
FYI - Radio Amateur Licence Renewal

Details of the new method of licence renewal are in a PDF [ICASA online - Amateur renewal] here.


yl.beam #93 april 2021


  • Results of the SARL YL Sprint, 6 March. 2021
  • Dutch Yls
  • Ja-Well-No-Fine
  • Marconi arrives on Mars
  • Story of a Net Controller    
  • YL Nets   YLRL District 5 Jan news 2021
  • YL Op Net
  • K4SAF   Carol Fraley Laferty   2021 A Ham for 63 years
  • Silent Key
  • Contacts & Calendar

Results of the SARL YL Sprint   Saturday 6 March. 2021
22 logs were received  -  YLs 8 +  OMs 14
1st Karin Andrew, ZS6MMA – 162 points
2nd Beverley van Tonder, ZR6BVT - 114 points
3rd Veronica Kotze, ZR6TVK - 105 points
4th Erika Byleveldt, ZS6ETB and Marjoke Schuitemaker, ZS5V – 93 points
6th Sonet de Wet, ZS3SW – 90 points
7th Heather Holland, ZS5YH – 87 points
8th Esmè Walsh,ZS3EW – 57 points
HF Happenings 939 Week of 8 March 2021 Page 2

Although only the yl results appear above, we are grateful to the many OMs who support us.

Dutch YLs & the Russian DX contest
PI4YLC terug met deelname aan Russian DX contest - Posted on 21/03/2021 by pa1eng

The Russian DX contest is "our" contest. As of 2013, the PI4YLC contest team has not skipped a single year. Except last year when we had to abandon our plans due to the developments in the corona pandemic. This year had to be different. We absolutely wanted to be audible in the contest and we succeeded!

Each contest has its own challenges and lessons. This time the challenge was mainly organizational. How do you organize a multi-operator participation in a contest if you have to comply with the corona measures, the contest rules and the user provisions? In other times we tried to be active with a large number of YLs in order to let several ladies gain experience with radio and contests in this way. Unfortunately that was not possible this time. That is why we have decided, in consultation, to have two ladies represent the call PI4YLC.

Because of the combination CW and SSB, Mariëtte PA1ENG and Claudia PA5CT together did the Russian DX contest from Claudia's home QTH in Esch. At the last moment a dipole for 40m was arranged so that, in addition to the FB-23 for 10, 15 and 20m and an inverted-L for 80 and 160m, all bands were possible. We used a nice dual set-up of Elecraft K3 so that one could transmit and the other could listen.

After a year of absence, it was extra special to hear the typical sounds of band noise and competition signals from the radios. We not only achieved nice contest points, but also enjoyed activating our call. Other ladies from the Dutch Young Ladies Club encouraged us from a distance or made some points themselves under their own call. We hope that next time we can bring the call PI4YLC in the air with more Yls.

Ja-Well-No-Fine  (Editorial)

There were several women-on-the-air events celebrating 8 March Women's Day and we hope to receive news and results in the future. We reflect on the diversity of Amateur radio from landing on Mars to staying home.

18th April is 'World Amateur Radio Day' and the theme for 2021 will be ‘Home but never alone’. Due to Covid-19, many gatherings and amateur radio events have been cancelled, however, amateur radio has kept us connected.  

Listen out for special event stations around the world that will be on the air that day.

A remark posted by a yl from the USA, K4SAF Carol Fraley Laferty, prompted a look at her qrz.com page.  and I hope that sharing her radio history  proves an inspiration.

Carol received a lot of support from her 'Ham' family and  whether you join a local net or work DX,  stay-on-the-air and support other Hams (Women in particular) and I hope the articles below will encourage you to do just that.

Stay active but safe  33 Heather ZS5YH
                    ‘Home but never alone’.  

Marconi arrives on Mars aboard the Rover Perseverance - NASA inserts Marconi's name in the computer memory of "Perseverance", together with that of the Science Park of Santa Marinella, a museum on the outskirts of Rome, which collects historical material about Marconi and radio.

Wonder if Marconi  ever dreamt of travelling to the planet Mars?  

INTERNATIONAL MARCONI  DAY (IMD) 25th April  - listen for special event stations.
Marconi Born: April 25, 1874, Bologna, Italy Died: July 20, 1937, Rome, Italy

In 1909 Guglielmo Marconi, along with Karl Braun, was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics.

Story of a Net Controller      

S21KV Kawsar Mohammad,, OM from Bangladesh, South Asia posted on Facebook:.  

I am actively involved with West Bengal Amateur Radio Club in conducting the SAARC Echo VHF Net for almost a year now. Many of my Amateur Radio friends have questioned that what type of Amateur Radio practice is this? Some of them asked what is the difference between using Echolink to communicate with other HAM and just DM’ing into their social media account? Some mocked that what is the use of just roll calling during the net, just say hello and then 73s? Some of them even questioned that if I, S21KV from Bangladesh, is qualified enough for being a Net Controller in the SAARC Echo VHF net.

Truth be told, I became depressed after hearing all this; I kept questioning myself, am I actually qualified enough for this position? Or am I just wasting time? I have discussed this with my mentor and good friend (yl) VU2JFB Rinku Nag Biswas Rinku Di. Her advice and kind words immediately cleared my confusion!

I believe that every member of the Amateur Radio Community should be prepared for any adverse situations that may arise at any time and one key component of that preparedness is the Echolink. In addition to that, a good Amateur Radio Operator should always be in touch with other Operators and we do this by conducting our daily nets.

A major component of such a roll call net is that each individual shares their local weather report with the net. This helps us to know about the weather of those places and get a clear image of the local condition.

Other than that we conduct special nets to celebrate special days such as International Mother Language Day or International Womens’ Day.

Another special advantage of Echolink is that any Amateur Radio Operator from any corner of the World can join the net and share their conditions.

Our SAARC Echo VHF can be locally heard in Kolkata (India) at 145.000 MHz (-ve shift).

YL Nets

With our new normal of social distancing, I am grateful we can all reach out to one another on the many YL nets around the globe.  Nearly all of the nets that I participate in, have a good size group of ladies.  So, if you have not tried to join in on one before, now if a good time.  Don't be shy.  One of the differences, besides topics, on a YL net, is you will find that the ladies really enjoy helping each other.  There are different nets for all licenses.  Come join us.

Where are the YL's.  Are you looking for YL nets?  You can find YLs on UHF, VHMR, HF and Echolink.  
 find a list of YL Nets 


YLRL District 5 Jan news 2021

YL Op Net
Intro Script:   Welcome ladies to the YL Op Net.
 This is [Your Name and Callsign] - Net Control for this evening’s net.  We meet every Thursday at 8pm Eastern Time on the Echolink ALARA Conference Node.  Be sure to invite all YLs you know to join us!
We do ask that only YLs, or female ham radio operators, check in and participate.  The purpose of this net is to encourage you to become and stay active with amateur radio, help each other enhance our operating knowledge and skills, and have fun!
YLs who would like to check in please give us your callsign, name, and current location, and don’t forget that there is a 3 to 4 second delay when transmitting through Echolink.    This is [Your Name and callsign].  We will now begin taking check-ins – please call now.

Post Script: Final Check-Ins [Call for Final Check-Ins]
Don’t forget to visit and post to our YL Op Net Facebook Group and continue net topics and questions there in between weekly nets!  We also encourage you to participate and post all ham related questions, adventures, and all things ham radio related in the YL Ops Groups.IO Group Page!
We would like to thank ALARA for the use of this EchoLink Conference Node and all linked and listening for your ongoing support of this net.
This is [Your Name and callsign] closing the YL Op Net and returning the ALARA conference node back to normal use.  33 and see you next week!
ALARA Conference Station - IRLP node is 9509

K4SAF   Carol Fraley Laferty    

A Ham for 63 years

My ham shack has been upgraded to my dream She-Shack, and I am having more fun in ham radio than I have had since a teenager.  I have been operating the digital modes for two years almost, and during the Corona Virus Pandemic I set some amateur radio goals.  I have accomplished more during this time than I ever dreamed possible.  I have finished DXCC, and received Worked All States on 160, 80, 40, 30, 20, 17, and 15, Mixed, Digital and CW.  I need only AK and WY on 10 meters. Thanks to all in the ham community all around the world for helping me achieve this.  I was never interested in completing these awards until now.  

The hardest award for me to get has been the YLRL WAS YL (Worked All States).  I need only MT and RI now to complete it.  Many more of the licensed YLs need to get on the air more often.  

I was 15 when I got my license in 1957 and will be celebrating my 64th year as a ham on 9/28/2021.  My brother, Fred Fraley, W4CHK > AA4FF > W4DF, who is now a Silent Key, was instrumental in getting me on the air. He taught me the code and shared his shack willingly with his younger sister.  I have kept the same call all my years on the air. My late father also got his license at the same time I did and was K4SAB.

I met my husband Don Laferty, K4GFY via radio in 1957. He is also now a Silent Key.  We talked for three years on cw and phone before we actually met in person.  We had been married for 53 years when he passed in 2015. Our son Don Laferty, Jr., who lives in Wisconsin, now has his Dad's call, K4GFY.

I am a retired high school Business and Computer teacher. I also taught part-time in the CIS Dept at Morehead State University.  I am active in the Young Ladies Radio League (YLRL) and was the   U.S./Canada Receiving Treasurer for 11 years.  I enjoy seeing my YLRL and ham friends at Dayton Hamvention and at our national YLRL convention, which is held every 3 years. I am also a member of QCWA, SKCC, and FISTS, and our local radio club, Morehead Amateur Radio Society, in Morehead, KY.  I received my Extra class in 2000, just before the 20 wpm code requirement was dropped. Hope to see you on the bands or possibly on Facebook.  
QCWA  Quarter Century Wireless Association
SKCC Straight Key Century Club
FISTS  The International Morse Preservation Society


Silent Key  KF4NI Ruby Carolyn Byrd    

DECEMBER 12, 1944 – DECEMBER 30, 2020
Ruby Payne Byrd, born in Davidson County, December 12, 1944, passed away December 30, 2020, age 76,  at the Lexington Health Care Center following several years of declining health.
She was a licensed ham radio operator and a notary public. She was a member of the Red Hats in Sun City, Arizona where she lived for many years. Ruby loved to go to ham fests and flea markets.    First licensed in 1973. she had been a member of YLRL for many years.
She was preceded in death by her husband Norman Kent Byrd W4NKB,  to whom she was married for 48 years

 CONTACT  US:  https://web.facebook.com/ham.yls?_rdc=1&_rdr ‘HAM YL'
  yl.beam news:  Editor Eda zs6ye.yl@gmail.com    
Earlier newsletters can be found on the website of WEST RAND ARC
 wrarc-anode.blogspot.com     &   https://wrarc-anode.blogspot.co.za/
and:  Italian Radio Amateurs Union: QTC U.R.I.
also @ https://www.darc.de/en/der-club/referate/yl/
Unsubscribe: If you do not wish to receive this newsletter, please  email zs6ye.yl@gmail.com

2021  April  Calendar

2         Good Friday
3         YL Net 1st  Saturday of month, 2000 (UK) on GB3DA Danbury 2m repeater
3         RaDAR Challenge (S Africa)
4         Passover; Easter Sunday
7 – 11  Parks in the Americas Week   00:00 UTC to 4/11/21 21:00UTC.  www.radioexpedicao.com
10        Autumn QRP contest (S Africa)
10-11   CQWS, World Scouts - HF 2021 – Contest  (Brasil)  2nd full weekend of April 24 hours,  16h00 UTC Saturday - 16h00 UTC Sunday.  
11        JLRS YL CQ Day  SUN, 9:00 AM UTC+09 – 4:00 PM UTC+09 (2nd Sunday of month)
12        New Moon; Start of Ramadan;
14 - 15 Maritime Radio Day (MRD) 10th anniversary.   1200 UTC April 14 to 2200 UTC  April 15.
         commemorates nearly 90 years of wireless service for seafarers.
17 - 18 CQMM  DX  CONTEST 0900Z, Apr 17 to 2359Z, Apr 18,  3rd full weekend April.
16-17   SARL National Convention  (S Africa)
17        ZS4SRK Balloon contest (S Africa)
18        World Amateur Radio Day 'Home but Never Alone' 2021 theme
18        ZS4 Sprint (S Africa)
22        International Girls in ICT Day  10th Anniversary every 4th Thursday of April ITU
24        Int Marconi Day (Sat)
25        Marconi's birthday
27        Freedom Day; SARL 40 m Grid Square Sprint (S Africa)