. We will be active with three stations from 160m through 10m on CW, SSB and Digi modes.

SYLRA  Sept. 2019 Norway meet  – Registration,  before April 29th, 2019.   
9 Mar 2019,  Dear YLs and SYLRA members,
Summer is getting nearer and  the SYLRA meeting at Lillestrøm, September 5th to 8th, 2019.
For those who have not visited our website https://la.sylra.is/ lately, the registration for the SYLRA meeting is open and we hope many of you out there will take this opportunity to participate in this YL meeting.
Experience a long weekend with ham radio, a border station which no country in the world has; enjoy, see and hear about Norway’s heritage at its original place; and last but not least, meet other YLs.
If you are thinking of joining us, please go to our webpage https://la.sylra.is/ and register before April 29th, 2019.
All the information you need, will be on the website. If not, please contact us via e-mail, lullen55@gmail.com
We hope to see you at the SYLRA meeting at Lillestrøm in September.
33 de Ingrid LA8FOA es Unni LA6RHA          SYLRA (Scandanavian Young Ladies Radio Assoc.)

GB40BYL Special Event  2019
The British Young Ladies Amateur Radio Association (BYLARA) was founded in April 1979.
To commemorate this special birthday, we are running our GB40BYL Special Event callsign throughout our 40th year, along with an award scheme to encourage you to not only work the GB40BYL call from various locations around the United Kingdom, but also with the added challenge for you to work as many YLs as possible within 2019.
The YLs who take part do not need to be BYLARA members and can be anywhere in the world.
BYLARA members will be active throughout the year to promote this award.
Please listen out for us and ask for our BYLARA Membership numbers.
Visit our website for details, of the various activity days as well as both our Facebook Group and BYLARA Reflector on the groups.io website   To get started, download our tracker on our website at http://bylara.org.uk/awards2/bylara-40th-anniversary-award/   Cost is Free.
27th-28th April 2019  BYLARA meet at Blackpool, to celebrate  '40' th on 29th April 2019.

Report back: International Women's Day 2019 - YL CHILE 
On the weekend of March 9-10, Radio Club YL CHILE  held the contest "International Women's Day 2019",  our colleagues Maritza CE1FRI, María Angélica CD4MKA, Patricia CE4PBU and Susana CA6SRL  contacted different stations from Chile, Argentina and Uruguay. Those days the band of 40 meters was full of joy with many female voices, not so much of our country but also our colleagues from Argentina.  (Pictures on Facebook  yl Zona Norte Chile).  73's

18 feb 2019  Carlos Almirón (LU7DSY) Radio Club Grupo DX Bahía Blanca
Congratulations to Maritza CE1RFI, Delcy CE1RFN, Rosita CE1WZM, Norma CA1NCQ, Marcia CA2BRJ and Ely CA2MEM, for accepting the challenge of putting FARO HUASCO CHI-081 on the air. They are the first YL group of operators to activate a lighthouse in the annual South American weekend event. They are congratulated on their effort and the many qso's made.
It seems they also enjoyed themselves (see pictures on their Facebook page) and the organisers hope to hear from these ladies next year 2020

Young Ladies' Radio League, Inc. District 6 – California (Winter 2019 newsletter)
YL Forum Saturday April 13 at Visalia International DX Convention
Women amateur radio operators of all ages are invited to attend a YL Forum to be held at 1:00 pm on Saturday, April 13, 2019 at the International DX Convention in Visalia, California. If you’re a DXer or interested in any aspect of Ham radio, then IDXC is the place to be. Top DX operators from around the world will be there. You'll match those familiar callsigns with new faces, and shake hands with the person you have had a sched with for the past 10 years but never met. For more information about the Visalia YL Forum, please contact YL Forum Chair Gayle Olson, K6GO k6go@arrl.net

Young Ladies' Radio League, Inc. District 6 – California (Winter 2019 newsletter)
YLRL Scholarship Applications Due April 30
The Young Ladies Radio League sponsors three scholarships:
a)    The Ethel Smith, K4LMB, Memorial Scholarship which pays $2,000.
b)    The Mary Lou Brown, NM7N, Memorial Scholarship which pays $2,000.
c)    The Martha “Marte” Wessel, K0EPE, Memorial Scholarship which pays $1,000.
Applicants must be female and hold at least an FCC Technician Class or equivalent foreign authorization and  intend to seek a Bachelor’s or Graduate degree from a U.S. college or university.
There are no residence restrictions and non-US Amateurs are eligible. Preference will be given to students studying communications, electronics, or related arts and sciences. The Ethel Smith and Mary Lou Brown scholarships will be awarded to full-time students. The Martha “Marte” Wessel, K0EPE, Memorial Scholarship is intended for a part-time student who is working full time while a student.
The cut–off date for applications is April 30. Please publish it to your organization and anywhere else you feel might reach prospective applicants.
2019  Scholarship Application Forms can also be accessed  at  www.farweb.org. 
 YLRL scholarship information Linda Hynan AC5QQ, 1312 Western Ridge Dr, Waco, TX 76712 Email: lshynan@hot.rr.com
Hamcation Starts New Award in Honor of RCA Director Carole Perry
Each year Carole attends numerous youth and amateur radio events all over the U.S., and even overseas.  One of the events she has been attending is the “Hamcation” event in Orlando Florida, and this year they decided to start a new legacy award in honor of Carole.  Carole was the first recipient of it:  The Carole Perry Educator of the Year Award!  Each year going forward an educator will be chosen to receive this new award, based on their promoting the use of amateur radio among youth.            Published February 21, 2019

25 April - International Girls in ICT Day,  (Information and communications technology)
ADL 111 at Girls Day     April 25,2019 -  000900 LT to about 1500 LT QRV.
Daughters Day is again on April 25th and the ADL 111 is back with the daughters of the employees of A1 Telekom.
Organized  from the company headquarters in Vienna and, a program that  will delight the girls using wireless technology and making countless nice QSOs on the surrounding relays. Also short wave and echolink will be in use.
We ask the YLs and OMs in the area of  Vienna to be particularly active on this day, and to listen for the voices of the girls. 
For the ADL 111 - OE3KJN Dipl.-Ing Herbert Koblmiller; a HAM-Radio Club, founded by employee of A1 Austria Telekom.located at  technology center of our Company in Vienna.

 AMRS Frauenreferat – (Austrian Military Radio Society)
YL's  Meet  Allentsteig, Waldviertel ( 5-6 July, 2019)
International friendship YL meeting in Austria (OE) in collaboration with the DARC yl group
in Allentsteig, Waldviertel. There are already YL meetings in many countries. That's why we try to organize the YL team of the AMRS-Waldviertel in Austria.
So girls, pack your bags and om's together and take a few days of vacation, which includes the radio, and join us in the beautiful waldviertel (forest).
So that we can arrange this event, we ask you to register by 31. May 2019, 
please  e-mail:  marion.stouy@gmx.at
We hope to see  and get to know you during the weekend
Vy 33 + 73 de Marion oe3ysc, YL speaker of the AMRS.

Event Date: Friday 05. July 2019 to Sunday 07. July 2019
Venue: Leisure Centre at the lake in 3804 Allentsteig
General: The meeting will take place at the leisure centre in Allentsteig. Allentsteig is located in lower Austria in the middle of the beautiful Waldviertel. The Lake is also used as a pond and is located in a quiet location on the outskirts of the city  At The Leisure Centre there is a cosy barbecue area with a BBQ, showers, toilets and a limited number of outdoor swimming pools. Accomodation available in and around Allentsteig. There is also enough space for our radio activities.
Friday 5. July - day of arrival:
We are waiting for you from 9 pm at the leisure centre allentsteig and are looking forward to a welcome chat with you! At noon there are various home made breads and in the afternoon coffee and cake will be provided.
In the late afternoon, we go to the 30 km away castle heidenreichstein and take a walk through the wasserburg. Then a cozy end at dinner in the tavern scribe.
Saturday 6. July:
It's going back from 9 PM.
At noon there are various types of sausages from the tripod boiler.
In the afternoon, interested people can participate with Heike Dl3hd, on a project (solarleuchte from a jar). Also, of course, there's coffee and cake again.
In the evening we spoil you with treats from the grill with subsequent cozy round at the bonfire.
Sunday 7. July: Home trip home
We would be very happy to see you again. Getting to know in a nice and cozy meeting!!!

The Waldviertel (Forest Quarter) in Northern Lower Austria, is a district between the Danube and the Czech border. It has myriad streams, rivers, ponds and  many hiking trails
Heidenreichstein Castle a colossal building situated in the moorlands to the northwest of the Waldviertel is the largest and best preserved medieval water castle in Lower Austria. Surrounded by a moat, it has never been in enemy hands since its construction at the end of the 12th century.
From Vienna, the town Heidenreichstein  is a 2 1/2 hour drive to the northwest of over 88 miles (141km)

Heidenreichstein Castle
Japan Yls Web group
 Amateur radio magazine CQ ham radio (Japan) introduces a new series that began with the January 2019 issue."Enjoy like me! Active female ham communication"
This web magazine is released on the 19th of every month and is about  Female ham communication
  In this series we will take up a topic that may be of interest to women enjoying amateur radio.
An example of articles in this month's issue
・ Information  QSO party  active contest between woman hams,
・ JP3AYQ  challenges Spotlight! IOTA award to female ham
・ AC4YL who manages women ham "YL Op N
YL's  Meet  Allentsteig, Waldviertel ( 5-6 July, 2019)et" on the other side of the sea
We establish a place of information and exchange between women hams! In conjunction with this series, we have launched a group on facebook,  ( https://www.facebook.com/groups/CQylham/  ).
I want to be friends with many female hams through this series. The goal is 100 people! Please don't hesitate to join the facebook group and send us your comments, as it is OK if you have female Ham's radio activities or questions about amateur radio. Thank you. 編 集 Editorial department · JI1VCQ    [The webpage has a translation.]   https://ham.cqpub.co.jp/2018/12/19/ylham201901
Female ham club ・ JLRS (Japan Ladies Radio Society) http://www.jarl.com/jlrs/

 CONTACT  US:    yl.beam newsletters :  Editor Eda    zs6ye.yl@gmail.com       
Anette Jacobs ZR6D  jhjacobsza@gmail.com  SARL news contributer & reader
Follow us on  Facebook at  ‘HAM YL'
Earlier newsletters can be found on the website of WEST RAND ARC
 wrarc-anode.blogspot.com     &   https://wrarc-anode.blogspot.co.za/    
and at:  Italian Radio Amateurs Union: QTC U.R.I.
If you do not no wish to receive our emails, please let us know and we will remove you from the mailing list.
Calendar  April 2019
1 April 2019 ICASA  licence fee increased to  R 148.00 for 1 year
1   April       Portugal's National Summits on the Air Day (SOTA)  celebrates 8th year
3  April        JLRS (Japan)  2m-YL. Host Yukiko Maki     9 PM – 9:30 PM UTC+09
4  April         SARL 80 m QSO Party
5 – 7 April   PARA Ham Radio Convention, Tacloban City, Phillipenes
6  April       Pretoria Flea market /     RaDAR  Challenge
6 -7 April       SARL  VHF/UHF Digital contest
12 April        430FM-YL-  JLRS (Japan) Host Yukiko Maki,  Friday,  9 PM – 9:30 PM UTC+09;  
12-14 April  Day of the Radio Amateur  & SARL AGM & Awards, hosts Boland ARC (RSA)
12-14 April  70th International DX Convention • Visalia, California  (N California DX Club)
13  April        YL Forum  1:00 pm Saturday,   International DX Convention, Visalia, California
13-14 April  CQWS – CQ World Scouts Contest  (2nd weekend April)
April 14        YL CQ Day - JLRS (Japan)    Host Yukiko Maki, Sunday at 9 AM – 4 PM UTC+09, 
14 April         International Vintage Contest , ARI of Rimini SSB/CW/AM  (UTC) 12.00 to 18.00
14 April       Rookie Roundup – Phone  ARRL contest /     Palm Sunday
14-15 April  MRD (Marine Radio Day)  14th April, 12.00 UTC- 15th April , 22.00 UTC
18 April       2019, World Amateur Radio Day,  “ Amateur Radio’s Contribution to Society”
19-20 April  Holyland DX Kompetisie   Contest / 19 April  Good Friday / 19 - 27 April    Passover
 20-21 April CQ Manchester Mineira DX Contest     CW 12:00 Sat- Sun. 23:59; biggest CW Competition in S America
20 April       SARL Autumn QRP  (RSA)    12:00 to 15:00 UTC Saturday
20 April       ZS4SRK Ballon Kompetisie /  Contest 
21 April       Easter Sunday 2019     /        21 April   ZS4 Sprint SARL (RSA)
25 April        International Girls in ICT Day, 4th Thursday of April  2019     IT > ICT
27 April       IMD International Marconi Day – GB4IMD /       27 April  Freedom Day (RSA)
27-28 April  BYLARA meet at Blackpool, celebrates  '40' on 29th April 2019.