- Taking Amateur Radio to the Public - Watercrest Mall,, ZS5MAB
- Ja-No-Well-Fine
- YL's views.
- Events: South American Lighthouses on the air Weekend
- DARC’s YL group World Women’s Day
- NZ WARO Conference
- CLARA 5oth Birthday Invitation
- Maritime Nets
- QRZ & Calendar
Silent Keys
Florence Voss ZL1AXP was a foundation
member of WARO all those years ago and although not having
been active in later years, spent a lot of her younger days
both on HF and helping Amateurs in the Taupo Area.
Then sadly at the beginning of October Biny
(Sabina) Owen ZL2AZY became a silent key. Biny
was a great supporter of WARO for a long time and
was made a Life Member in 2003. She and
her OM Mervyn ZL2AVY travelled extensively
throughout the world always meeting and visiting
many of the YL’s she had had contacts with.
We also lost a great supporter of WARO with the
passing of Dave ZL1AMN, OM of Aola ZL1ALE
and Dad to Mary and Carol ZL1AJL. Dave ran the
222 YL net for a period of time and was found
in the 80’s, 90’s, and early 2000’s at most YL
functions in support of Aola.
So 54 years after Flo met in Rotoura along with
Thelma Souper ZL2JO, Celia Reed ZL1ALK, Vicki
Shaw ZL1OC, Judith Holland ZL1AWM and Janette
Barker ZL1ANA, to form our wonderful group, WARO says Thank
you. May you rest in Peace. Cathy Purdie ZL2ADK
Local is Lekker
Taking Amateur Radio to the Public…..The
Watercrest Mall – KZN.
9 to 11 December 2016. Mike Boatwright, ZS5MAB.
Shopping malls are well oiled income generating
establishments – ‘for free’ is not part of their business
plan. There were requirements for a fully documented proposal:
floor layout, fire hazard compliance, health and safety
criteria to be met, visual materials to be professionally
designed and printed, suitable dress code for those manning
the display, no eating permitted at the display, the display
to be manned in accordance with normal trading hours in the
The level of preparation activity increased
almost by the hour, the demand for more help in all aspects
increased and many willingly stepped up to the plate.
Three days before the display was due to begin, a
phone call advised that the display area has been moved to a
different location in the Mall. Once again, power point
requirements, ceiling clearance for antennas, etc., had to be
re-established. As well as a complete overhaul of the display
Thursday evening (after normal Mall trading
hours) the Highway ARC arrived. Numerous shopping trolleys
were wheeled in with equipment, large flat screen TV’s,
posters, signage, club branding, antennas, power supplies,
chairs, multiple coax lengths, extension leads
By 09:00 the next morning the stage was set with
a modern and exciting face, for Amateur Radio, a face that
could be looked at from many angles.
Was the weekend successful?
What price do you attach to an 8-year-old girl’s
ear-to-ear smile when talking to her Dad from the other end of
the Mall on a hand held – priceless! How do you measure that
many people are now aware that the hobby still exists? the
benefits of social interaction?; of enthusiasm rekindled?; the
popularity of a Facebook feed, or YouTube video of the
display? And more…
Do it all again? For sure, but only after
Above edited version from: Radio ZS January 2017
Loved the pic of the twins soldering (above). Think the
club has a winning team there, sure they were a big
draw-card. (Of course I'm biased but many must have thought
if 2 young girls could – surely they could too.) Good
choice, a vibrant festive mall at a time when the young
have just been let loose.
Hoping this newsletter finds you rested after the
holidays, ready to grab the mic and make many qso's in the
new Year of 2017. How to encourage Hams to 'press to talk'
seems a subject often under discussion. Below are some views
from one side of the world to the other – why not share
Hope the final piece about a Maritime Mobile will inspire
some to keep a listening ear tuned.
33 & 88 Editor ZS5YH
YL's views. Are Ham YL's different? Should they be
considered special?
ALARA (Australian Ladies AR Assoc) re-printed questions
asked in an earlier yl.beam. Below are some replies posted
on ALARA's Facebook page.
Kimberly Olsen Given recent events, I have the following
comments and I will try to be positive.
He says:there must be a way to get YL’s even more
interested and excited about the hobby?
Kimberly: There is, make it a space where women
are welcomed, respected and have a voice, are listened to
particularly with respect to the "modes" of communication
that women relate to - we respond when people communicate in
ways that respect the ways in which we interpret the world.
Chest beating and testosterone filled environments make us
feel extremely unwelcome.
“is there anything more that can be done to make it
more relevant for YLs?"
Kimberly: My view is that it is relevant to us, we
like techy pursuits but as we get older and many of us live
alone in smaller rented spaces, some of us (me excluded)
would like assistance to get on the air. Many of us would
welcome someone helping us with antenna installations and
the like. We are also very busy with other pursuits and tend
to not be as single minded as the fellas.
What would we like from the hobby?
Kimberly: To be able to operate and take part
without my gender being a subject of discussion nor
something that dis-empowers me.
Is it all about confidence?
Kimberly: Haha..No! But sometimes it would be
helpful if we were listened to and respected in the same way
that OMs respect OMs
At what level of the hobby are YL specific interests
catered for?
Kimberly: I don't have YL specific interest in ham
radio, I think my interests are the same as the fellas,
although I do like the socialisation.
Diane Main replied: I've been lucky to join a
club where YL's are respected whether they are licensed or
not. We have a bi-monthly social lunch where we just meet
with partners, children and even grand-children. We have a
number of members who will share their knowledge with
everyone without being "superior" My first job in the club
was to organise the monthly tea/coffee and bikkies post
meeting I was their first female Tea Lady. I am now the
secretary and we all work together.
Ham Nation Host Amanda Alden (K1DDN), September 7,
2016 · Canon City, CO, United States ·
On a friend’s FB post, I saw a semi-negative comment
questioning why would we have a ladies night on Ham Nation.
It said something like, “Why aren’t all hams considered the
same? Why should females be considered special?” Now I'm not
trying to call that person out, but I do think this is worth
addressing in case there are others wondering the same
So here's my answer: if you watch the show tonight on Ham
Nation you'll see what the whole point of ladies night is.
We are out to prove that we ARE equals and shouldn't be
treated differently. We will be showing our audience that we
have the radio skills, building skills, knowledge of
emergency services and a multitude of other skills that are
equivalent to any male ham. We don’t want to be treated
“special”. Our goal is to be taken seriously in the ham
radio world.
Ladies night is about actually doing something to make
the amateur radio hobby “equal” by encouraging more women to
get licensed and comfortable talking on the air. We will
never really be equal until that happens.
So no, we’re not trying to prove that we’re better or
special because we’re women. Our purpose is to let everyone
know that we’re real hams and we’re here to stay.
Why don’t we work together (men, women & children
hams alike) to help dispel the true stereo-types of amateur
radio. Let’s teach the rest of the world about what we
really do in the hobby and help them realize who we are.
A live weekly Ham Radio Netcast "Ham Nation" premiered
May 24, 2011; on podcasting network, TwiT. Currently airs
live on Wednesday at 6:00pm PT/9:00pm ET with the on demand
download available within 24 hours.
17-19 Feb.2017 - 9th Annual South
American Lighthouses on the air Weekend
Organised through GRUPO DX BAHIA
BLANCA, under the official auspices of ARLHS
email: Carlos Almirón
International YL Activity -
World Women’s Day 2017
For the fourth time, the DARC’s
YL group and Sophie F4DHQ are organizing an international
YL-Activity on International Women’s Day : Sunday, March
5th, 2017
Time: from 08:00 until 12:00 MET
(07:00 until 11:00 UTC)
Modes: 40m and 80m; SSB &
DARC’s YL group (Deutscher
Conference 2017 will be held in
Rotoura weekend June 3rd and 4th. NZ WARO will be 55
years old and will celebrate in the same place and same
hotel that it was started 55 years ago
CLARA 50th Birthday
If any of you are planning a
wonderful holiday in Canada in 2017, CLARA would love to see
you at their 50th Birthday Bash. July 17-22 2017. This
convention will be held in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. It’s
truly the Centre of Canada.
We have booked a block of rooms
at the Best Western Plus Airport Hotel for a great price of
$109.00 Canadian Dollars. We are looking at double
Please go to the CLARA website: and go to the CLARA’s
50th Birthday Bash for a short survey, and to see what we
have started to get planned for you.
This is not just for CLARA
members; this is for ALL YLs who wish to attend.
We would love to see you in
Winnipeg. 33 Val Lemko VE5ACJ President CLARA
Maritime Nets - Solo Sailor
Glenn. VA7MLW January
6, 2017
I had one of those rare times
when the universe came together and the ham conditions were
perfect. First I spoke with the wonderful operators of the
Pacific Seafarer's net who are looking out for me. Tonight
at 03:00 Zulu on 14300 mhz. I spoke with Jane NH7TZ who is
located on the Island of Kauai as well as net controller
Randy KH6RC who is located on the big Island of Hawaii.
take calls through relay stations just like Peter ZL1 PWM in
Russell, Bay of Islands, NZ as well as operators from
Australia, and the mainland. They call for people with
emergencies or in need of medical help first and then
vessels either in port or getting ready to leave port that
want to join their roll call. They record your Lat, Long,
Course, Speed, Wind, Wave conditions, Cloud cover, Barometer
reading and Miles covered in the last 24hrs. At this time of
year there are very few vessels on the roll call. As a
matter of fact West wind II is the only one in the Pacific
at the moment. So, with only me on the roll call I had a
chance to have a good chat with Jane and Randy this
afternoon. It's always wonderful for a single handed sailor
to talk to anyone, but there is something special about a
woman's voice on the radio and so it is always nice to hear
that Sked I switched to 14140 mhz at 04:00 Zulu and picked
up my old friends who were first with me on the air in
2006-07 when I was going around in Kim Chow. Cliff ZL4 AS,
based in Balclutha (south Island NZ) was was operating on a
mobile radio. He was with his wife Isobel (same birthday as
MaryLou's Jan 14th) and stopped on the side of the road on
his way to their summer cottage near Wanaka.
casual net master today was my very dear friend Barry
Mitchell VK2 GGA who is now located about 40 km inland from
Coff's Harbour on the west coast of Australia with his
partner Julie on their 100 acre parcel. Just up the way from
them are two regular contributors to our group Wayne VK4 XG
in Brisbane along with Bruce VK4 YS also in Brisbane and
today we also had Bob E51BQ on the Island of Rarotonga whom
I met when I was there. We all got to talk to each other
through the miracle of ham even though we were thousands of
miles apart and for free.
don't solve the worlds problems but I know all those guys
care about me and Marylou and it is such a privilege to have
that friendship which goes for the Operators of the
Seafarer's net as well. I feel very lucky and honoured to
have them there. Cheers Glenn. VA7MLW
Sailing vessel “ West Wind 2”
9 Jan, 2017 about 100 miles south of Honolulu
SARLNUUS met Anette Jacobs ZR6D
AMATEUR RADIO TODAY -listen on line or download
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2017 January
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20 - 22 Jan PEARS
VHF/UHF Contest
21-29 Jan SOS
Radio Week 2017: (RNLI) Royal National Lifeboat
28 Jan SARL
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- 2017 Year of the Rooster
February 2017
4 Feb
ERB Amateur
radio club flea market 12:00 Benoni.
5 Feb
AWA CW Activity
11-12 Feb SARL
National Field Day / Midmar
13 Feb World
Radio Day United
Nations observance
17-19 Feb. 9th
annual Sourh American Lighthouses on the air Weekend
18 Feb Ladies
of the Net Radio Club KM6CIR, activive aboard USS Hornet
Museum Ship