
yl.beam #60 july 2018

French YL Dxpedition  Ile de Noirmoutier
YLRL 2018 Convention
Blog - YLs helping YLs  
(YL)  Anica, 9A7SSY - Savudrija lighthouse- 200th anniversary celebration
Marconi & “Elettra”  princess & yacht 
YLC 4th Anniversary  25-26 August, 2018  
 38TH  ALARA  CONTEST 25-26 August, 2018
QRZ & Calendar

French YL Dxpedition  Ile de Noirmoutier
TM64YL - Noirmoutier Island-  25 - 31 August 2018. 
 F4GDI Christine the chairman of the french YL group is organising an expedition to the island of Noirmoutier Island, IOTA EU - 064
They will operate on HF Bands.   QSL via F4GHS.
Address for direct QSL: CHRISTINE CARREAU, 13 CHEMIN AUX BOEUFS, GUECELARD, 72230, France.
Mado F1EOY         Christine F4GDI    Claudine F5JER       Evelyne F5RPB  
Johanna DJ5YL       Siggi DK2YL          Michaela DL1TM  Rosel DL3KWR
 Dora HB9EPE     Eva HB9FPM          Chantal HB9FRC     Gabriela HB9GNP
 Anna TF3VB                 Vala TF3VD 

Ile de Noirmoutier [46.9872° N,  2.2693° W] Coordinates 46°58′N - 2°13′W 
An island off the Atlantic coast of France in the Vendée department,  it is only half a mile off the west coast and  is connected to the mainland by a  bridge, Le pont de l'île de Noirmoutier; and the causeway 'Passage du Gois'. This 3 mile long cobble paved causeway is only open during low tide. Le Gois is visited by thousands of visitors a year who come to watch the road emerging from the sea as the ebbing tide recedes, or to see Le Gois disappear below the waves. Others come to collect the shell fish on the vast silted  mudflats exposed at low tide.
The Island’s only deep water harbour Port de l'Herbaudiere on the northern tip of the island, has  trawlers, crab and lobster fishing boats and a pleasure boat marina.
The Island is 49 km2 (19 sq mi); 20 kilometres long and at its widest 7 kilometres;  two thirds of it being below sea level, with some 50 kilometres of beaches. The landscape of the island is one of low lying fields, salt pans and marshes protected by sand dunes, dikes and forests. Walking and cycling are the best ways to explore during the holiday season. The highest point on the island elevation 20 m (70 ft, )is at the Château de Noirmoutier from which you can get a panoramic view of the island.

YLRL 2018 Convention
The Young Ladies Radio League (YLRL) 2018 Convention, is in Oklahoma City, OK.  organized by YLRL district 5 and only happens once every 3-4 years.  
YL Convention Speakers: Digital Modes - Ria Jairam N2RJ (YLRL District 2 chair) ;  Rovering -  Andrea Slack  K2EZ;   DXpedition Holiday Style -  Carol Milazzo KP4MD ; &Banquet Keynote Speaker Nancy Hall KC4IYD, NASA research scientist.

YLs helping YLs  
That's what  Niece KA1ULN. Believes - Go to her blog site about Yls in Amateur Radio and  STEM (Science Technology, Engineering, Math.) 
blog  link   http://ka1uln.blogspot.com/  

(YL)  Anica, 9A7SSY - Savudrija lighthouse - 200th anniversary celebration
Members of the Radio Club Croatian Flora Fauna will be celebrating 200th anniversary of the Savudrija lighthouse using the special callsign 9A200S. (9A two_hundred S)
Franjo, 9A2MF, a former lighthouse keeper at various lighthouses around the Istria peninsula, is responsible for this operation. He and his wife Anica, 9A7SSY, spent 4 years at the Savudrija lighthouse as its lighthouse keepers. Both of them are members of Radio Club Croatian Flora Fauna.
Activities will be on all bands and modes from March 1st until end of December 2018.
QSL 9A200S via 9A2MF.

Savudrija Lighthouse /Punta Salvore - Cape Savudrija, Croatia
Coordinates 45.489966°N 13.49095°E
Admiralty number  E2642 ; NGA number  11868 ; ARLHS number  CRO-134
Situated  at the northern end of the Istrian peninsula it is the northern-most Croatian lighthouse, situated right next to Slovenian border and only 56 km south of Italian town Trieste, at the southern end of the Gulf of Trieste. (go east from Venice, Italy across the Adriatic)
Savudrija is a small fishing village with the oldest lighthouse on the Adriatic, built in 1818. At a height of 36m above the sea, the light has a range of 30 nautical miles. Although automated, the light is still manned by lighthouse keepers helping to secure and maintain the site.  Rooms within the lighthouse have been made available for rental. The nearest tourist center - famous destination for tennis lovers - Umag, is situated only 9 km away. The area is popular with windsurfers.

0001 UTC 18th AUGUST 2018 TO 2400 UTC 19th AUGUST 2018 (48 hours or part thereof).
This year's event is dedicated to the memory of friend and Publicity Officer of 9 years, Jim Linton VK3PC, who passed away on 22nd February 2018.
The ILLW is not a contest.  There are no prizes, certificates, or other enticements to participate.
One of the objectives of the ILLW is to encourage the restoration of lighthouses all around the world. 
25 years ago on 28th August 1993 the very first Northern Lighthouse Weekend Activity took place managed by Mike Dalrymple GM4SUC of the Ayr Amateur Radio Group; 5 years later it became known as the International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend (ILLW)

 “Elettra” the yacht
It was aboard the original Elettra (yacht), which Mr. Marconi bought in 1919, that the scientist explored short-wave radio and radar, perfecting the process he used in 1901 when he sent the first Morse Code letter, a faint ''S,'' across the Atlantic Ocean. 
In 1922 Marconi made his first Atlantic crossing in the "Elettra". 
 Guglielmo Marconi, so adored his research ship that he named a daughter after her - Elettra - instead of the other way around.  The ship, which the scientist used as home and laboratory, was destroyed in World War II, and a piece of Mr. Marconi's history was lost with it.

As part of the Museum Ships Weekend (June 2-3, 2018). members of the A.R.I. Fidenza Radio Club (Italy), sponsored by the Guglielmo Marconi Foundation,  using callsign II4AMP  activated  Elettra for the sixth time. The station is close to the remains of the  keel of Guglielmo Marconi's yacht 'Elettra', which is kept at the Museum. The event  allows  radio amateurs around  the world to make contact. 

The book "Wireless at Sea - The first 50 years" (by HE Hancock, 1950) 
For this picture - Origin: USA - there is the following description:
"This photograph shows Miss Eleanor Steele of Schenectady, NY , radio operator on Senator Guglielmo Marconi's own radio outfit on board his Elettra, while cruising down the Hudson to Albany, New York, 1922. This is a very unusual photograph, in that being a radio operator was considered an extraordinarily masculine job in the 1920's. 

MARCONI Wireless On Cape Cod
In 1900, Marconi set up a high-powered transmitting station at Poldhu, on the English coast at Cornwall and in 1901 he built a wireless station at Signal Hill, Newfoundland and on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Storms blew down the aerials at Poldhu on September 17, 1901 and those on Cape Cod on November 25th.  Marconi received the first transatlantic signal - the three-dot Morse code letter "S" tapped out from Poldhu on December 12th, 1901 at the Newfoundland station.
On January 18, 1903, President Theodore Roosevelt's message was tapped out in Morse code from South Wellfleet (Cape Cod) to King Edward VII at the Poldhu station.  It was to be the first two-way transatlantic communication and the first wireless telegram between America and Europe.  

Princess Elettra -  Cape Cod, May 31,2018, 
  Princess Elettra Marconi 
 Princess Elettra Marconi Giovanelli of Italy, born in 1930, was the daughter of Marconi and his second wife, Maria Cristina Bezzi-Scali.  She inherited the Palazzo Marconi in Bologna in 1936 when she was 6, upon the death of her uncle, Alfonso, one year before her father’s death on her 7th birthday. She acquired the title of princess through marriage to Prince Carlo Giovannelli in 1966. 
As the daughter of the renowned inventor and electrical engineer Guglielmo Marconi, who won the 1909 Nobel Prize for his pioneering work in the development of wireless technology, she has continued to help spread the story of her father and his influence to people all over the world.
Princess Elettra Marconi visited the site of the Marconi Wireless Station in Wellfleet on Cape Cod,  on May 31,2018, where she was able to make radio contact with the Newfoundland site where Marconi received the letter “S” 1901 and made his first transatlantic wireless transmission to England in 1903. 
 Princess Elettra Marconi and KM1CC (Marconi Cape Cod Radio Club) made contact with VO1AA - SONRA (Society of Newfoundland Radio Amateurs) at Signal Hill, St. John's Newfoundland, Canada   
2018 marks the  115th Anniversary of the first transatlantic message  (1903-2018) 
See: Km1cc - Marconi Cape Cod Radio Club (Facebook) for great pics and videos.

The 20th of July 2018, marked Princess Elettra's 88th birthday and the day her father died in 1937
– A special greeting from all YLs

YLC (Young Ladies Chile) 4th Anniversary - 25-26 August, 2018 
 The idea of creating the YLC group was born.from a conversation between two colleagues, and now, with the formation of Radio Club YL Chile - CE4YLC, this anniversary has special relevance. 
YLC wants to celebrate the fourth anniversary by inviting all amateur radio opertors to participate in a contest in the 40-meter band,  in phone mode, during the weekend of August 25-26, 2018.
The objective,  together with celebrating the "Fourth Anniversary YLC", is to encourage the participation of all radio amateurs, especially ladies, and to keep our hobby. active :
Start Saturday, August 25, 2018, at 00:00 Hrs CE
Completion Sunday August 26, 2018, at 24:00 Hrs CE
QSL  Address:  Leticia San Martin Corrial XQ4NUA President CE4YLC

ALARA  (Australian Ladies Amateur Radio Assoc.) 38TH CONTEST - 25-26 August, 2018  
: All licensed operators throughout the world are invited to participate.
OBJECT: Participation: YLs work everyone, OMs work YLs only.
CONTEST: Combined phone and CW run over 24 hours:
STARTS: Saturday 25th August 2018 at 0600 hours UTC
ENDS: Sunday 26th August 2018 at 0559 hours UTC
SUGGESTED FREQUENCIES: All HF Bands to be used except 160m & WARC Bands
Contacts made on Echolink will also be accepted.
CONTEST MANAGER: Mrs Marilyn Syme VK5DMS,   alaracontest@wia.org.au
The current Rules have been simplified from last year and are on the website http://www.alara.org.au/contests/index.html so check them out and let’s have more YLs on air this year PLEASE!!!!!!!

Facebook ‘HAM Yl’  ; SARLNews met Anette Jacobs ZR6D  jhjacobsza@gmail.com    
 yl.beam newsletters  Eda zs6ye.yl@gmail.com     Archived at WEST RAND ARC
also Italian Radio Amateurs Union: QTC U.R.I. –  La rivista della Unione Radioamatori Italiani
26 July, 2018 , Portuguese yls, celebrated  2nd anniversary! 
Calendar - August 2018
2-5      YLRL 2018 Convention in Oklahoma City, OK.  District 5  hosting  (USA)
4          European HF Championship2018, 1200Z-2359Z, first Saturday in August
4 -  5    US National Lighthouse-Lightship Weekend (NLLW) 
5     SARL HF Phone (RSA)
8 -15    YOTA zomerkamp 2018  in de omgeving van Johannesburg in Zuid Afrika.
9     YL Sprint 12:00 to 14:00 UTC  Womens Day (SA) Thurs 
14        feast of St. Maximilian Kolbe Dabrowska SP3RN, patron saint of Amateur Radio,
18-19   ILLW International Lighthouse & Lightship weekend
19      SARL HF Digital  (RSA)
25.-26. ALARA 38th Contest 2018;   CW, SSB Saturday 0600 UTC to Sunday 0559 UTC 
25- 31  YL Expédition Internationale - L' île de Noirmoutier,  TM64YL,  Iota EU 064
25 - 27  BiWota 2018  –  British inland Waterways on the air 
26      SARL HF CW  (RSA)
25-26    YLC contest celebrates 4th  aniversary 
25-26    JARL Ham Fair 2018 (Japan Amateur Radio League) at Tokyo Big Sight, Ariake, Tokyo 

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