
yl.beam #65 dec 2018

  • Silent Key
  • YL Chile 
  • International Naval Contest (INC) 2018
  • Indian YL Forum; 2018 Silver Jubilee Year for Indian Hams ; Bangalore, India - Background
  • Christmas Greetings (editorial)
  • Background to Christmas 
  • Advent & The 2nd Advent Calendar Award
  • OH9S: Santa goes on Air
  • SYLRA meeting Norway 2019  
  • Contacts & Calendar 

Silent Key
Amateur Radio Marketing and Advertising Executive Melissa Reinhardt, KD6BIT, SK
Melissa S. Reinhardt, KD6BIT, of Agoura Hills, California, died on November 9. An ARRL member, she was 66. Reinhardt was a marketing and advertising executive with close ties to the Amateur Radio industry and was a familiar face at Hamvention and other regional hamfests. Over the years, she created promotional programs for AOR, Alinco, Kantronics, US Tower, and more, and she won several national and regional awards for advertising excellence.
A native of Buffalo, New York, Reinhardt was a graduate of the State University of New York-Buffalo. She was active on the air, volunteered as an emergency communicator with the Los Angeles County Disaster Communications Service, and was a county hunter. Survivors include her husband Jeff Reinhardt, AA6JR, and their children Jessica Reinhardt, KD6ARA, and Steven Reinhardt, K6SJR. The family has suggested memorial contributions to the American Cancer Society designated for inflammatory breast cancer research.
‎James Pastorfield‎ to Amateur Radio Newsline  Admin · November 21

YL Chile -  Special Activation in memory of Gabriela Mistral - 1 Dec 2018 
 Gabriela Mistral  (7 April 1889 – 10 January 1957), was a Chilean poet-diplomat, educator and humanist. In 1945 she became the first Latin American author, and fifth woman, to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature.

International  Naval  Contest  (INC)  2018 
The Portuguese Navy Hamradio Club – NRA, has the honour of inviting amateurs from all over the world in general and in particular all members of International Naval Hamradio Clubs to take part in the International Naval Contest (INC) 2018 which take place every year on the second weekend of December.
This year: 8th December 2018 16:00 UTC to 9th December 2018 15:59 UTC
Bands: 3.5 - 7 - 14 - 21 - 28 MHz
Preferred frequencies:  CW: 3,565 - 7,020 - 14,055 - 21,160 - 28,350 MHz
                                      SSB: 3,625 - 7,060 - 14,303 - 21,175 - 28,993 MHz
Mode: CW - SSB - Mixed  
Participating Naval Clubs:
ARMI Associazione Radioamatori Marinai Italiani: MI
BMARS Belgian Maritime Amateur Radio Society: BM
FNARS Finnish Naval Amateur Radio Society: FN
INORC Italian Naval "Old Rhythmers" Club": IN
MARAC Marine Amateur Radio Club Netherlands: MA
MF Marinefunker-Runde e.V.: MF
MFCA Marine Funker Club Austria: CA
NRA Núcleo de Radio Amadores da Armada Portugal: PN
RNARS Royal Naval Amateur Radio Society: RN
YO-MARC Romanian Marine Radio Amateur Club: YO
 any question please contact David, CT1DRB, contest manager, through e-mail: inc2018@nra.pt

Christmas Greetings  
Our radio ladies hail from all around the globe, we speak different languages, enjoy different cultures, follow different religions but we share an interest in radio. 
So whether you are gathered around hearth and family in the wintery north, or splashing around cool pools in the summery south,  thank you for sharing your friendship with the YL group. 
It is a pleasure to be in contact with so many of you and to share your news and experiences through our newsletter.
Hope you will be active on the bands (radio, marching or rock) and hope you will enjoy this special time of year and look forward to re-newing contacts in the New Year. 
Eda ZS5YH  (Editor) 
Background to Christmas 
A number of figures are associated with Christmas and the seasonal giving of gifts name Santa Claus, which means Saint Nicholas, was a 4th-century Greek bishop of Myra, a city in the Roman province of Lycia, in southwest Turkey. Among other saintly attributes, he was noted for the care of children, generosity, and the giving of gifts. His feast day, December 6, came to be celebrated in many countries with the giving of gifts.
December 25 was the date of the winter solstice on the Roman calendar. Yule is a midwinter festival celebrated by various Northern European countries; and "Noel" entered English in the late 14th century from the Old French noël, from Latin. 
Christmas Day is celebrated as a major festival and public holiday in countries around the world, including many non-Christian ones. Countries such as Japan have adopted many of the secular aspects of Christmas, such as gift-giving, decorations, and Christmas trees. 
Some popular holiday plants include holly, mistletoe, red amaryllis, Christmas cactus and  Christmas trees.  The pointsettia, a native plant from Mexico, has been associated with Christmas since the 16th century.
Carols were originally communal folk songs sung during celebrations such as "harvest tide" as well as Christmas. 
The exchanging of gifts is one of the core aspects of the modern Christmas celebration, making it the most profitable time of year for retailers and businesses throughout the world. 

 In many countries, the first day of Advent often heralds the start of the Christmas season, with
 many people opting to erect their Christmas trees and Christmas decorations on or immediately before Advent Sunday. Advent 2018 will begin on Sunday, 2 December and ends on Monday, 24 December.  Advent means a time of waiting and expectation, in preparation for the celebration of Christmas.  The most common observance of Advent outside church circles has been the keeping of an advent calendar or advent candle.
An Advent calendar is a special calendar used to count the days of Advent in anticipation of Christmas; many Advent calendars take the form of a large rectangular card with "windows", one for each day of December leading up to and including Christmas Eve (December 24). Consecutive doors are opened every day leading up to Christmas, (or) windows open to reveal an image, a poem, a story, or a small gift, such as a toy or a chocolate item. 
They come in a multitude of  forms, from a simple paper calendar  to painted wooden boxes with cubby holes for small items.

A group of Italian Amateur Radio operators who are passionate about the Christmas atmosphere, have created an Advent Calendar composed of a beautiful image that recalls Christmas, hidden under 25 small windows (black boxes), each of which will "open" only when contacted. 
Dates:  From the 1st to the 25th of December
Bands:  SSB
QSO - What to do? to complete the advent calendar, or find as many credits as possible, by contacting accredited activators, who will exchange details of the 'box of the day' 
1 point for each connection made that will be used for the final diploma..
The Advent Calendar Award will be awarded once the hidden image  is revealed. 
For rules and details of additional awards, please see website. 
accredited activators will call "CQ CQ ADVENT CALENDAR AWARD" and will provide the box number corresponding to the day and ...... share on the cluster! 
email : IU0FBK  Marco  marco@iu0fbk.it 
OH9S: Santa goes on Air
The Annual Special Club event of the Santa Radio Club from 200 km north of the arctic circle is broadcast as OH9S  ("OH9Santa") from 1-  8. December. 
The activity will be carried out on shortwave in the range of 160 to 6 M in all modes including ft8. Contacts are automatically confirmed. It is also possible to deal with club (preferred) or lotw.
 OH9S will work from Finnish Lapland and does not use remote stations. 
" Yes, we know it won't be easy to get in touch with us while we're mainly operating north of the arctic circle.This is the northern most Santa station in Finland. Several stations will be on-air. 
Due to the conditions expected, OH9S will focus on ft8. 

Indian YL Forum
From:  VU2RBI  Bharathi Prasad 7/11/2018 
We have Hamfest with Indian YL forum on 29 th dec at bangalore south India . 
We are inviting Dx hams to participate.  More info www. Hamfest india 2018.com 
I request you to participate along with other YL's & OM’s  Otherwise spread the world . 
They can do new year 2019 in India with Indian YL's.   Best regards. Bharathi.

2018 Silver Jubilee Year for Indian Hams 
Indian Institute of Hams in association with REVA University, Bengaluru is jointly hosting Hamfest India 2018 on 29th and 30th December 2018.  'HAMFEST' is a festival of HAMs, the largest gathering of Indian HAMs in one place, held every year in different cities of India since 1991. The main objective is to bring all amateur radio operators under one roof to further and exchange ideas and new technological skills in the field of communication. The event also seeks to raise amateur radio awareness in the host city.
Established 1993 for the promotinn of  Amateur Radio in India,  Indian Institute of Hams (IIH) celebrate their Silver Jubilee Year, 25 years of continuous service in 2018.
1335 Registered delegates. 

Bangalore, India - Background
Bangalore is a megacity, and the third most populous city in India and the 18th most populous city in the world. It is a major economic & cultural hub and one of the fastest growing metropolitan cities of the world. Bengalore is known as the Silicon Valley of India. Also known as the "Garden City of India” and as India's most vegan-friendly city.
Located at 12.97°N 77.56°E  in southern India on the Deccan Plateau at an elevation of over 900 m (3,000 ft) above sea level, the highest among India's major cities.. Due to its high elevation, Bangalore  enjoys a moderate climate throughout the year;tThe coolest month is January and the hottest month is April. 
Bangalore is a multilingual city. The official language in Bangalore is Kannada. 
 However, English  is extensively spoken and is the principal language of  professional and business people. 

SYLRA  (Scandinavian Young Ladies RadioAmateurs)  
MEETING IN NORWAY 2019, Sept 9 - 15
Dear Yls,       The dates for the meeting are now confirmed. 
Along our beautiful coastline we have a “ferry” which has won the admiration of people, both locals and tourists.  Hurtigruten’s ship, «Trollfjord», sails from Bergen, Monday evening; September 9th. The ship will follow the coast line of Norway north to Kirkenes,  (not far from the Russian border) which is the final stop. We will arrive in Kirkenes on Sunday morning, September 15th.
The ship will stop underway on its trip from Bergen to Kirkenes. For more information please, click on this link: https://www.hurtigruten.co.uk/
More details about SYLRA program, prices for the trip etc., will be published on the SYLRA web page, very soon. We hope as many as possible of our members will be able to participate in this SYLRA meeting. 
33 de 
LA8FOA Ingrid            LA6RHA Unni
+47 458 16 614           +47 915 57 887
16 Nov 2018, Hi, we just wanted to point out that there is an ongoing survey on the SYLRA web site.
Please take a look and tell us if you want to participate in SYLRA meeting in Norway in 2019.
Please click on the Survey button and participate.
Please note that this is not a registration, but just a survey to make it easier to plan the event.
88 from the SYLRA team
 yl.beam newsletters :  Editor Eda zs6ye.yl@gmail.com     
Anette Jacobs ZR6D  jhjacobsza@gmail.com  SARL news contributer & reader
Follow us on  Facebook at  ‘HAM YL' 
Earlier newsletters can be found on the website of WEST RAND ARC
and at:  Italian Radio Amateurs Union: QTC U.R.I. 
If you do not no wish to receive our emails, please let us know and we will remove you from the mailing list.

Calendar  December 2018
November 26 to December 6, 2018. Russian YL Elena RC5A Dxpedition to 
YN4RRC – Big Corn Island,  Nicaragua NA-013 
1       Dec   Start of YOTA Month (International)
1-  8. Dec  OH9S  Santa Claus Land
2-10  Dec   Hanukkah  (aka Festival of Lights)
8 -9   Dec ARRL 10 m Contest
8 -9   Dec International Naval Contest (INC) 2018  annually 2nd  weekend of December.
16     Dec   Day of Reconciliation (RSA)
15  Dec - January 4th, 2019 - Lighthouse Christmas Lights QSO PARTY
24-25 Dec  Christmas Eve / Day
26      Dec  Family Day 
29-30 Dec. HFI (Ham Fest India) 2018  Silicon city of Bengaluru  Reva university
31      Dec   End of 2017 CQ Marathon; and YOTA month

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