
yl.beam #130 june 2024

Club of the Year The Young Ladies’ Radio League, (YLRL)
Out & About: DX YL
Friedrichshafen celebrates 60 years of IOTA – Islands On The Air!
The Koos & Annie van der Merwe Gold Award
Ja Well No Fine (Editorial):
History of deep-sea salvage tug “SEEFALKE”
Maritime Radio
Amateur Radio onboard Seefalke  
“Seefalke” turns 100 years old  DK100DDSR
 DL2BJW  Marita Westphal-Blome
Silent Key
Contact & Calendar
Club of the Year The Young Ladies’ Radio League, (YLRL)
Young Ladies' Radio League (YLRL) received the Dayton Hamvention 2024 Club of the Year Award for their role in promoting women in amateur radio through scholarships, contests and more.

The Young Ladies’ Radio League, Inc (YLRL) is proud to be celebrating its 85th Anniversary this year.  With members from all over the world, the organization has been involved in everything from contests to emergency events to helping new hams get licensed and, on the air, as well as everything in between.  Established in 1939, YLRL has been found at Hamfests and Conventions all over the world and has been proud to have had a booth at Hamvention® since the 1950’s and a YL Forum since the 1960’s.
Women helping women in Amateur Radio is a mission statement for this organization, but there are also contest and award opportunities for the OMs who support their YLs.  
YLRL has the motto QRV-I AM READY and they are ready to assist in the radio community.

Interview with Cheryl Muhr (N0WBV) Publicity Chairwoman and Historian of YLRL. Cheryl gives an overview of the league and how people can get involved.

 YLRL Convention, @ St George Utah, USA.  July 11th-14th. 2024
And as announced, on Saturday April 20,2024 on the occasion of World Amateur Radio Day, the Radio station Club Peruano OA4O was on the air from 18:00  hours OA, operated by our fellow Young Ladys (YL).
Despite having scheduled the activity for transmit only on the 40 meter band, colleagues locals that do not have HF stations joined together to the activity since our colleagues were also active through the local VHF repeater.
Our congratulations and thanks to Elsa OA4BOL, Sonia OA4DEM, Tatiana OA4DUD, Alina OA4DUI, Monica OA4DYD and Bertha OA4EDH who They were very lively during the entire time of the activity. Some of them were operating for the first time.
We hope that this activity will be repeated again during the year.
Radio Club Peruano, Boletín Semanal OA Edición No 14 del 23 de abril de 2024
Out & About: DX YL
Elvira, IV3FSG to be active from Niamey (capital), Niger as 5U5K during June 6-20, 2024. 
QRV on SSB & FT8/FT4 (MSHV) + some RTTY & CW; 160-6m. 
Francesco, IK0XBX is a pilot station. QSL via IK2DUW.
Niger, is a landlocked country in West Africa. Over 80% of its land area lies in the Sahara.
Niger lies between latitudes 11° and 24°N, and longitudes 0° and 16°E.
HAM RADIO 2024: From June 28 to 30, everything will revolve around amateur radio in Friedrichshafen on Lake Constance. In cooperation with the organizers, the DARC, as the conceptual sponsor of Europe's largest amateur radio trade fair, this meeting will open the doors to a world of almost unlimited possibilities.

Friedrichshafen celebrates 60 years of IOTA – Islands On The Air!
Since 1964, the international IOTA program has been promoting radio contacts with stations on islands around the world, from small rocky reefs in the vast ocean to the largest islands in the world. That sounds like adventures in remote corners of the earth, and that's exactly what many IOTA fans and active participants can tell tales about. IOTA stands for the joy of discovery that every radio amateur develops, even if he or she does not set sail personally, but IOTA is also a symbol of friendly competition among radio amateurs. Finally, IOTA is a symbol of the significance of amateur radio as a global unifying force.
That's why the motto of the 47th HAM RADIO is "60 years of Islands on the Air: technology meets adventure!"
The lecture program of 47th HAM RADIO, in Friedrichshafen, is online at https://www.darc.de/nachrichten/veranstaltungen 
2024 - Heather Holland, ZS5YH -  At the Council meeting of 16 and 17 February 2024, Council approved the award of the Koos & Annie van der Merwe Gold Award to you for your support of the YL section of the Amateur Radio hobby and the publication of the monthly YL.Beam Newsletter.
On behalf of Nico van Rensburg, ZS6QL, President of the SARL, Council and Members of the
SARL, I would like to congratulate you on this prestigious award.
Radio ZS, June 2024 Junie, Volume 77, Issue 6, page 33

Thank you SARL (South African Radio League) for this Award.
WOW it is difficult to find the words to express my appreciation for this recognition.
But this award is not mine alone,  I share it with 2 very supportive OMs – ZS5YAT Jess Hawes and ZS6WL John Brock.  Without their help this monthly newsletter would not happen.
Every month Jess (the true editor) reads, corrects, criticizes and generally 'knocks it into shape'.
And every edition is circulated by John. It is thanks to him that our yl history is visible and out on the ww web.
I don't say 'thank you' often enough, but this award belongs to you both.
And great timing as June is our Birthday month -  our 13th Anniversary!  
88 Heather, ZS5YH
Ja Well No Fine (Editorial):
By the time you read this letter the YL – SOTA Queens of the Mountains event will be in the past (June 1-2). Hope you found it a fun event? Please share your experiences, pictures and suggestions with  Amy-AG7GP- ag7gp.amy@gmail.com ;
Paula-K9IR- pmuscian@sbcglobal.net ; or myself Eda zs6ye.yl@gmail.com     
Although  'Museum Ships On The Air' will also be history (June 1 - 2), are there any ladies who operated aboard a museum ship?
DL2BJW  Marita, a German YL activates a museum ship all year round (below). She is also involved with the annual  "International Day of the Seafarer", June 25.
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History of deep-sea salvage tug “SEEFALKE”
This powerful and fast deep-sea salvage tug “Seefalke” (Sea Falcon) was built in Germany in 1924. She was the first Diesel salvage tug world wide and as one of the largest and most powerful salvage tugs in her day, she started the German Emergency tow vessels.
During a bomb raid in 1945 she sank at the port of Kiel, on the German Baltic coast.  After the war, when the Allies wanted to fill the harbour basin with rubble to make it unusable, the ship´s owner secretly raised the “Seefalke” and sunk her again in the outer Kiel Fjord.
 After the Allies lifted the salvage prohibitions in 1950, MS Seefalke was finally raised; repaired, modernised and returned to service. Active as a salvage tug for another 20 years, she was decommissioned in 1970 and handed over to the German Maritime Museum Bremerhaven. Ever since she has been an exhibit in Bremerhaven‘s Old Harbor and open to the public.

Maritime Radio

Voice radio introduced around 1900 was a ground breaking  communication medium and until the early 1980s contact on the world's oceans was exclusively via radio.
Today however, large ships communicate digitally and via satellite. Morse and radio messages are no longer essential and probably unknown among younger people using smart-phones and social media. Radio on ships, now an out-dated technology, still has its nostalgic fans and is remembered by members of the German Amateur Radio Club (DARC).

Amateur Radio onboard Seefalke
since March 1st, 1976, members of the Bremerhaven section of the DARC, have operated the club station DK0SN, in its permanent location in the ship‘s former radio room, using museum-like old equipment.
“Happy Birthday”: The “Seefalke” turns 100 years old
DK100DDSR Special event club station onboard MS "SEEFALKE"
in the German Maritime Museum, Bremerhaven, Germany
 To celebrate the 100th anniversary of MS SEEFALKE and to commemorate the ship's original call sign “DDSR“, the Bremerhaven section of the DARC, created a special event station, which will operate from January 1st until December 31st, 2024.
QSL: via DARC bureau or direct via DL2BJW Marita Westphal-Blome
DL2BJW  Marita Westphal-Blome
Marita Westphal-Blome (DL2BJW) a German amateur radio operator from Bremerhaven,  broadcasts to many countries from the radio room on the museum ship “Seefalke” in Bremerhaven.
Marita came to radio in 1994 through her husband Winfried DL3BJX. In 2000, Winfried  was made chief operator of the Bremerhaven club station DK0SN onboard “SEEFALKE”.  
Marita and Winfried spent many days and weekends through the years 'on-air' in the radio room.  At the same time, introducing radio to interested visitors and tourists on board the museum ship. Winfried died in January 2015  and Marita took on the responsibility for the club station DK0SN onboard SEEFALKE .

 “There are around 75,000 radio amateurs in Germany, ten percent of whom are female. There are three women in Bremerhaven. As one of them, I often have an advantage and quickly get into conversation,” says Marita, whose knowledge of English is an  advantage for international communication.
Normal “contact” via radio follows strict rules and has little to do with small talk: “Usually we exchange information about our location and what type of technology we are using. The fact that I'm on a museum ship often causes amazement." 
Silent Key 
It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of our esteemed member, Ma. Theresa D. Aniceto, DW3TRZ, who joined the Creator this morning. On behalf of the Board of the Philippine Amateur Radio Association (PARA) Inc., we extend our heartfelt condolences to her family and loved ones during this difficult time.
Ma. Theresa Aniceto was a valued member of our community, and her contributions to the field of amateur radio will always be remembered. Her presence will be deeply missed by all who knew her.  May she rest in peace.
Philippine Amateur Radio Association Inc.  18 May 2024

Editor: We introduced Theresa in yl.beam #78 January 2020.  See also:
Member Spotlight Ma. DW3TRZ Theresa Cruz Aniceto, www. Arrl.  
QST January 2020 p13. Author: KC1KNL Jen Glifort, jglifort@arrl.org
QTC U.R.I. - Unione Radioamatori Italiani  Anno 5° - N. 40 - Gennaio 2020  

 DW3TRZ Theresa Cruz Aniceto her QTH was in Malolos city, 45 kms north of Manila, capital of the Philippines, on the island of Luzon.
 Theresa was added to the Young Ladies Radio League (YLRL) Facebook group  by KA1ULN Niece Haynes.  It was through this group that she was introduced to her mentor, KC9YL Anne Dirkman.  She made cross-stitched designs of  call signs for YLs to display in their stations. See YouTube channel -(https://www.youtube.com/DW3TRZsMabuhayDXstitch_AmateurRadio ).

CONTACT     yl.beam news:  Editor Eda zs6ye.yl@gmail.com    
newsletters can be found: https://jbcs.co.za/wp/
It is now published on:- https://wrarc-anode.blogspot.com/
Italian Radio Amateurs Union: QTC U.R.I.
West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society  https://wosars.club/category/yl-news/

Unsubscribe: If you do not wish to receive this newsletter, please email:  zs6ye.yl@gmail.com

June 2024
June - Discovering Marconi 2024 (ARI Fidenza):  II4RDFE / Radio Broadcasting for All
June 1 - 2    Queens of the Mountains YL SOTA Special Event Weekend!!
June 1 - 2    Museum Ships On The Air  2024 · June 1 @ 8:00 am - June 2 @ 4:00 pm
June 1 -2     2024 NZART Conference, Christchurch at Air Force Museum of New Zealand
June 1962    WARO - NZ (Women Amateur Radio Operators) founded 62 years ago
June 8 – 9    Portugal Day Contest HF  Time: 12:00 UTC to 11:59 UTC
June 8 – 9    WWSA (Word Wide South America) CW DX Contest  2nd weekend of June.
                     Saturday 15.00 UTC -  Sunday 15.00 UTC. 24 hours period.
June 9          Japan Ladies Radio Society (JLRS) "YL CQ Day" 2nd  Sunday of every month
June 14, 2024 – 100 years authorization for the radio of Amicionados in Spain.
June 15        ARRL Kids day
June 15 – 16  International Museums Weekends 2024 Amateur Radio Special Event
June 16, 1963 Soviet cosmonaut Valentina V. Tereshkova launched aboard the Vostok 6
                        spacecraft and the era of women in space began.
June 17    World QRP Day
June 19     Aniversario ce4ylc (Radio Club yl Chile)
June 22 - 23 His Majesty The King of Spain SSB: 4rd full weekend of June,
                  1200 UTC Saturdayl 1 -159 UTC Sunday. Bands: 10, 15, 20, 40, 80 and 160 m
June 22 - 23  International Museums Weekends 2024 Amateur Radio Special Event
June 22 - 23  ARRL Field Day  always held on the 4th full weekend in June.  
June 23      INWED International Women in Engineering Day
June 25     "International Day of the Seafarer" annually
June 28      Fredickhaven  
June 29      Danube Day HG7DANUBE the 14 countries along the Danube annually
                    celebrate one of Europe's greatest river systems
 June 30 -  July 4, 2024 6th IARU World Youth ARDF Championship, Moldova

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