
Yes! Finally a Geo-stationary Amateur Radio Satellite.

Just saw this on Hackaday. Es’hail-2: Hams Get Their First Geosynchronous Repeater 

Now where do I get a transmitter for 2.4GHz? Oh I know I could use the lightning modified router...

"The repeater was engineered with two main services in mind. The first is a narrowband transponder intended for phone (voice) contacts, continuous wave (CW) for Morse contacts, and some of the narrow bandwidth digital modes, like PSK-31. The other transponder is for wideband use, intended to test Digital Amateur Television (DATV). The wideband transponder can carry two simultaneous HD signals and a beacon broadcasting video content from QARS. Both transponders uplink on the portion of the 2.4-GHz reserved for hams, while downlinking on the 10.4-GHz band."
USA Amateurs need not apply...HI!
"But for hams anywhere from coastal Brazil to Thailand, the satellite is visible 24 hours a day. The equipment to use it can be a bit daunting, if the experience of this amateur radio club in Norway is any indication. They used a 3-metre dish for the 2.4-GHz uplink, along with a string of homebrew hardware and a lot of determination to pull off their one contact so far, and this from a team used to bouncing signals off the Moon." 
There is a Wikipedia page for it:-
Once upon a time a downlink on 10GHz was unheard of for radio amateurs. Now it is possible to do it at a reasonable price...

John Brock


yl.beam # 68 march 2019

ZR6D Anette Claase Jacobs 1 March, 2019 
Radio Amateur Jong Dames stemme van die wêreld
Neli Pantsutaia van Denemarke het 'n versoek gerig aan alle Jong Dames wat Radio Amateurs is, om 'n vir haar 'n opname te stuur wat sy kan gebruik gedurende 'n fees by die Royal Danish Academy of Music. Hierdie gebeurtenis vind plaas op 9 Maart 2019, wat ook die dag is na Wêreld Vroue dag. Die opname is baie eenvoudig, al wat jy moet doen is om CQ CQ CQ te roep jou roepsein te gee en jou naam.
Die versoek is as volg:
Hallo Jong Dames daar buite. Ons is nog steeds op soek na Jong Dames se roepseine van die wêreld. Kan jy ons nog help? Asseblief ons benodig dit so gou as moontlik. Die komponis Neli Pantsutaia doen 'n projek "Vroulike stemme van die wêreld" en wil graag die vroulike radio-amateurs se stemme in sluit in haar projek.
Sy benodig, “CQ CQ CQ, jou roepsein jou roepsein en jou Naam” byvoorbeeld “CQ CQ CQ ZR6D ZR6D Anette.” Stuur dit dan na Neli by neli.pantsulaia@tsc.edu.ge of na 0045 91564744. Die stuk sal 'n lewendige optrede wees deur Petra Larson, OZ7PR en Inger Lundin, OZ7AGR (beide van Denemarke). Baie dankie. 33 de Inger Lundin, OZ7AGR
Hierdie projek is enig in sy soort en het belangstelling gewek by menige Jong Dames reg oor die wêreld.
Radio Amateur Young Ladies Voices of the World
Neli Pantsutaia has requested that all young ladies who are radio amateurs to send a recording of their voices that she will use in a composition for the Royal Danish Academy of Music festival. This event will take place on 9 March 2019, the day after World Woman’s Day. The recording is simple, all you need to do is to call CQ CQ CQ, your callsign and your name.
The request is as follows:
Hello YLs, out there. We are still hunting for YLs call signs from the world? Can you still help us? Please! We need it as quickly as possible. The composer Neli Pantsutaia will make a Piece "Female voices of the world" and like to include female radio amateurs' voices in her composition.
She needs, “CQ CQ CQ, your call sign your call sign and your name” eg “CQ CQ CQ ZR6D ZR6D Anette” and then send it to Neli at neli.pantsulaia@tsc.edu.ge or to 0045 91564744. The piece will be performed live by Petra Larson, OZ7PR and Inger Lundin, OZ7AGR (both from Denmark). 
Lots of thanks. 33 de Inger Lundin OZ7AGR.
This project is unique and has attracted a lot of interest amongst YL's all over the world
Radio Amateur young ladies votes of the world
  • Silent Key
  • International Women’s Day 2019 : Europe FR – DL; 
  • Japan Ladies Radio Society (JLRS) ; XE Young Lady Contest 2019
  • YL CHILE;  Radio Club La Rioja (LU1SF)  YLs of Argentina;  Dutch Young Ladies Club
  • YL Expedition OK5Z Třebíč Czech Republic August 2019
  • Marconi  "100 years Celebrations" Ireland
  • Contacts & Calendar
Silent Keys
S/K  KI6PDY JoAnne Benson SK  January 4, 2019. 
Born January 1, 1944 in Britton, Michigan. One of her bigger undertakings after retirement was sailing the open seas with her husband, George. Together they enjoyed summers together cruising their boat, Teal, making their way multiple times up through British Columbia and venturing as far north as Sitka, Alaska. Fun fact: she was a technician class HAM radio operator, and a card-carrying member of the ARRL,

S/K WD8DQG   Carol Louise Vanderwood Hall.  Hazel Park, MI USA  
Diagnosed with breast cancer in December she passed away the morning of 27 feb 2019
Licenced in 1975, Kentucky, Past President of TASYLs (The Auto State YL Society) and vice- president of the Central Michigan Area Repeater Association.
YLRL District 8 Chairwoman, President YLRL 2000-2002 YLRL, Treasurer 2002-2007 
Checked in to YL Open House, Tangle Net, DXYL net. Operated on HF and  Echo Link
She attended "World Conferences of Women Radio Operators"; 1990 - Stockholm, Sweden ; 1996 - Berlin, Germany; 1998- Svalbard, Norway; 2002 - Palermo, Sicily; 2004 - Seoul, Korea ; 2006- Mumbai, India
Carol's son‎ Daniel Hall posted on Facebook 27 Feb 2019 ·
Dad was an amateur radio operator (HAM) and somewhere along the way, maybe just to prove she could, she learned Morse code at 5 words per minute and taught herself all of the technical stuff and passed the exam to get her first HAM license. Never being satisfied, she improved her Morse code speed to 7 and then 12 words per minute and learned even more technical "stuff", took the exams and got the next two higher categories of licenses. She loved talking to people on the radio and made friends around the world and actually travelled to visit some of them. She was an active member of Young Ladies Radio League and served in several different leadership positions with them.

YL Activity on International Women’s Day 8th March 2019
 YL France and YL- DARC (Germany) 
host the 5th annual special event celebrating Womens Day 
We hope for your numerous participation! Maybe this year even more European YL stations qrv?
Time: 18:00 – 22:00 UTC. (19:00 to 23 clock MEZ)
Bands: 20, 40 and 80 m,  Operating modes: SSB & CW 
Scoring favours the yls (eg YL-YL 3 points, but YL-OM. 1 point)
Participants from Germany shall send their log to Heike, DL3HD (dl3hd@darc.de
while participants from other countries shall send their log to Sophie, F4DHQ (f4dhq@orange.fr).
Submission deadline is: May 1st, 2019
Results will be published in  CQDL and on  www.darc.de/yl
33 + 73   + 55 (hamspeak for ' lots of success')     de   Sophie F4DHQ and Heike DL3HD

YL Activity Party      
14th March 2019 19:00 -21:00 UTC              3600-3650 kHz and 3700-3775 kHz
15th March 2019 1900-2059 UTC                 144.180-144.400 MHz FM (simplex) and SSB
Send log to Heike DL3HD dl3hd@darc.de  by the end of March.
Hina-Matsuri - Japanese Doll Festival,
 is a famous traditional girls' festival on March 3, in Japan, to celebrate the birth of a girl and to wish her future happiness. A set of dolls in ancient costumes are displayed in a girl's house. 
The 16th JLRS 3.3 Hina Contest / chicks contest convention -  Japan Ladies Radio Society (JLRS) 
 Purpose: To deepen the activity at each band of YL station and deepen the exchange with each station 
 Date and time  (JST) :  March 3rd 2019 (Sunday) 0: 00 ~ 24: 00
 Date and time  (UTC)  March 2, 2019 at 15: 00UTC -  15: 00March 3, 2019

JLRS, Japan Ladies Radio Society,  was founded in 1957 in Japan by 3 women, Fumi Abe JA1AEQ, 
Kuni Kan JA1YL, and late Kimi Kobayashi JA0EC.  As of April 2017, we have about 160 members in Japan and 43 overseas., more than 200 members in total.

South African Radio League YL Sprint
Date and Time Saturday 9 March 2019,  from 12:00 to 14:00 UTC 
Exchange is a RS report;  and YL or OM.
Band & Mode: phone sprint on the 40-metre band,   7 063 to 7 100 and 7 130 to 7 200 kHz
Scoring:  YL/ YL  stations  5 points.
 YL / OM stations 3 points
 OM / OM stations  1 point.
Logs to be submitted by 16 March 2019,  by e-mail to zs4bfn@mweb.co.za 
(See 2019 South African Radio League Contest Manual for more information.)

Yls from Argentina, Mexico and Chile, will hold contests to commemorate the "Día Internacional de la Mujer" (Int Womens Day)

Yls of Mexico
 XE Young Lady Contest 2019 - Radio Club Pubela DX - 
8 March         Time: 1900-2000 XE (0100-0200 UTC)     40m SSB

Contest "International Women's Day 2019" by Leticia San Martin
Dear Friends:
In 1977, the UN assembly decreed International Women's Day on March 8 of each year. This date was established because of the struggle of women in society and their full development as a person.
For this reason, Radio Club YL CHILE has planned a contest for Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 March.
Comienzo: Sábado 9 de marzo 2019, a las 13 Hrs. UTC (10:00 hrs. de Chile).
Finalizando el Domingo 10 de marzo 2019, a las 22 Hrs. UTC (19:00 hrs. de Chile).
 reception of the logs (forms) until March 2 2
 e-mail to contacto@ylc.cl 

Radio Club La Rioja (LU1SF)  YLs of Argentina 
We invite all Amateur Radio  ladies to participate and celebrate this special day. 
Join this 'on-air Argentinian party' to celebrate the INTERNATIONAL DAY OF THE WOMAN.
This event will be on-air from 00:00 UTC on March 6 until 00:00 UTC on March 13, (remember that in Argentina you must add 3 hours more to the local time to get the UTC time)
All Bands & modes:  2 meters, SSB, CW, FT8, PSK, etc.  (as per category and authorized license requirements)
If using systems such as Echolink,  clarify the system used in QSL confirmation.
Logs must be submitted by 31 March 2019

Dutch Young Ladies Club Proud 2B PI4YLC Posted on 19/02/2019 by pa1eng
Dutch YL- award 2018
Almost one year ago we turned the month of March into ‘our month’, as we launched our Dutch YL-award. We made a lot of long distance radio contacts with radio amateurs all across the globe. This year we will celebrate International Women’s Day, by organising “Ladies Night at PI4AA”. 
CQ ham radio… mail from Japan!
Through their radio contacts radio-amateurs make friends far off. Sometimes these contacts lead to something special. Today, a big envelope arrived, covered in strange signs and exotic stamps. Inside, a Japanese magazine for radio amateurs: the ‘CQ Ham radio’ accompanied by a 50MHz special. Somewhere in the middle of the magazine one finds an article about the Dutch YL-award. In Japanese, of course.
Yukiko Maki 7K4TKB is a freelance writer for ‘CQ ham radio’. She contacted us some weeks ago about the Dutch YL-award 2018. She asked if she could write an article about our activities. Yes, of course! We’re not exactly sure what she wrote, but we are Proud 2B PI4YLC! in a Japanese radio magazine…

PI4YLC active in the Russian DX contest.
PI4YLC in RDXC with nine YL operators! Posted on 17/03/2018 by pa1eng
the Dutch Young Ladies Club contest team joined the Russian DX contest (RDXC) for the 6th time. Since a YL-operator team participated at the SP-DX contest in 2012, the team has grown every year and now consists of eleven Young Ladies. The YLs live every where in the country (and just across the border in Germany), it is a challenge to have everyone present at the same time. That is why it is extra special to have PI4YLC participate in the contest with nine (!) YL-operators. OM Raymond PA5DX helped us with the set-up. 

March 1: Ladies Night at PI4AA Posted on 03/02/2019
On the 8th of March it is International Women's Day and that is why last year we named the month of March 'our' month with a YL-award. This year we are going to do something different to bring attention in March for the YLs in the radio hobby: a Ladies Night at PI4AA on  Friday, March 1st.

PI4AA  (VERON HQ station) 
Because Emmie PA1EM, Mariëtte PA1ENG and Heather PD3GVQ are already connected to the editors of PI4AA, the intention is that they will be the  presenters during the  broadcast. The editorial staff will take care of the copy and editing. The attendance call-in after the broadcast will be provided by operators from the PI4YLC contest team.
Go to the website for pod-casts of the monthly broadcasts.  www.pi4rcg.nl  

OL88YL  International  YL Expedition Czech Republic 2.8.-8.8.2019
OK5Z -  Moravian Contest Group Eva Thiemann-Pospíšková OL88YL
Accommodation QTH: Hotel Valeč, (near Třebíč), Vysočina Region.
Valec 1, CZ-675 53 Valec, Vysočina GPS 49.14752 N 16.03576 E
Accommodation for 6 nights in the selected room
6x breakfast buffet
6x lunch (soup, main course)
6x buffet dinner. Buffet is 5-course (soup, starters, main courses, salads, desserts)
On the day 2 beer, 1 coffee, 1 water (in the hotel included in the price)
Non-alcoholic & alcoholic beverages at the radio station (beer, wine, water), sponsored by Ruda OK2ZA
Day-long entry to the hotel wellness - indoor relaxation and massage pool, outdoor heated pools, outdoor whirlpool, cooling pool, steam sauna, Finnish saunas, panoramic sauna, tepidarium, ice cave, Kneipp footpath, relaxation zones. Free access to the fitness centre. WIFI in all hotel rooms. In the rooms there are bathrobes and slippers, a hair dryer
 parking free of charge in front of the castle (for 90 cars) or in underground garages ( 70 cars)
Check in at 14:00, check out until 10:00
Price full pension: 12.600, - CZK / person / stay (approx. 500, - EUR)
The hotel is 12 km away from the radio station. Transport to / from the radio station will be provided by the rented minibus.  Using the contest station OK5Z -  Moravian Contest Group
Technical Support OK5Z: (Oms) OK2ZA, OK2ZC, OK2ZI, OK2EW, OK2NMA OK2ARM, OK2AF
Application (send until end of March 2019):
Number of persons; Name and surname of all interested parties;
Birth date Call sign if any
Favorite mode at the station: SSB, CW, Digi incl. FT8
Address Telephone E-Mail
Number of people in the room T-shirt size 
Passport photo: only YL
I accept registrations with pleasure at hb9fpm@uska.ch  (Eva Thiemann, HB9FPM / OK3QE).
Feel free to contact me for any questions.
Třebíč  is the third most important town in Moravia, in the Vysočina Region of the Czech Republic; 35 km southeast of Jihlava and 65 km west of Brno. 
The historical town of Trebic, which extends on both sides of the river Jihlava, was declared a Conservation Area in 1990. The Jewish Quarter and St. Procopius Basilica are listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
There are  two train stations serving the town: Třebíč and Třebíč-Borovina  and the bus station is in the center, only few steps away from the bridge on Jihlava river.

Marconi  "100 years Celebrations" Ballybunion January 31, 2019
On Tuesday the 19th of March 2019, Princess Elettra Giovanelli, daughter of Marconi and her son Prince Gugielmo Marconi will visit the former site of the Marconi Radio Station on the 100 year anniversary of the first spoken word from East to West from the Radio Station to Cape Breton, Nova Scotia Canada. In the afternoon they will unveil a commemorative plaque to this historic occasion in Ballybunion. All are welcome to attend.

19th March 2019 Marconi  100th Anniversary  first East to West voice across the Atlantic
 2019 the Special Event Call EI-100-YXQ will be on air to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the historic event, of the fist East to West voice transmissions across the Atlantic from the former Marconi radio station in Ballybunion, Co Kerry, Ireland. 
19th March 2019 is the anniversary date, and on this day, KARG and others will be QRV from the site of the former Marconi radio station on all band, all modes.
 CONTACT  US:    yl.beam newsletters :  Editor Eda zs6ye.yl@gmail.com     
Anette Jacobs ZR6D  jhjacobsza@gmail.com  SARL news contributer & reader
Follow us on  Facebook at  ‘HAM YL' 
Earlier newsletters can be found on the website of WEST RAND ARC
and at:  Italian Radio Amateurs Union: QTC U.R.I. 
If you do not no wish to receive our emails, please let us know and we will remove you from the mailing list.

Calendar  March 2019
3  March   Japan Ladies Radio Soc. JLRS Dolls Festival, or Girls’ Day, Hina Contest for YLs
5 March     AGCW YL-CW Party (Activity Group CW)  1st Tuesday, March 1900 - 2100 UTC.
5-13 March  Argentine Yls 
8  March    International Women’s Day  Friday 
8 March    YL Activity French – DL Yls 18:00 – 22:00 UTC
8 March    XE Young Lady Contest    Time: 1900-2000 XE ( March 0100-0200 UTC) 40m SSB
9 March     SARL YL Sprint f  (for International Women’s Day) 12:00 to 14:00 UTC 
9 -10 March :YL CHILE  Sábado   9 -  1300 Hrs. UTC (10:00 hrs Chile).
                Domingo 10  a las 22 00Hrs. UTC (19:00 hrs. Chile).
9 March         SARL VHF/UHF Analogue contest; 
9-10 March 82nd RSGB Commonwealth contest 9 Saturday 
9-10 March  South America 10 Meter Contest.  1200Z, Mar 9 to 1200Z, Mar 10, 2019
10 March  SARL VHF/UHF Analogue contest; 
10 March         Sunday  Sydney AR Ferry Contest  /    Cape Town Cycle Race; 
14 & 15 Marc  YL Activity Party – DL – YL (Germany)
19-20 March  CLARA Chatter Party  19 March 1700Z - 20March 1700Z  Total equal 24 hours
14-17 March  East India Ham Meet 2019 | Sunderbans  
16 March         AMSAT SA  “Space Science with Amateur Radio”
16 maart         44ste, jaarlijkse Dutch National Radio Flea market 2019  (NL)
19 March         Marconi  100th Anniversary   2019
21 March  SA Human Right’s Day  (Thursday) 
22 March         AWA 16th Anniversary (2019) RSA
23-24 March  CLARA Chatter Party  23 March 1700Z - 24 March 1700Z  Total equal 24 hours.
30 March  Florence RadioFest, Empoli,Tuscany, Italy,  9 AM (UTC+01)  20 km  SW  Florence 
30 March  Earth Hour 2019, switch off your lights from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm.
30-31 March CQ WPX SSB 
31 March         Amateur License pay.  ICASA  increased to  R 148.00 for 1 year

12-14 April-  2019  SARL Day of the Radio Amateur  & SARL Awards hosted by Boland ARC, Stellenbosch,

yl.beam # 68 march 2019

ZR6D Anette Claase Jacobs    1 March, 2019
Radio Amateur Jong Dames stemme van die wêreld
Neli Pantsutaia van Denemarke het 'n versoek gerig aan alle Jong Dames wat Radio Amateurs is, om 'n vir haar 'n opname te stuur wat sy kan gebruik gedurende 'n fees by die Royal Danish Academy of Music. Hierdie gebeurtenis vind plaas op 9 Maart 2019, wat ook die dag is na Wêreld Vroue dag. Die opname is baie eenvoudig, al wat jy moet doen is om CQ CQ CQ te roep jou roepsein te gee en jou naam.
Die versoek is as volg:
Hallo Jong Dames daar buite. Ons is nog steeds op soek na Jong Dames se roepseine van die wêreld. Kan jy ons nog help? Asseblief ons benodig dit so gou as moontlik. Die komponis Neli Pantsutaia doen 'n projek "Vroulike stemme van die wêreld" en wil graag die vroulike radio-amateurs se stemme in sluit in haar projek.
Sy benodig, “CQ CQ CQ, jou roepsein jou roepsein en jou Naam” byvoorbeeld “CQ CQ CQ ZR6D ZR6D Anette.” Stuur dit dan na Neli by neli.pantsulaia@tsc.edu.ge of na 0045 91564744. Die stuk sal 'n lewendige optrede wees deur Petra Larson, OZ7PR en Inger Lundin, OZ7AGR (beide van Denemarke). Baie dankie. 33 de Inger Lundin, OZ7AGR
Hierdie projek is enig in sy soort en het belangstelling gewek by menige Jong Dames reg oor die wêreld.
Radio Amateur Young Ladies Voices of the World
Neli Pantsutaia has requested that all young ladies who are radio amateurs to send a recording of their voices that she will use in a composition for the Royal Danish Academy of Music festival. This event will take place on 9 March 2019, the day after World Woman’s Day. The recording is simple, all you need to do is to call CQ CQ CQ, your callsign and your name.
The request is as follows:
Hello YLs, out there. We are still hunting for YLs call signs from the world? Can you still help us? Please! We need it as quickly as possible. The composer Neli Pantsutaia will make a Piece "Female voices of the world" and like to include female radio amateurs' voices in her composition.
She needs, “CQ CQ CQ, your call sign your call sign and your name” eg “CQ CQ CQ ZR6D ZR6D Anette” and then send it to Neli at neli.pantsulaia@tsc.edu.ge or to 0045 91564744. The piece will be performed live by Petra Larson, OZ7PR and Inger Lundin, OZ7AGR (both from Denmark).
Lots of thanks. 33 de Inger Lundin OZ7AGR.
This project is unique and has attracted a lot of interest amongst YL's all over the world
Radio Amateur young ladies votes of the world
  • Silent Key
  • International Women’s Day 2019 : Europe FR – DL;
  • Japan Ladies Radio Society (JLRS) ; XE Young Lady Contest 2019
  • YL CHILE;  Radio Club La Rioja (LU1SF)  YLs of Argentina;  Dutch Young Ladies Club
  • YL Expedition OK5Z Třebíč Czech Republic August 2019
  • Marconi  "100 years Celebrations" Ireland
  • Contacts & Calendar


Silent Keys
S/K     KI6PDY    JoAnne Benson    SK  January 4, 2019.
Born January 1, 1944 in Britton, Michigan. One of her bigger undertakings after retirement was sailing the open seas with her husband, George. Together they enjoyed summers together cruising their boat, Teal, making their way multiple times up through British Columbia and venturing as far north as Sitka, Alaska. Fun fact: she was a technician class HAM radio operator, and a card-carrying member of the ARRL,

S/K    WD8DQG   Carol Louise Vanderwood Hall.  Hazel Park, MI USA 
Diagnosed with breast cancer in December she passed away the morning of 27 feb 2019
Licenced in 1975, Kentucky, Past President of TASYLs (The Auto State YL Society) and vice- president of the Central Michigan Area Repeater Association.
YLRL District 8 Chairwoman, President YLRL 2000-2002 YLRL, Treasurer 2002-2007
Checked in to YL Open House, Tangle Net, DXYL net. Operated on HF and  Echo Link
She attended "World Conferences of Women Radio Operators"; 1990 - Stockholm, Sweden ; 1996 - Berlin, Germany; 1998- Svalbard, Norway; 2002 - Palermo, Sicily; 2004 - Seoul, Korea ; 2006- Mumbai, India
Carol's son‎ Daniel Hall posted on Facebook 27 feb 2019 ·
Dad was an amateur radio operator (HAM) and somewhere along the way, maybe just to prove she could, she learned Morse code at 5 words per minute and taught herself all of the technical stuff and passed the exam to get her first HAM license. Never being satisfied, she improved her Morse code speed to 7 and then 12 words per minute and learned even more technical "stuff", took the exams and got the next two higher categories of licenses. She loved talking to people on the radio and made friends around the world and actually traveled to visit some of them. She was an active member of Young Ladies Radio League and served in several different leadership positions with them.

YL Activity on International Women’s Day 8th March 2019
 YL France and YL- DARC (Germany)

host the 5th annual special event celebrating Womens Day
We hope for your numerous participation! Maybe this year even more European YL stations qrv?
Time:    18:00 – 22:00 UTC. (19:00 to 23 clock MEZ)
Bands:    20, 40 and 80 m,     Operating modes: SSB & CW
Scoring favours the yls (eg YL-YL 3 points, but YL-OM. 1 point)
Participants from Germany shall send their log to Heike, DL3HD (dl3hd@darc.de)
while participants from other countries shall send their log to Sophie, F4DHQ (f4dhq@orange.fr).
Submission deadline is: May 1st, 2019
Results will be published in  CQDL and on  www.darc.de/yl
33 + 73   + 55 (hamspeak for ' lots of success')     de   Sophie F4DHQ and Heike DL3HD

YL Activity Party     
14th March 2019    19:00 -21:00 UTC              3600-3650 kHz and 3700-3775 kHz
15th March 2019    1900-2059 UTC                 144.180-144.400 MHz FM (simplex) and SSB
Send log to Heike DL3HD dl3hd@darc.de  by the end of March.

Hina-Matsuri - Japanese Doll Festival,
 is a famous traditional girls' festival on March 3, in Japan, to celebrate the birth of a girl and to wish her future happiness. A set of dolls in ancient costumes are displayed in a girl's house.
The 16th JLRS 3.3 Hina Contest / chicks contest convention -  Japan Ladies Radio Society (JLRS)
 Purpose: To deepen the activity at each band of YL station and deepen the exchange with each station
 Date and time  (JST) :     March 3rd 2019 (Sunday) 0: 00 ~ 24: 00
 Date and time  (UTC)  March 2, 2019    at 15: 00UTC -  15: 00March 3, 2019

JLRS, Japan Ladies Radio Society,  was founded in 1957 in Japan by 3 women, Fumi Abe JA1AEQ,
Kuni Kan JA1YL, and late Kimi Kobayashi JA0EC.  As of April 2017, we have about 160 members in Japan and 43 overseas., more than 200 members in total.

YL mast.jpg
South African Radio League YL Sprint
Date and Time Saturday 9 March 2019,  from 12:00 to 14:00 UTC
Exchange is a RS report;  and YL or OM.
Band & Mode: phone sprint on the 40-metre band,   7 063 to 7 100 and 7 130 to 7 200 kHz
Scoring:  YL/ YL  stations  5 points.
 YL / OM stations 3 points
 OM / OM stations  1 point.
Logs to be submitted by 16 March 2019,  by e-mail to zs4bfn@mweb.co.za
(See 2019 South African Radio League Contest Manual for more information.)

Yls from Argentina, Mexico and Chile, will hold contests to commemorate the "Día Internacional de la Mujer" (Int Womens Day)

Yls of Mexico
 XE Young Lady Contest 2019 - Radio Club Pubela DX -
8 March         Time: 1900-2000 XE (0100-0200 UTC)     40m SSB

Contest "International Women's Day 2019"    by Leticia San Martin
Dear Friends:
In 1977, the UN assembly decreed International Women's Day on March 8 of each year. This date was established because of the struggle of women in society and their full development as a person.
For this reason, Radio Club YL CHILE has planned a contest for Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 March.
Comienzo: Sábado 9 de marzo 2019, a las 13 Hrs. UTC (10:00 hrs. de Chile).
Finalizando el Domingo 10 de marzo 2019, a las 22 Hrs. UTC (19:00 hrs. de Chile).
 reception of the logs (forms) until March 2 2
 e-mail to contacto@ylc.cl

 Radio Club La Rioja (LU1SF)  YLs of Argentina
We invite all Amateur Radio  ladies to  participate and  celebrate this special day.
 Join this 'on-air Argentinian party' to celebrate the INTERNATIONAL DAY OF THE WOMAN.
This event will be on-air from 00:00 UTC on March 6 until 00:00 UTC on March 13,
(remember that in Argentina you must add 3 hours more to the local time to get the UTC time)
All Bands & modes:  2 meters, SSB, CW, FT8, PSK, etc.  (as per category and authorized license requirements)
If using systems such as Echolink,  clarify the system used in QSL confirmation.
Logs must be submitted by 31 March 2019
For more information     http://www.lu1sf.com.ar/mujer2019/lu1sf_mujer_2019_bases.html
Queries:  diadelamujer@lu1sf.com.ar

Dutch Young Ladies Club    Proud 2B PI4YLC    Posted on 19/02/2019 by pa1eng
Dutch YL- award 2018   
Almost one year ago we turned the month of March into ‘our month’, as we launched our Dutch YL-award. We made a lot of long distance radiocontacts with radioamateurs all across the globe. This year we will celebrate International Women’s Day, by organising “Ladies Night at PI4AA”.
CQ ham radio… mail from Japan!
Through their radio contacts radio-amateurs make friends far off. Sometimes these contacts lead to something special. Today, a big envelope arrived, covered in strange signs and exotic stamps. Inside, a Japanes magazine for radioamateurs: the ‘CQ Ham radio’ accomanied by a 50MHz special. Somewhere in the middle of the magazine one finds an article about the Dutch YL-award. In Japanese, of course.
Yukiko Maki 7K4TKB is a freelance writer for ‘CQ ham radio’. She contacted us some weeks ago about the Dutch YL-award 2018. She asked if she could write an article about our activities. Yes, of course! We’re not exactly sure what she wrote, but we are Proud 2B PI4YLC! in a Japanese radio magazine…

PI4YLC active in the Russian DX contest.
PI4YLC in RDXC with nine YL operators!    Posted on 17/03/2018 by pa1eng
the Dutch Young Ladies Club contest team joined the Russian DX contest (RDXC) for the 6th time. Since a YL-operator team participated at the SP-DX contest in 2012, the team has grown every year and now consists of eleven Young Ladies. The YLs live every where in the country (and just across the border in Germany), it is a challange to have everyone present at the same time. That is why it is extra special to have PI4YLC participate in the contest with nine (!) YL-operators. OM Raymond PA5DX helped us with the set-up.

March 1: Ladies Night at PI4AA    Posted on 03/02/2019
On the 8th of March it is International Women's Day and that is why last year we named the month of March 'our' month with a YL-award. This year we are going to do something different to bring attention in March for the YLs in the radio hobby: a Ladies Night at PI4AA on  Friday, March 1st.

PI4AA  (VERON HQ station)
Because Emmie PA1EM, Mariëtte PA1ENG and Heather PD3GVQ are already connected to the editors of PI4AA, the intention is that they will be the  presenters during the  broadcast. The editorial staff will take care of the copy and editing. The attendance call-in after the broadcast will be provided by operators from the PI4YLC contest team.
Go to the website for pod-casts of the monthly broadcasts.  www.pi4rcg.nl 


OL88YL  International  YL Expedition Czech Republic 2.8.-8.8.2019
OK5Z -  Moravian Contest Group    Eva Thiemann-Pospíšková    OL88YL
Accommodation QTH: Hotel Valeč, (near Třebíč), Vysočina Region.
Valec 1, CZ-675 53 Valec, Vysočina    GPS 49.14752 N 16.03576 E
Accommodation for 6 nights in the selected room
6x breakfast buffet
6x lunch (soup, main course)
6x buffet dinner. Buffet is 5-course (soup, starters, main courses, salads, desserts)
On the day 2 beer, 1 coffee, 1 water (in the hotel included in the price)
Non-alcoholic & alcoholic beverages at the radio station (beer, wine, water), sponsored by Ruda OK2ZA
Day-long entry to the hotel wellness - indoor relaxation and massage pool, outdoor heated pools, outdoor whirlpool, cooling pool, steam sauna, Finnish saunas, panoramic sauna, tepidarium, ice cave, Kneipp footpath, relaxation zones. Free access to the fitness center. WIFI in all hotel rooms. In the rooms there are bathrobes and slippers, a hair dryer
 parking free of charge in front of the castle (for 90 cars) or in underground garages ( 70 cars)
Check in at 14:00, check out until 10:00
Price full pension:    12.600, - CZK / person / stay (approx. 500, - EUR)
The hotel is 12 km away from the radiostation. Transport to / from the radiostation will be provided by the rented minibus.  Using the contest station OK5Z -  Moravian Contest Group
Technical Support OK5Z: (Oms) OK2ZA, OK2ZC, OK2ZI, OK2EW, OK2NMA OK2ARM, OK2AF
Application (send until end of March 2019):
Number of persons;    Name and surname of all interested parties;
Birth date    Call sign if any
Favorite mode at the station: SSB, CW, Digi incl. FT8
Address    Telephone    E-Mail
Number of people in the room    T-shirt size
Passport photo: only YL
I accept registrations with pleasure at hb9fpm@uska.ch  (Eva Thiemann, HB9FPM / OK3QE).
Feel free to contact me for any questions.
Třebíč  is the third most important town in Moravia, in the Vysočina Region of the Czech Republic; 35 km southeast of Jihlava and 65 km west of Brno.
The historical town of Trebic, which extends on both sides of the river Jihlava, was declared a Conservation Area in 1990. The Jewish Quarter and St. Procopius Basilica are listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
There are  two train stations serving the town: Třebíč and Třebíč-Borovina  and the bus station is in the center, only few steps away from the bridge on Jihlava river.

Marconi  "100 years Celebrations" Ballybunion    January 31, 2019
On Tuesday the 19th of March 2019, Princess Elettra Giovanelli, daughter of Marconi and her son Prince Gugielmo Marconi will visit the former site of the Marconi Radio Station on the 100 year anniversary of the first spoken word from East to West from the Radio Station to Cape Breton, Nova Scotia Canada. In the afternoon they will unveil a commemorative plaque to this historic occasion in Ballybunion. All are welcome to attend.

19th March 2019 Marconi  100th Anniversary  first East to West voice across the Atlantic
 2019 the Special Event Call EI-100-YXQ will be on air to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the historic event, of the fist East to West voice transmissions across the Atlantic from the former Marconi radio station in Ballybunion, Co Kerry, Ireland.
19th March 2019 is the anniversary date, and on this day, KARG and others will be QRV from the site of the former Marconi radio station on all band, all modes.
 CONTACT  US:    yl.beam newsletters :  Editor Eda    zs6ye.yl@gmail.com       
Anette Jacobs ZR6D  jhjacobsza@gmail.com  SARL news contributer & reader
Follow us on  Facebook at  ‘HAM YL'
Earlier newsletters can be found on the website of WEST RAND ARC
 wrarc-anode.blogspot.com     &   https://wrarc-anode.blogspot.co.za/    
and at:  Italian Radio Amateurs Union: QTC U.R.I.
If you do not no wish to receive our emails, please let us know and we will remove you from the mailing list.

Calendar  March 2019
3  March   Japan Ladies Radio Soc. JLRS Dolls Festival, or Girls’ Day, Hina Contest for YLs
5 March     AGCW YL-CW Party (Activity Group CW)  1st Tuesday, March 1900 - 2100 UTC.
5-13 March  Argentine Yls
8  March       International Women’s Day  Friday
8 March       YL Activity French – DL Yls 18:00 – 22:00 UTC
8 March       XE Young Lady Contest    Time: 1900-2000 XE ( March 0100-0200 UTC) 40m SSB
9 March     SARL YL Sprint f  (for International Women’s Day) 12:00 to 14:00 UTC
9 -10 March :YL CHILE  Sábado   9 -  1300 Hrs. UTC (10:00 hrs Chile).
                Domingo 10  a las 22 00Hrs. UTC (19:00 hrs. Chile).
9 March            SARL VHF/UHF Analogue contest;
9-10 March    82nd RSGB Commonwealth contest 9 Saturday
9-10 March     South America 10 Meter Contest.  1200Z, Mar 9 to 1200Z, Mar 10, 2019   
10 March     SARL VHF/UHF Analogue contest;
10 March         Sunday  Sydney AR Ferry Contest  /       Cape Town Cycle Race;
14 & 15 Marc  YL Activity Party – DL – YL (Germany)
19-20 March     CLARA Chatter Party  19 March 1700Z - 20March 1700Z  Total equal 24 hours
14-17 March     East India Ham Meet 2019 | Sunderbans 
16 March            AMSAT SA  “Space Science with Amateur Radio”
16 maart            44ste, jaarlijkse Dutch National Radio Flea market 2019  (NL)
19 March         Marconi  100th Anniversary   2019
21 March     SA Human Right’s Day  (Thursday)
22 March            AWA 16th Anniversary (2019) RSA
23-24 March     CLARA Chatter Party  23 March 1700Z - 24 March 1700Z  Total equal 24 hours.
30 March     Florence RadioFest, Empoli,Tuscany, Italy,  9 AM (UTC+01)  20 km  SW  Florence
30 March     Earth Hour 2019, switch off your lights from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm.
30-31 March    CQ WPX SSB
31 March            Amateur License pay.  ICASA  increased to  R 148.00 for 1 year

12-14 April-  2019  SARL Day of the Radio Amateur  & SARL Awards    hosted by Boland ARC, Stellenbosch,