Silent Keys (YLs)
Oops & Local-is-lekker
Morse Code- CW (92 Code; Q-Code; Distress Signals SOS;
The RST Code)
First Danish women telegraph operator HISTORY
Three generations of Yls in the family
Events:Belgian Amateur Radio Union 70th birthday; "CQ
Worldwide Foxhunting Weekend;
DAYTON HAMVENTION 2018 ; Portuguese Navy Day
Silent Key: (YL) P43E Emily Thiel (27/09/1968
- 12/04/2018)
Emily Thiel, P43E, of Oranjestad, Aruba, died on April 12
after suffering an apparent stroke while hiking in Aruba
National Park. She was 49. Thiel was a competitor at WRTC
2006 (held in Brazil), a member of the Aruba Amateur Radio
Club, and she managed the Aruba QSL Bureau.
Licensed in 1997, she attended various conventions and
hamfests around the world. She was part of the A61AJ
multi-operator team for the 2003 CQ World Wide SSB Contest.
Thiel was a member of the FISTS Club and of the YLRL.
Silent Key: (YL)
Sandra Heyn WA6WZN ( 27/09/1968 –
Of Costa Mesa, California, died at home on April 28th
following a three year battle with cancer. She was 75.
Sandi was a member of the Orange County Amateur Radio
Club, the Palomar Amateur Radio Club, the Quarter Century
Wireless Association, the Southern California DX Club, the
Young Ladies Radio C lub of Los Angeles, she was a past
officer of the Young Ladies Radio League, a life member of
the American Radio Relay League, a member of the Western
Country Cousins, the Bishop Amateur Radio Club, and many
other amateur radio groups.
Married to Fried Heyn WA6WZO for the past 57 years
Condolences to the families, friends and Amateur Radio
communities that both these ladies were such a big part of.
Oops Errors yl.beam#57-April,2018 :
to Ngaire ZL2UJT whose call-sign was incorrectly shown as
ZXL2UJT (no x)
The Thelma Souper contest (NZ – WARO) was cancelled this year.
apologies ladies, Editor Heather, ZS5YH
to ZS5KIM Kimmy and OM Justin, ZS5JW on their marriage
you both much joy and many QSO's.
Ed: Anyone know the appropriate
greeting for hams getting married?
Thought a few movie quotes might work (hihi)
"You make me want to be a better Dxer..."
" I think this is the beginning of a beautiful net."
"Here's beaming at you, kid."
My mama always said, life was like a DX pileup. You never
know what you gonna get."
SARL Forum 24/08/2016 ----
In this issue Morse code seemed appropriate in
celebrating Samuel Morse's original telegraphic transmission
24 May, 1844. Morse code which proved so useful aboard ships
provided a link to the RNLI (Royal National Lifeboat Ins)
SOS month, the Portuese Navy and Musuem ships.
Before the voice call "mayday", SOS in Morse code was
used. Mayday is an emergency procedure word used
internationally as a distress signal in voice-procedure
radio communications.
From the French m'aidez ('help me'), it is unrelated to
the holiday May Day!
From the first Danish telegraphic lady to modern days
moms, ladies have used Morse code.
Hope you enjoy, 33 & 88
Editor – Heather, ZS5YH
Morse Code- CW (92
Code; Q-Code; Distress Signals SOS; The RST Code)
24 May anniversary of Samuel Morse's first coded
telegraph message.
Samuel Finley Breese Morse (1791-1872), contributed to
the invention of a single-wire telegraph system based on
European telegraphs. He was a co-developer of the Morse
code, and helped to develop the commercial use of
Telegraphy used long wires stretched between cities and
depended on "Morse code", which is a way to spell with long
and short pulses. Usually, those pulses were the result of a
"code key", a kind of switch which caused an electromagnet
on the other end go the wire to attract an arm on a device
called a "sounder" which makes a click. The operator learns
to understand the meaning of the clicks, and can "copy" the
Essentially CW refers to a Morse transmission using a
radio signal - the abbreviation coming from the fact that it
uses a Carrier Wave, or Continuous Wave that is
The 92 Code (Deliver Promptly) was
first adopted by Western Union in 1859. The reason for this
adoption was to reduce bandwidth usage over the telegraph
lines and speed transmissions by utilizing a numerical code
system for various frequently used phrases.
Today, amateur radio operators still use codes 73 and 88
profusely. Radio-amateurs also occasionally use the code 99
for "Go to Hell"[? ], though this may be their own addition
to the code-table. The Young Ladies Radio League uses the
code 33, which means "love sealed with friendship and mutual
respect between one YL [young lady] and another YL." The
other codes have mostly fallen into disuse.
Q-Code The Q-code was originally
instituted at the Radiotelegraph Convention held in London,
1912 and was intended for marine radiotelegraph use. Today
they are still used as shorthand between radio operators.
Although originally developed to shorten transmission times
when using CW, they are frequently used in voice
transmission; eg. QTH (station location), QRP (low or
reduced power), and QSL (confirm).
Distress Signals
When wireless radiotelegraph machines first made their
way onto ships around the turn of the 20th century, seamen
in danger needed a way to attract attention,. At first,
different organizations and countries had their own distress
signals. The U.S. Navy used “NC,” (the maritime flag signal
for distress).. The Marconi Company, used “CQD.” German
operators used “…---…”.
Having multiple distress signals was confusing and
potentially dangerous.
SOS is the International Morse code
distress signal.
First adopted by the German government April 1905, it
became effective worldwide on 1 July 1908 under the second
International Radiotelegraphic Convention. SOS remained the
maritime radio distress signal until 1999, when it was
replaced by the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System.
Among the last military personnel to use Morse code were
signallers on ships, who used it with signal lamps to
communicate over short distancess.. Merchant shipping
replaced the Morse-based service in 1999 with satellites.
SOS is still recognized as a visual distress signal using
flashing lights or reflections. Used as an audio signal,
Morse code can be transmitted via a radio signal or even
the sound of a car horn. In survival situations, Morse code
can be produced via the banging of pots and pans or knocking
loudly on a hollow object. Morse code can be transmitted
using touch or pressure. For instance, tugs on a rope as a
means to transmit Morse code to an injured miner.
The RST Code: R
- Readability S -
Strength T - Tone
A system of Signal Reporting was established about 1934
as a quick method of reporting Readability, Signal Strength
and the Tone of CW. On SSB (voice contacts) , the final
digit (tone) is normally omitted.
It is a system by which a received signal quality is
graded, and a signal report is given. "Readability" is
judged on a scale from 1 to 5, and "Strength" and "Tone" are
judged on a scale from 1 to 9. "Tone" does not apply to a
"phone" (voice) signal. A very high quality CW signal is
"599" (pronounced "five nine nine"), and such a phone signal
is "59" (pronounced "five nine").
The RST is also reported on QSL Cards and must be filled
in correctly. Although many DX operations and contest
stations merely report "599" as a convenience to avoid
having to log each of the real reports.
The use of a large number of abbreviations and the
formalised formats for ham radio contacts means that Morse
or CW can be used by people from around the globe even with
a poor command of languages like English.
The only Morse users left are licensed amateur radio
enthusiasts, hams. Morse Code had long been a requirement
for an amateur radio licence, so that hams could understand
distress and other important traffic, and as the means of
last resort when voice was not possible Although in 2003
the requirement was dropped, large numbers of hams around
the world still choose to use ‘CW’, and there is no sign of
that dying out for a while yet.
First Danish women telegraph operator HISTORY
Mathilde Fibiger (13 December 1830 – 17 June 1872) died
age 41 was a Danish feminist, novelist, and telegraphist.
In 1866, she completed her training at the Helsingør
telegraph station, and became the first woman to be employed
as a telegraph operator in Denmark.
The Mathilde Prize (named after Mathilde Fibiger) is
awarded for contributions towards equality between women and
men in academia.
In reply to an article (yl #51, 4 Oct,2017) OM Larry
AG5Z wrote: I still have the converter my dad built to
allow us to listen to the beep beep beep of Sputnik.
And shared :Three generations of Yls
in the family
My mother and father were both hams (W5DRI and W5DQK)
since around 1951, so I grew up around ham radio. They would
sometime communicate across the supper table using morse
code. My brother, sister and I would not know what they were
saying so we learned the code out of self defense.
I remember as my mother was working to up-grade to
General, she had to learn to draw various circuits
especially those of oscillators, such as Armstrong, Hartley,
Colpits, Pierce, etc. She learned how to draw the circuits
by sewing a blue skirt and embroidering the schematics in
white thread around the skirt in a similar fashion to the
popular poodle-skirt.
My Mom's W5DRI callsign transfered to my daughter,
Natalie. Natalie passed away in April of 2014. My XYL,
Sylvia, now holds W5DRI. Three generations of family YLs, in
an incorrect order, have held the W5DRI call. I think this
is kind of special.
Upcoming Events
UBA The Royal Belgian Amateur Radio Union Celebration
its 70th birthday.
Founded in 1948 the Belgian IARU society celebrate its
70th birthday with 59 special event stations , which will be
active during the month of May 2018. These club stations
will all use the OT70 prefix
"CQ Worldwide Foxhunting Weekend" (CQ
WW FW) May 12-13, 2018
A "foxhunt" is one of several names for radio direction
finding (RDF), a competition to locate a hidden radio
transmitter. Participation is not limited to licensed hams,
as there is no license requirement to receive, so everyone
can participate.
The Dayton Hamvention is an amateur radio convention (or
hamfest), generally considered to be the world's largest
hamfest. Held each May, the first Dayton Hamvention occurred
on March 22, 1952 (QST March 1952).
In 2017, it was held at the Greene County Fairgrounds in
Xenia, Ohio near Dayton
46 Miles to Cincinnati, OH; 53 Miles to Columbus, OH;
138 Miles to Toledo, OH
116 Miles to Lexington-Fayette, KY; 139 Miles to
Louisville, KY
119 Miles to Fort Wayne, IN; 119 Miles to Indianapolis,
Portuguese Navy Day Contest, 18-20 May, 2018
Portuguese Navy Day celebrations celebrate the arrival
of the Armada of Vasco da Gama in India. The contest is open
to all radio amateurs and SWL according to the rules.
DATES. The Contest takes place on 18th May 9.00 UTC 2018
to 20th May 17.00 UTC 2018. BANDS. 10, 15, 20, 40 and 80
June 9 – June 14, 2018 – The Portuguese Navy’s Tall
Ship NRP Sagres will be docked in Boston Harbror and will be
open for public viewing.
MUSEUM SHIPS WEEKEND 0000Z June 2 - 2359Z June
3, 2018 FUN Event!
Ladies of the Net will activate Museum Ships Weekend
aboard the USS Lucid in Stockton, CA Saturday June 2! Ship
call sign N6MSO.
Later this year:
Russian YL Elena RC5A Dxpedition to YN4RRC – Big Corn
Island, Nicaragua
Russian Robinson Club members Yuri RM0F, Sergey R4WAA,
Sergey RZ3FW, Yuri N3QQ and Elena RC5A plan to be active
from Big Corn Island, NA-013 Nicaragua during November 26 to
December 6, 2018. QRV on 160-10m, CW/SSB.
Callsigns to be used: H7/RM0F, H7/R4WAA, YN4RRC, H7/RC5A
Facebook ‘HAM Yl’ (YLs only);
SARLNUUS met Anette Jacobs ZR6D
yl.beam newsletters Eda
Archived at WEST RAND ARC
also Italian Radio Amateurs Union: QTC U.R.I. – La
rivista della Unione Radioamatori Italiani
Calendar May 2018
1-31 SOS Day
aka Mayday month RNLI (Royal National Lifeboat
Institution). UK
5 - 6 AWA Valve QSO Party (RSA)
ALARA AGM 2018 (Australian ladies) On-Line Echolink &
80M 1030 UTC
12-13 CQ's 21st Annual Foxhunting Weekend, 2018
also Mills on the
13 Sunday,
Mother's Day, South Africa
15 International Family Day
17 WTISD (World Telecommunication and Information
Society Day)
18-20 Portuguese Navy Day Contest [CW, SSB; Time: 0900 -
1700 UTC
18-20 The Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA) AGM 2018,
Gold Coast
18-20 May, Dayton Hamvention. 2018 (USA)
19 RAE and
AMSATSA Space Symposium (RSA)
19-20 His Maj. King of Spain Contest, CW 1200Z,
May 19 to 1200Z, May 20
20 ZS3
Sprint (NC - RSA)
24 anniversary of Samuel Morse's first coded
telegraph message.
26-27 CQ WPX CW
June 2018
1- 3 Messe Friedrichsha (EU)
2 66
Aniversary SAWRC (South African Womens Radio Club) Founded
7 years
since YL Group newsletter #1 June 2011
2 West Rand
Flea Market (RSA)
2-3 NZART 92th Anniversary Dunedin, (S Island, NZ)
Otago Branch, ZL4AA
NZ - WARO (the
laadies) will be 56 years old (Queens Birthday Weekend
2-3 RSGB Field Day CW FD (NFD) 2018 1500-1500 UTC
2-3 SEANET (South East Asia Net) Contest (24 hours).
Starts Sat. 1200UTC
2-3 MUSEUM SHIPS WEEKEND 0000Z June 2 - 2359Z June 3,
2018 FUN Event!
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