
yl.beam # 82 may 2020

  • Brasilian Yls sweep the Board
  • Magda NL13543 (Netherlands) applauded
  • Cuban yls celebrated International  Womens Day March 2020
  • Réunion Island  - TO7DL DX-Pedition March 2020 -  Annette Coenen, DL6SAK
  • Le Jour des YL  -  The Day of YLs 2020
  • NZ yl group WARO in recess
  • Ja-Well-Not-so-Fine (Editorial)
  • Silent Keys  
  • Contact Us
  • 80th "5.5 Chinese Amateur Radio Festival".
  • Calendar  May 2020

Brasilian Yls sweep the Board
As a result of the election held on March 6, 2020, at the headquarters of LABRE / MA, (Brasilian Radio League), the  board board has a majority of YL's..
Congratulations and our best wishes for success to the following who were elected for the 2020/2022 period:
Chief Executive Officer: ALCY – PU8MAF
Vice-President: ANA – PR8ANA
Chairman of the Board: ERINET – PR8MEF
Vice-Chairman of the Board : MARIA DA GLÓRIA -PR8GL
Social Director: INGLIDE – PU8MIN
Administrative Director: JHENIFFER – PU8OJC
Council Secretary: ELY - PU8OES
Financial Director: LIMA – PR8DX  (om)
http://labre.org.br/labre-ma-e-a-nova-diretoria/ 03/19/2020 
(MA = Maranhão a state in Northeast  region of Brazil.) 
Jheniffer – Inglide – Glória – Erinet – Ana  e  ALCY. 

Magda NL13543 (Netherlands) Department Amateur of the Year   24/03/2020
Some time ago we received an email from Heather, PD3GVQ, in which she suggested that we choose someone for the upcoming Meeting as Department Amateur of the Year, who had been working in our department in a very nice, good and above all hospitable way for the past 10 years. Heather of course referred to Magda NL13543, the XYL of Cees Rodenburg PA0CRB, who had been welcoming us as a hostess at their QTH on the Bermweg in Capelle at the A37- BBQ for a decade now.
Of course, this proposal was very well received by the  board, which is why Erik PE1NOJ was able to hand over a bouquet of flowers and a trophy to a surprised Magda during the Meeting on March 12, 2020, and thank her for her commitment to our department.

Cuban yls celebrated International  Womens Day March 2020
Radio Club Municipal of Santiago de Cuba celebrated  International  Womens Day March 2020, on the radio. Its president, Leticia López (CO8LYA), along with Alina Galarza (CO8AGH), Janet Figueroa (CM8FMJ), Iris Ducase (CL8IRI), Eddy Mercy Labañino (CM8EEP) and Valentina La O (CL8CLT), held  the conference, through the Repeater that operates on 145,290 MHz,

Réunion is an overseas department and region of the French Republic and an island in the Indian Ocean, east of Madagascar and 175 km southwest of Mauritius. The island is 39 miles (63 km) long; 28 miles (45 km) wide. The island has been inhabited since the 16th century, when people from France and Madagascar settled there. Slavery was abolished on 20 December 1848, when the French Second Republic abolished slavery in the French colonies. However, later on indentured workers were brought to Réunion from South India, among other places. The island became an overseas department of France in 1946. Tthe official language is French although the majority of the region's population speaks Réunion Creole. Réunion is an outermost region of the European Union and, as an overseas department of France, part of the eurozone.
 Réunion is home to the highest peaks in the Mascarenes Islands, (Mauritius, Reunion, and Rodrigues). The Mascarene Plateau is an undersea plateau that extends approximately 2000 km, from the Seychelles to Réunion. The Piton des Neiges volcano is the highest point on the island at 10,069 feet (3070 m) above sea level,  northwest of the Piton de la Fournaise.  The Piton de la Fournaise,is  a shield volcano on the eastern end of Réunion Island, rises more than 8,565 feet (2611 m) above sea level. It has erupted more than 100 times since 1640 and is constantly monitored. 

DL6SAK Annette, is part of the DX-Pedition TO7DL   Réunion - March 2020
After the originally planned DXpedition to Djibouti had to be cancelled, a new destination was found at short notice. Thanks to the French licensing authority and OMs from France, who made the granting of the license application possible.
Team DK1BT Manfred, DL4WK Wolf, DL6SAK, Annette DL6SAK, Sigi DL7DF, and DL7UFR Frank were active as TO7DL from March 4th to 17th on Reunion.
The team members arrived  on Reunion 3 March 2020. They erected the 30m antenna in the darkness and had their first QSOs.
By Saturday (March 7) all stations and antennas were set up. That proved a challenge because the property is 400m above sea level on a slope, open to the north. First 10,000 QSOs entered in the log. Terrible storms on the Sunday night meant that hardly an antenna remained in working  order the following day.
After a busy operating week  Manfred, DK1BT, left on Friday (13 March) so only four operators remained.  Monday, March 16, 2020, (0900 UTC) 34000 QSOs in the log.
Final day of operating Tuesday, March 17, 2020 - TO7DL went QRT  after 35660 QSOs.
A great DXpedition considering the sudden change of plan in destination.

March 16, 2020  The  planned flight with Mauritius Airlines from Reunion to Mauritius and Mauritius to Paris was  cancelled. With the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic to an increasing number of countries, Mauritian authorities extended travel restrictions to Mauritius and transit. Re-booked with Air France to fly (hopefully) directly to Paris.
The TO7DL team reached Paris Airport Orly on Wednesday afternoon (March 18),and  transfered to Paris CDG. The curfew in France due to the corona virus restrictions demonstrated  its drastic consequences. Hardly any traffic on the streets. No early check-in. No shops open. Hardly any employees, just a lot of aircraft standing around and travellers waiting for the next departure (day). They stayed at the Holiday Inn. No restaurants open, but they warmed up pizza and sold drinks that could only be consumed in the room.
Reunion Island CQ Zone 39 - ITU Zone 53 - IOTA AF-016 - Grid locator LG79RC
http://www.dl7df.com/fr/pictures.php   full story  at TO7DL  News, Pictures

Annette Coenen, DL6SAK, a  DARC board member, has taken part in several dxpeditions, amongst the most recent:  TO80SP  Saint Pierre and Miquelon - October 2019;  C5DL   The Gambia - April 2019;  8P9AE  Barbados - November 2018
Annette a  regular attendee at HAMRADIO Friedrichshafen in Germany, was a speaker in 2015
and in  2017 she received the honorary trophy-plate from  DARC.at the International YL meeting.

Le Jour des YL 2020 -  The Day of YLs 2020  25MAY
 24-25/05/2020 in memory of F5ISY - Carine DUBOIS .
Objective: To promote the activity of young ladies in the world.
Time: 2020-05-24  (00:01 UTC)  to  2020-05-25 (23:59:00 UTC).
Bands: 3.5 - 7 - 14 - 21 - 28 MHz & VHF  (no Repeaters, of course).
Modes: CW, SSB, RTTY.
To help competitors find each other,  suggest using frequencies +/- 10 kHz of the frequencies below CW: 3.533, 7.033, 14.033, 21.033 and 28.033 MHz
RTTY: 3.588, 7.044, 14.088, 21.088 and 28.088 MHz
SSB: 3.733, 7.133, 14.213, 14.240, 14.300, 21.233, 21.400 and 28.433 MHz
Exchanges: RS (T) + YL / OM
The same station can be worked once on each band and each mode.
For YL / YL   3 points For OM / YL   2 points For YL / OM   1 point
Logs : Mail log to:    DOYL.Carine@gmail.com   or 3830scores.com for DOYL
claimed scores must be posted to:   3830scores.com  by JUN 30.
A full explanation is at:  Ka1uln.blogspot.com/p/the-day-of-yls.html
 group:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/746304389193363/

WARO in recess
Disturbing news from New Zealand in this week’s NZART Break-in newsletter is that WARO, (Women Amateur Radio Operators) is to "tread water".
After the WARO Executive meeting in April 2020, there was a motion passed that WARO goes into recess until they can meet at a full NZART AGM to discuss the future of WARO. This was seconded and agreed by the Executive Committee.
Therefore, WARO is now in recess until the AGM being held in Napier (NZ) 2021, where a Special General Meeting will be held, NOT an AGM.
Executive Committee positions will remain the same until then, subs do not need to be paid this year. Finances will be maintained and held by the Treasurer, until the meeting in Napier.
The reason behind the recess is self-explanatory, due to the lack or no support from WARO members this leaves us no alternative.  There will no longer be a WARO page in the Break-In
 WARO Executive Committee

Origins - at the 35th NZART Conference in Hamilton (NZ) in June1961 the first YL meeting took place.  As a result of this meeting an 80m net began on Tuesday 11th July 1961.
The first meeting to form a club (WARO) was held in Rotoura on 10th March 1962 with seven (7) YL’s.  Rules were drawn up and subscriptions set. New Zealand became the third English speaking country to form its own YL group.

Ja-Well-Not so Fine   (Editorial)
Losing another of our foundation YL groups WARO (above) needs reflection.
What's wrong with this picture? What can we do to keep ladies active in Amateur Radio?
I realize that their may be problems embedded within different country's regulations and institutions but Hams are an ingenious bunch and have wriggled around set-backs for years.
We already know from various world surveys that our average Ham age is 'senior', so how are we to ensure there will be other generations? Yls  are probably best qualified to reach out, after all net-working is what we do!
 The world lock-down has shown us that here is no place for  –“ but we have always done it that way”.  Leadership belongs to the youth. The development of technology means we need the young to steer us forward. Reach out to the newbies, give them special status within our groups, lets not lose them. This is a personal opinion – what's yours? Is this newsletter doing enough?
Please share your ideas and thoughts. Better yet send articles and pictures.
Feedback appreciated – good or bad – just as long as we move forward.
33/88 Heather ZS5YH  (At-Home, can hear the sea but locked-in and our beaches are closed.)

Silent Keys
CE2DPB - We regret to announce the death of  CE2DPB. Erna Andrade, Las Rosas, Chilean Radio Amateur with a 45-year history in radio, mother of Erico Pillado Andrade CE2EP and grandmother of Paulina Pillado CD2DPB. The Federation sends its deepest feelings of regret. Rest in peace. (March 2020 ?)

KD5ODA Mildred Peterson of Deming,  New Mexico became S/k  31/03/2020 She had been living with her youngest daughter.
A member of  the Deming Amateur Radio Club and and enjoyed net every Thursday night.  According to her QRZ.com page she was 96 during 2019. Was a farmer's wife for 50 years in Kansas
Newsline - James Pastorfield

VA3ABB   Anne Marie Bryan SK 1940 – 2020
Died peacefully, with family by her side, at Kingston Health Sciences Centre on Monday April 13th, 2020. Anne Bryan of Lyn was 79 years old and wife of  VA3RSB Ron Bryan. ARTASNet Net Controller,  Brockville Amateur Radio Club

 W7LQV,  Diane Murdock  passed away on January 2, 2020        minownet.newsletters/news2020spring
 CONTACT  US:    yl.beam newsletters :  Editor Eda     zs6ye.yl@gmail.com     
Anette Jacobs ZR6D  jhjacobsza@gmail.com  SARL news contributer & reader
Follow us on  Facebook at  ‘HAM YL'
Earlier newsletters can be found on the website of WEST RAND ARC
 wrarc-anode.blogspot.com     &   https://wrarc-anode.blogspot.co.za/
and:  Italian Radio Amateurs Union: QTC U.R.I.
also @ https://www.darc.de/en/der-club/referate/yl/
Unsubscribe: If you do not wish to receive this newsletter, please  email    zs6ye.yl@gmail.com 

80th "5.5 Chinese Amateur Radio Festival".
On 5th May 1940, Chinese amateur radio operators started the “On Air Conference”.
Every year  5th May has been designated as a Chinese amateur radio festival, called “5.5 Festival”.
In view of the impact of the current epidemic, the China Radio Association Amateur Radio Branch (CRAC) has advocated that everyone celebrate and commemorate our common holiday by on-air communication during the May 5th China Amateur Radio Festival.
 The 2020 "5.5 Festival" has shifted to the air waves,  10 special event call-signs will be activated (B0CRA - B9CRA) across their country, from 08:00 on May 1, 2020 to 20:00 on May 7 in some areas

Calendar   May 2020
Marconi event -May - II4TEA First radio message between the USA and the UK (1903)
May 1 – 31 SOS Radio Week  Royal National Lifeboat Institution
May 1        Worker’s Day &  ZS SOTA Activity Day
May 1 – 10 EUDOTA (EUrope Day On The Air), 9 May since 2010
May 2          AWA AM Valve QSO Party
May 3          AWA SSB Valve QSO Party
May 2         YL Net 1st  Saturday of  month, 2000 (UK) on GB3DA Danbury 2m repeater. May  4         ALARA’S AGM 1030UTC  ALARA Conference - IRLP node 9509 EchoLink & 80 m. 
                     Shirley VK5YL will link the two forms of communications.
May 5         Chinese amateur radio festival, called “5.5 Festival” held annually by  CRAC
May 9+10    SARL VHF/UHF Digital contest
Mayo 9        Dia Internacional de la Infancia Actividades del GRUPO YL (Arg.)
May 10        Mother's Day
May 13        POPS (Poor Old Pensioners Sprint)  RSA
May 17        ZS3 Sprint (RSA)
May 17        World Telecommunication Day (WTD)  annually
May 20        SARL Wednesday 80 m Club Sprint  (RSA)
May 24-25 'The Day of YLs'  2020, in memory of F5ISY - Carine DUBOIS  ka1uln.blogspot.
May 30- 31  CQ WPX CW contest