
yl.beam #65 dec 2018

  • Silent Key
  • YL Chile 
  • International Naval Contest (INC) 2018
  • Indian YL Forum; 2018 Silver Jubilee Year for Indian Hams ; Bangalore, India - Background
  • Christmas Greetings (editorial)
  • Background to Christmas 
  • Advent & The 2nd Advent Calendar Award
  • OH9S: Santa goes on Air
  • SYLRA meeting Norway 2019  
  • Contacts & Calendar 

Silent Key
Amateur Radio Marketing and Advertising Executive Melissa Reinhardt, KD6BIT, SK
Melissa S. Reinhardt, KD6BIT, of Agoura Hills, California, died on November 9. An ARRL member, she was 66. Reinhardt was a marketing and advertising executive with close ties to the Amateur Radio industry and was a familiar face at Hamvention and other regional hamfests. Over the years, she created promotional programs for AOR, Alinco, Kantronics, US Tower, and more, and she won several national and regional awards for advertising excellence.
A native of Buffalo, New York, Reinhardt was a graduate of the State University of New York-Buffalo. She was active on the air, volunteered as an emergency communicator with the Los Angeles County Disaster Communications Service, and was a county hunter. Survivors include her husband Jeff Reinhardt, AA6JR, and their children Jessica Reinhardt, KD6ARA, and Steven Reinhardt, K6SJR. The family has suggested memorial contributions to the American Cancer Society designated for inflammatory breast cancer research.
‎James Pastorfield‎ to Amateur Radio Newsline  Admin · November 21

YL Chile -  Special Activation in memory of Gabriela Mistral - 1 Dec 2018 
 Gabriela Mistral  (7 April 1889 – 10 January 1957), was a Chilean poet-diplomat, educator and humanist. In 1945 she became the first Latin American author, and fifth woman, to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature.

International  Naval  Contest  (INC)  2018 
The Portuguese Navy Hamradio Club – NRA, has the honour of inviting amateurs from all over the world in general and in particular all members of International Naval Hamradio Clubs to take part in the International Naval Contest (INC) 2018 which take place every year on the second weekend of December.
This year: 8th December 2018 16:00 UTC to 9th December 2018 15:59 UTC
Bands: 3.5 - 7 - 14 - 21 - 28 MHz
Preferred frequencies:  CW: 3,565 - 7,020 - 14,055 - 21,160 - 28,350 MHz
                                      SSB: 3,625 - 7,060 - 14,303 - 21,175 - 28,993 MHz
Mode: CW - SSB - Mixed  
Participating Naval Clubs:
ARMI Associazione Radioamatori Marinai Italiani: MI
BMARS Belgian Maritime Amateur Radio Society: BM
FNARS Finnish Naval Amateur Radio Society: FN
INORC Italian Naval "Old Rhythmers" Club": IN
MARAC Marine Amateur Radio Club Netherlands: MA
MF Marinefunker-Runde e.V.: MF
MFCA Marine Funker Club Austria: CA
NRA Núcleo de Radio Amadores da Armada Portugal: PN
RNARS Royal Naval Amateur Radio Society: RN
YO-MARC Romanian Marine Radio Amateur Club: YO
 any question please contact David, CT1DRB, contest manager, through e-mail: inc2018@nra.pt

Christmas Greetings  
Our radio ladies hail from all around the globe, we speak different languages, enjoy different cultures, follow different religions but we share an interest in radio. 
So whether you are gathered around hearth and family in the wintery north, or splashing around cool pools in the summery south,  thank you for sharing your friendship with the YL group. 
It is a pleasure to be in contact with so many of you and to share your news and experiences through our newsletter.
Hope you will be active on the bands (radio, marching or rock) and hope you will enjoy this special time of year and look forward to re-newing contacts in the New Year. 
Eda ZS5YH  (Editor) 
Background to Christmas 
A number of figures are associated with Christmas and the seasonal giving of gifts name Santa Claus, which means Saint Nicholas, was a 4th-century Greek bishop of Myra, a city in the Roman province of Lycia, in southwest Turkey. Among other saintly attributes, he was noted for the care of children, generosity, and the giving of gifts. His feast day, December 6, came to be celebrated in many countries with the giving of gifts.
December 25 was the date of the winter solstice on the Roman calendar. Yule is a midwinter festival celebrated by various Northern European countries; and "Noel" entered English in the late 14th century from the Old French noël, from Latin. 
Christmas Day is celebrated as a major festival and public holiday in countries around the world, including many non-Christian ones. Countries such as Japan have adopted many of the secular aspects of Christmas, such as gift-giving, decorations, and Christmas trees. 
Some popular holiday plants include holly, mistletoe, red amaryllis, Christmas cactus and  Christmas trees.  The pointsettia, a native plant from Mexico, has been associated with Christmas since the 16th century.
Carols were originally communal folk songs sung during celebrations such as "harvest tide" as well as Christmas. 
The exchanging of gifts is one of the core aspects of the modern Christmas celebration, making it the most profitable time of year for retailers and businesses throughout the world. 

 In many countries, the first day of Advent often heralds the start of the Christmas season, with
 many people opting to erect their Christmas trees and Christmas decorations on or immediately before Advent Sunday. Advent 2018 will begin on Sunday, 2 December and ends on Monday, 24 December.  Advent means a time of waiting and expectation, in preparation for the celebration of Christmas.  The most common observance of Advent outside church circles has been the keeping of an advent calendar or advent candle.
An Advent calendar is a special calendar used to count the days of Advent in anticipation of Christmas; many Advent calendars take the form of a large rectangular card with "windows", one for each day of December leading up to and including Christmas Eve (December 24). Consecutive doors are opened every day leading up to Christmas, (or) windows open to reveal an image, a poem, a story, or a small gift, such as a toy or a chocolate item. 
They come in a multitude of  forms, from a simple paper calendar  to painted wooden boxes with cubby holes for small items.

A group of Italian Amateur Radio operators who are passionate about the Christmas atmosphere, have created an Advent Calendar composed of a beautiful image that recalls Christmas, hidden under 25 small windows (black boxes), each of which will "open" only when contacted. 
Dates:  From the 1st to the 25th of December
Bands:  SSB
QSO - What to do? to complete the advent calendar, or find as many credits as possible, by contacting accredited activators, who will exchange details of the 'box of the day' 
1 point for each connection made that will be used for the final diploma..
The Advent Calendar Award will be awarded once the hidden image  is revealed. 
For rules and details of additional awards, please see website. 
accredited activators will call "CQ CQ ADVENT CALENDAR AWARD" and will provide the box number corresponding to the day and ...... share on the cluster! 
email : IU0FBK  Marco  marco@iu0fbk.it 
OH9S: Santa goes on Air
The Annual Special Club event of the Santa Radio Club from 200 km north of the arctic circle is broadcast as OH9S  ("OH9Santa") from 1-  8. December. 
The activity will be carried out on shortwave in the range of 160 to 6 M in all modes including ft8. Contacts are automatically confirmed. It is also possible to deal with club (preferred) or lotw.
 OH9S will work from Finnish Lapland and does not use remote stations. 
" Yes, we know it won't be easy to get in touch with us while we're mainly operating north of the arctic circle.This is the northern most Santa station in Finland. Several stations will be on-air. 
Due to the conditions expected, OH9S will focus on ft8. 

Indian YL Forum
From:  VU2RBI  Bharathi Prasad 7/11/2018 
We have Hamfest with Indian YL forum on 29 th dec at bangalore south India . 
We are inviting Dx hams to participate.  More info www. Hamfest india 2018.com 
I request you to participate along with other YL's & OM’s  Otherwise spread the world . 
They can do new year 2019 in India with Indian YL's.   Best regards. Bharathi.

2018 Silver Jubilee Year for Indian Hams 
Indian Institute of Hams in association with REVA University, Bengaluru is jointly hosting Hamfest India 2018 on 29th and 30th December 2018.  'HAMFEST' is a festival of HAMs, the largest gathering of Indian HAMs in one place, held every year in different cities of India since 1991. The main objective is to bring all amateur radio operators under one roof to further and exchange ideas and new technological skills in the field of communication. The event also seeks to raise amateur radio awareness in the host city.
Established 1993 for the promotinn of  Amateur Radio in India,  Indian Institute of Hams (IIH) celebrate their Silver Jubilee Year, 25 years of continuous service in 2018.
1335 Registered delegates. 

Bangalore, India - Background
Bangalore is a megacity, and the third most populous city in India and the 18th most populous city in the world. It is a major economic & cultural hub and one of the fastest growing metropolitan cities of the world. Bengalore is known as the Silicon Valley of India. Also known as the "Garden City of India” and as India's most vegan-friendly city.
Located at 12.97°N 77.56°E  in southern India on the Deccan Plateau at an elevation of over 900 m (3,000 ft) above sea level, the highest among India's major cities.. Due to its high elevation, Bangalore  enjoys a moderate climate throughout the year;tThe coolest month is January and the hottest month is April. 
Bangalore is a multilingual city. The official language in Bangalore is Kannada. 
 However, English  is extensively spoken and is the principal language of  professional and business people. 

SYLRA  (Scandinavian Young Ladies RadioAmateurs)  
MEETING IN NORWAY 2019, Sept 9 - 15
Dear Yls,       The dates for the meeting are now confirmed. 
Along our beautiful coastline we have a “ferry” which has won the admiration of people, both locals and tourists.  Hurtigruten’s ship, «Trollfjord», sails from Bergen, Monday evening; September 9th. The ship will follow the coast line of Norway north to Kirkenes,  (not far from the Russian border) which is the final stop. We will arrive in Kirkenes on Sunday morning, September 15th.
The ship will stop underway on its trip from Bergen to Kirkenes. For more information please, click on this link: https://www.hurtigruten.co.uk/
More details about SYLRA program, prices for the trip etc., will be published on the SYLRA web page, very soon. We hope as many as possible of our members will be able to participate in this SYLRA meeting. 
33 de 
LA8FOA Ingrid            LA6RHA Unni
+47 458 16 614           +47 915 57 887
16 Nov 2018, Hi, we just wanted to point out that there is an ongoing survey on the SYLRA web site.
Please take a look and tell us if you want to participate in SYLRA meeting in Norway in 2019.
Please click on the Survey button and participate.
Please note that this is not a registration, but just a survey to make it easier to plan the event.
88 from the SYLRA team
 yl.beam newsletters :  Editor Eda zs6ye.yl@gmail.com     
Anette Jacobs ZR6D  jhjacobsza@gmail.com  SARL news contributer & reader
Follow us on  Facebook at  ‘HAM YL' 
Earlier newsletters can be found on the website of WEST RAND ARC
and at:  Italian Radio Amateurs Union: QTC U.R.I. 
If you do not no wish to receive our emails, please let us know and we will remove you from the mailing list.

Calendar  December 2018
November 26 to December 6, 2018. Russian YL Elena RC5A Dxpedition to 
YN4RRC – Big Corn Island,  Nicaragua NA-013 
1       Dec   Start of YOTA Month (International)
1-  8. Dec  OH9S  Santa Claus Land
2-10  Dec   Hanukkah  (aka Festival of Lights)
8 -9   Dec ARRL 10 m Contest
8 -9   Dec International Naval Contest (INC) 2018  annually 2nd  weekend of December.
16     Dec   Day of Reconciliation (RSA)
15  Dec - January 4th, 2019 - Lighthouse Christmas Lights QSO PARTY
24-25 Dec  Christmas Eve / Day
26      Dec  Family Day 
29-30 Dec. HFI (Ham Fest India) 2018  Silicon city of Bengaluru  Reva university
31      Dec   End of 2017 CQ Marathon; and YOTA month


yl.beam #64 nov 2018

  • Silent Keys
  • RAE Results Oct  2018   
  • Witches Around the World
  • French YL Christine/F4GDI at Route du Rhum 2018
  • YL Susan Meckley W7KFI on Malawi Dxpedition
  • Hedy  Lamarr  Inventor of  "frequency-hopping” & Amateur Radio Event
  • YLs activated WW2SUB, the USS Batfish
  • Contacts & Calendar
S/k -  KD8SQD - Leota Strobel, passed away, she was a long-standing member of the Ladies Tea Time Net.  Condolences       January 17, 1943 - September 3, 2018  Age 75.

S/K    Elizabeth Wilson – K4GHT   Oct 10 1953 -  Sept 29, 2018.
It is with sorrow that I must inform the women of our international radio community across the globe that we have lost Elizabeth Wilson - K4GHT after a battle with health issues.
Dani Hensley    September 29, 2018

S/k  KE5AKW.  Peggy Sue Gerron-Rackham  died early Monday 1 Oct, 2018  in Lubbock. She was 78.
She  will be forever remembered in association with the Buddy Holly  song bearing her name.

S/k   DL1SYL  Edeltraud ' Traudel ' Wilck, from  Plau, Germany became a silent key 16 Oct 2018

S/k : Dawn Snyders, ZS5ME,  SARL news: It is with deep regret that we must announce that the key of Dawn Snyders, ZS5ME, went silent on Friday 19 October 2018. She was the wife of Jo, ZS5PO and mother of Warren, ZS5WOZ. Dawn was a member of the SARL and the Zululand Amateur Radio Club and she served as Club secretary for many years. We extend our sincere condolences to Jo, Warren, family and friends.

S/k : Paula Seiber AD5VL / KD5WFF, She passed early morning 1 Nov 2018
Paula  was awarded  A-1 Operator at the Ham Holiday 2018 Banquet. This award is presented to operators based on ‘On-Air’ performance  a group of about 6,000 operators world-wide).
She was Licensed 04/13/2003 and held an Extra License.
Her husband Joe KE5MGP put on the Wouff Hong ceremony after the banquet at Ham Holiday 2018

RAE (Radio Amateur Exam) Results Oct  2018     79 Passed    10 XYL
Welcome to our new radio ladies.
Cummings, Kelly    Port Elizabeth    Pass    ZS2KC
Delport, Petra Jacoba    Cape Town    Pass    ZS1XXX
Kruger, Olivia    Vanderbiljpark Pass    ZS6OK
Le Roux, Jeandre    Honeydew    Pass    ZR6JLR
Nkome, Katleho    Bellville    Pass    ZU1KAT. dad Chris ZS1CDG
Oberholzer, Juanita Cornia    Saldanha    Pass    ZS2YO   
Polly, Kim    Mosselbaai    Pass    ZS1KIM
Smit, Cornelia    Pretoria    Pass    ZS6CHS
Smit, Nicola Jane    Honeydew    Pass    ZS6NSJ
Spencer-Wilson, Erika    Honeydew    Pass    ZS6ESW

CS2WAW * Witches Around the World – Halloween     oct  2018
Happy Halloween -  October 31 was the only day that I was able to participate as I have to return to work (night shift).
I logged 179 - "Witches Around the World" - QSOs, mostly with stations in North America, but also with a number of Europeans /DX (30). I had QSOs with several YLs, but, unfortunately, not with any of the "Official Witches."
Was I the only one in the US that participated?
 I was operating on 40, 20 and 17 meters, but also locally on the 2m calling frequency.
I posted a photo of myself at the station (attached) on QRZ.COM and on my Facebook page.
Thank you for organizing this event. It was a lot of fun for me.
73 and best wishes for the Holiday Season, Ingrid W7ISG

 The Route du Rhum Yacht Race
The Route du Rhum is a transatlantic single-handed yacht race, which takes place every 4 years in November. The course is between Saint Malo, Brittany, France and the Caribbean French island of
Pointe-à-Pitre, Guadeloupe. Distance: 3,542 milles
 Created in 1978,  2018 marks its 40th Anniversary.
 "Village of the Route du Rhum” opens  October 24, 2018;  race start on November 4 2018.  

French YL Christine/F4GDI at Route du Rhum 2018
TM4RUM    France - Special event  
Between October 25th to November 5th, 2018, look for Christine/F4GDI and Association des radioamateurs de la Côte d'Emeraude (ARACE) team to be active from Saint Malo as TM4RUM, for the starting of the Route du Rhum 2018.
HF bands in CW/SSB/Digit + 2m SSB/FM.
QSL via Mickael JAMET, F4AVX.
http://tm4rum.arace.fr/index.php?lng=en    https://www.routedurhum.com/en

YL Susan Meckley W7KFI on Malawi Dxpedition
Don Jones K6ZO and YL Susan Meckley W7KFI will be in Malawi  as 7Q6M and 7Q7M.
 Nov 22-30 , 2018  qrv from MALAWI
All bands 10-160,  mainly CW.;  hopefully 6 ele 20 yagi with kw....so should have good signal....
Susan is now 83 yrs old so this is a last big Hurrah !

October 2018 members of HacDC Amateur Radio Club participated in the CQ World Wide SSB Contest in Northern Malawi (Africa). - 7Q6M  Don Jones,    Embangweni Mission Hospital
Loudon Mission (formerly called Embangweni Mission is located in the Mzimba district in the Northern Region of Malawi. Travel throughout region can be difficult, especially during the rainy months, November to April. Embangweni is situated at an altitude of 4,000 feet, in an area of flat brachystegia woodland.

HEDY LAMARR "frequency-hopping” Inventor  (9 November, 1914 – 19 January, 2000 )
Few know Hedwig Kiesler – aka Hedy Lamarr- was one of the great pioneers of wireless communications.
 By the 1940’s, both the Nazis and the Allied forces were using single-frequency radio-controlled technology  The draw back was if you tried to control your torpedo with a signal, eventually the enemy will find  the frequency you are using. Once this is known they were able to jam and  control the signal by putting out a strong noise signal on the given frequency.
  In 1942 at the height of her fame as a Hollywood movie actress, Hedy Lamarr  developed a new kind of communications system that couldn't be “jammed”; a system that would allow torpedoes and guided bombs to reach their targets.  It was a way of encoding a message across a broad area of the wireless spectrum. If one part of the spectrum was jammed, the message would still get through on one of the other frequencies being used. The transmitter on a ship and receiver in the torpedo would synchronously hop from one frequency to another; "frequency-hopping."   through 88 random frequencies. The jammer could try to jam all frequencies, but this would require  too much equipment and power.
 Lamarr’s brilliant idea is used today in wireless communication and is how other people can be on cell phone networks without interrupting each other. Lamarr eventually got the recognition she deserved as an inventor - in addition to being known as a beautiful and a famous movie actress.
 She and her co-inventor Antheil won the 1997 Electronic Frontier Foundation Pioneer Award  as well as the BULBIE Gnass Spirit of Achievement Bronze Award. (The BULBIE is considered the Oscar of the inventing world; the  award is shaped like a lightbulb to evoke the spirit of Thomas Edison.)
HedyLamarr is the first woman to have won it. She died three years later at 86 years old, at her home near Orlando, Florida.
( Hedy Lamarr was featured in #19 YL News  March 2014, and  in YL#29 News Dec 2015  when Google doodle (9 Nov 2015) celebrated the 101 birthday of Hedy Lamarr – Inventor & Movie Star.)

HEDY  LAMARR  DAY 9th November  -  Amateur Radio Event
WORLD RADIO NETWORK was founded in 2014 by KT7JOE and WH6DWF.  On November 9, 2016 they held the 1st  Hedy Lamarr Day. The following year on November 9, 2017 they held the  2nd Hedy Lamarr Day, with 104 checkins, 40 QSL cards and 3 international stations
2018  will be their 3rd year of celebrating Hedy Lamarr Day.
W2JLD  John, special event coordinator for the world conference server,  feels its  important to recognize her accomplishments - We felt that a lot of yl's contributed to the success of amateur radio and Hedy Lamarr is no exception to the rule. She contributed to the ham radio world with her invention of the spread spectrum technology which we use each and every day. She was also a wonderful screen actress with many films to her name.
So we celebrate her accomplishments on her birthday every year, with a special event and this year we secured a special event callsign N9H - November - niner - hedy lamarr;  again we will offer a special event QSL card for this event.
We will run a 4 hour net with at least 2 yl's to be net controller and we will have several conferences
Held on the *WORLD* Conference server, ECHOLINK NODE #479886/IRLP 9251.  Hosted by THE WORLD RADIO NETWORK  We use the DODROPIN, STARLINK, WORLD, UK HUB, FRIENDS conferences and more.

USA YLs  The weekend operation (below) was held  under the auspices of the Young Ladies Radio League (YLRL), Michelle Carey W5MQC  is District 5 representative; article, plus lots of pictures, on website of SCARS (South Canadian Amateur Radio Society) https://w5nor.org/batfish/?fbclid=
Mary Calkins  AE6Q posted some great pics on her Facebook.

YLs activated WW2SUB on the USS Batfish
The USS Batfish is a Balao-class submarine and  is named for the fish that is found off the coast of Peru. During WW2, the Batfish sunk three Japanese Navy submarines in a 76-hour time-frame. As a tribute to the 52 submarines and 3,505 US sailors that were lost during the war, Albert Kelly and a group of submarine veterans worked to bring the Batfish to the Muskogee War Memorial Park, at the port of Muskogee, OK in the early 1970’s.
On October 12th through the 14th of 2018, some of the YLs (Young Ladies) from Kansas, Texas, and Oklahoma were guests of the USS Batfish Radio Club and participated in honoring the memory of 75th anniversary of the lost 52 submarines event. Four of the YLs were from the South Canadian Amateur Radio Society (SCARS).
During this activation, there were two submarines that were honored. The USS Wahoo was sunk in October 1943 with 80 men on board in the Sea of Japan.. The USS Dorado was also sunk in October 1943 and had 77 men on board, near Panama in the Atlantic Ocean.
The YLs made a total of more than 350 contacts during the 3-day event. QSL information is available on the WW2SUB club website. They called CQ on board the Batfish from one of the three radios systems on board. They used the WW2SUB club gear that is located in the original radio room. And, with the assistance of their USS Batfish Club host Wade Harris KF5IF,  built temporary stations in the crew’s mess and in the operation area. They hung wire antennas and deployed the club’s portable tower in the rain. Many of the YLs slept overnight in the original crew quarters on the ship. They even got to experience a power outage on the sub. Propagation was short over the weekend, so many members of SCARS were able to make a contact!
Everyone was able to get some radio time over the three-day event.  It was the first time on HF for some of the YLs. After they set up antennas, radios, setup satellite systems, and mentored each other, they explored the nooks and crannies of the entire submarine.
To top the weekend off, Virginia NV5F gave a personal performance, playing her bagpipes.
The group wishes to thank USS Batfish Club host Wade Harris KF5IF and the Muskogee War Memorial Museum for hosting the event. On the way out the door, the YLs said: “let’s do this again next year”. So, October 5-6, 2019 is on the calendar and is coming soon.

YLs in attendance on the October 13th, 2018 weekend were:
Leah Ohse W3LEO    Patricia Liesenfeld W5UBI
Barbara Schlueter KD0WAU    Eva Knapple N5EVA
Vonnie Merritt KE5RKC    Beth Pearce KC5RWW
Donna Wohler N5DEE    Lynda Tuma KF5JUO
Virginia Smith NV5F    Mary Calkins AE6Q
Judi Voeller N5KUO    Annie Zhi KG5VGA
Christina Liu KG5VGB    Michelle Carey W5MQC
The South Canadian Amateur Radio Society is an American Radio Relay League (ARRL) Special Services Club. We serve the amateur radio operators in the Cleveland County, Oklahoma area.

The USS BATFISH SS-310  (United States Ship)
This submaranine vessel began life in1942 at the Portsmouth Navy Yard, (New Hampshire, USA) and was launched  1943.  The Batfish made seven wartime patrols, sinking 14 ships (including 3 submarines in 76 hours). After WW2 the USS BATFISH served during the  Korean War & the Cuban Missile Crisis,  and later decommissioned .
In 1972  she was given to the city of Muskogee, Oklahoma (USA) to be used as a memorial to members of the silent service. It was slung between 2 barges to make its trip up the Mississippi River and then up the Arkansas river (thru 16 locks) to the port of Muskogee. A slit was cut in the bank and the boat was nudged in and closed off from the Arkansas River. The water was drained from the slit and the boat rested on the ground, kept in position by heavy cables

 CONTACT  US:    yl.beam newsletters :  Editor Eda    zs6ye.yl@gmail.com       
Anette Jacobs ZR6D  jhjacobsza@gmail.com  SARL news contributer.
Follow us on  Facebook at  ‘HAM Yl’ 
Earlier newsletters can be found on the website of WEST RAND ARC
 wrarc-anode.blogspot.com     &   https://wrarc-anode.blogspot.co.za/    
and at:  Italian Radio Amateurs Union: QTC U.R.I.
If you do not no wish to receive our emails, please let us know and we will remove you from the mailing list.

Calendar November 2018

1     Nov      Silent Key Memorial Contest to the memory of our late radio amateur friends   
0600 UTC to 0859 UTC November 01 every year., Mode: CW only    .
02-04  Nov     2º Encuentro Radial Anual de Parques Nacionales (Argentina)
3     Nov      The Netherlands. 58th Ham Radio Convention
3     Nov    RaDAR Challenge    (RSA)
5          Nov      Brasil –  Dia Nacional do Radioamador (Day of Radio Amateurs).
9          Nov     Hedy  Lamarr  Day
9-11     Nov.     RCA Railway Stations 10th Edition   Jornada Radial Ferroviaria Argentina,
10     Nov     Gold Coast ARC HAMFEST (Saturday) Aus.
10     Nov    AWA- AGM (Antique Wireless Assoc.) SAIEE, Observatory, Johannesburg, SA
10-11     Nov      SARL VHF/UHF Analogue Contest
11        Nov     Remembrance Sunday
16.    Nov      UFT-YL-CW Contest 1900 - 2100 UTC, 80m  (Union Francaise des Telegraphistes)
17       Nov     UFT-YL-CW Contest 0800 - 1000 UTC, 40m  (Union Francaise des Telegraphistes)
16-18    Nov    7th Asia Pacific DX Convention (APDXC)
24    Nov     Newbie Sprint    08:00 to 20:00 UTC    (RSA)
24-25     Nov    CQ WW DX CW  Starts: 0000 UTC Saturday   Ends: 2359 UTC Sunday
24      Nov    West Rand Flea Market (RSA)
7th Asia Pacific DX Convention (APDXC)
will be held at Osaka International House in Osaka, Japan on November 16 through 18, 2018.
 (APDXC) is the only amateur radio event in Japan where all the programs  are conducted in English!  APDXC website at:  https://www.apdxc.org/



yl.beam   #63  Oct 2018

Local-is-Lekker: Local Award;  SARL YL Sprint results
VK 100 MARCONI   22nd September 2018, centenary celebrations
 Results of International womens day March 2018
Feedback - YL expedition  TM64 YL Island of NOIRMOUTIER, 25-31 August 2018
YL shares with RNARS Royal Naval Amateur Radio Society
10th Annual Celebration  Ada Lovelace Day, Tuesday 9 October., 2018 
Ada  Language: In Flight on  Lunar IceCube
QRZ & Calendar

Awards   Charmaine Schutte, ZS5CVH – in 25th position, with 20 points was  awarded 'The SAWRC Trophy'  in the combined results of the SARL HF Phone, Digital and CW contests 2018

Results of the SARL YL Sprint -  9 August, 2018
1st Alta Gaybba, ZR3PA and Sonet de Wet, ZS3SW – 113 points each
3rd Judy Pretorius, ZS6JDY – 104 points
4th Jocelyn Hallendorff, ZS6JKL – 97 points
5th Karin Andrew, ZS6MMA – 96 points
6th Woody Collet, ZS3WL – 72 points
7th Amorita de Wit, ZR5ADW – 48 points
8th Johan van Zijl, ZS4DZ – 22 points
9th Roy Walsh, ZS3RW – 17 point

From Dot Bishop (VK2DB)  14 Sep  2018:
In Sydney we are celebrating the first direct radio message from England to Australia on 22nd September, 2018 .
We call it 'Wales to Wahroonga'.
We will activate a special callsign on that day VK 100 MARCONI  and will have it for one month.
I am hoping to set up a small ALARA table in the display room.
33 Dot VK2DB   ALARA VK1/2 Representative

“WALES TO WAHROONGA”   22nd September 2018
In the Northern Welsh town of Waunfawr on a cool and overcast night, the Australian Prime Minister William Morris Hughes outlined a message for Senatore Guglielmo Marconi to send to Australia by wireless. It was Sunday 22nd September 1918 and the Prime Minister had just returned from the battlefields in Europe.
This was to be the first direct wireless message sent from the United Kingdom to Australia and the recipient was Mr Ernest Thomas Fisk who had an experimental wireless station in the attic of “Lucania“; his residence  in Wahroonga. (northern suburbs of Sydney)  Since that historic day, a monument has been erected, unveiled in December 1935, when the former Prime Minister, Mr ‘Billy’ Hughes, addressed the assembly and Marchese Marconi also spoke by wireless from Paris in France.
On Saturday 22nd September 2018, there will be centenary celebrations at the monument.  ‘The Ku-ring-gai Male Choir’ will sing the Welsh and Australian anthems and  the original Morse code message will be heard by all present and a Morsecodian will decipher the message which will then be read to the gathering,


Mrs Jo Harris VK2KAA at the Wahroonga Fisk Anniversary 22 September 2005

The Marconi-Fisk achievement is commemorated by a monument located outside the original receiving site in Wahroonga (Australia), which is still a private residence. Every five years the Hornsby Amateur Radio Club (HADARC) and the Ku-ring-gai Historical Society have commemorated the event by the exchange of wireless messages with the Dragon Amateur Radio Club in Wales (UK).
The Dragon Radio Club will also be operating an HF station from the Welsh site of the Marconi transmitter using the special event amateur call sign GB2VK, and it is proposed that Fiskville, located in Victoria (Australia) and named after Ernest Fisk (where early transmitters were located), will be activated from Werribee Gorge State Park (VKFF-0775).

14 Sep 2018    F4DHQ – Sophie wrote: I put the results of International womens day :

Editor - Results of first 10 positions only below; for all results please see link address above)
International Women's Day 2018
Position     Pts    Callsign            Name    Country
1       361    OE8YXK      Michaela             Austria
2       325    F4HJC/ TM2BZ       Sylvie     France
3      294     OE1LZA /HZ1HZ /     Laila     Austria
4       292    DL4VCV       Christel             Germany
5       272   DO3ST              Steffie     Germany
6       245    DL2LBK              Karin     Germany
7       244    OE3YSC      Marion             Austria
8       213    DJ9YL              Barbara             Germany
9      205    DM4EZ              Evelin     Germany
10     202    DF6QP            Ulla            Germany

51   YL     Logs
Germany    33;    Austria     5;    France    5   
Hungary    2;    Swizerland    2;   
Scotland    1;    Croatia    1;    Netherlands    1;    USA    1
42  OM  logs - Big thank you to the OMs for their support

Groupe YL: Chantal HB9FRC Dora HB9EPE Gabriela HB9GNP Eva OK3QE/HB9FPM
Siggi DK2YL Johanna DJ5YL Rosel DK3KWR Michaela DL1TM
Claudine F5JER Évelyne F5RPB Mado F1EOY Marie-Jo
Anna TF3VB Vala TF3VD Christine F4GDI Micheline
Feedback - YL expedition TM64YL Island of Noirmoutier
F5RPB Evelyne Terrail, wrote  10 Sep 2018:
"YLs de France" is the new association of french YLs
Some details of our YL expedition     TM64 YL
From 25-31 August activation of EU-64 Island of NOIRMOUTIER with the spécial call  TM64 YL.
5 nations were présent:
  - Germany with Siggi DK2YL, Johanna DJ5YL, Rosel DL3KWR and Michaela DL1TM
  - Switzerland with Dora HB9 EPE, Chantal HB9FRC, Gabriela HB9GNP
      And Eva with her 2 calls: HB9FPM and OK3QE
  - Iceland with Vala TF3VD and Anna TF3VB
   - France with Christine F4GDI, Mado F1EOY, Claudine F5JER and Evelyne F5RPB

Equipment:  4 HF stations and 1 VHF
The antennas were 1 Flex-6300, 1 R6000, 1 Folding 5 bands and 2 Dipôles 40/80m and 2 vertical 3 bands

 NUMBER of QSOs:  4.599
 CW:     30,42%     PHONE:     61,84%     DATA:     7,74%
  DXCC:     76 countries
Best 33 Evelyne  F5RPB

Editor: lots of pictures of the operators and the island on the Facebook pages of:
Christine Carreau &  Chantal Perin, also SYLRA (Scandanavian YL Radio Amateurs)
see also  Íslenskir Radíóamatörar (IRA)      https://tinyurl.com/IcelandIRA

 Thanks to Maren (DK9MOS) for sharing  yl.beam news – see below:
Maren wrote 12 Sep 2018 - enclosed you will find the RNARS Newsletter. Please have a look on page 11-15. I did not know how Joe G3ZDF would put the information in the newsletter.
But I think there will be no problem for all of you to read this.     88/73 de Maren
RNARS Royal Naval Amateur Radio Society   Newsletter | Autumn 2018   Page 11,12,13,14
-Maren Lorentz (DK9MOS) tells us about various activities by Yls and is herself attached to U99 (DL0DMB) Museum Group where they keep the radio room active.
p12 - Koko Myoshi "Mio" (JR3MVF), YL's active in Bhutan as "A52YL Group.
P 13 -Giro Rosa Cycle Race – July:
p 14 -Museum Ships Weekend - June:: Maren Lorentz (DK9MOS)

10th Annual Celebration  Ada Lovelace Day, Tuesday 9 October., 2018 
Augusta Ada King, (10 Dec. 1815 - 27 Nov. 1852) born Augusta  Ada Byron, the only legitimate child of the poet Lord Byron; the Countess of Lovelace now commonly known as Ada Lovelace.
An English mathematician and writer she was one of the world’s first computer programmers, and one of the first people to see computers as more than just a machine for doing sums. In 1842 she wrote what is now recognized as the first computer programmes. The programme was written to calculate Bernoulli Numbers for Charles Babbage’s Analytical Engine, a general-purpose computing machine - that was never built! Lovelace was way ahead of the time; she not only understood how Babbage’s machine could carry out complex computations, she also imagined that, given the right inputs it could make music or graphics.
Ada Lovelace's work went widely unrecognized until the 1950s, when her papers were republished, and their significance and her contributions to the fields of computer science and mathematics were finally acknowledged. In the 1980s, to honor the contributions of Lovelace, the Department of Defense (US) named its newly created computer language ‘‘Ada’’ after her.
In 2018 the US Senate  designated October 9,  as ‘‘National Ada Lovelace Day’’

Ada The Language: Alive And In Flight  
In Tech by Paul Boutin - October 10, 2016,  Ada Lovelace Day -
Ada is still in use today. The language spec has been updated and modernized several times, most recently in 2012. It’s deemed a must in many defense-related systems where reliability and safety are critical, or where thousands of programmers may work on a single code base.
NASA’s CubeSat project launched a dozen satellites built at universities into orbit in 2013. Carl Brandon, a physics professor at Vermont Tech, says, “The Vermont CubeSat is the only university CubeSat that successfully completed its mission: eight were never heard from, one fried its batteries the first day (software error), one worked a little for less than a week, and one for four months.” Vermont Tech had used SPARK, a language based on the Ada spec, for their flight software. Their Lunar IceCube, scheduled for launch in 2019 to search for ice on the Moon, is likewise being programmed in SPARK.
Ada is not as widely used as languages such as C, C++ or Java, and it’s not a language intended for home hacking. Then again, Ada Lovelace’s own algorithm was never run, because Charles Babbage never built a Difference Engine on which to run it. Sometimes, a concept itself can be world-changing.    https://hackbrightacademy.com/blog/ada-language-links

Editorial Comment:
Since October 2013 Ham YL has supported Ada  Lovelace Day, which is about sharing stories of women in STEM (Scientists, Technologists Engineers, Mathematicians).
We have featured her in newsletters (#16 & #27) and introduced you to yl-maker Adafruit AC2SN
Limor Fried.  Hope that featuring prominent female thinkers will inspire you, especially as the US Senate is acknowleding Ada Lovelace in 2018. Please enjoy, Heather ZS5YH (Editor)

“Get Your Park On”
What is hoped will be the first annual “Get Your Park ON” operating event, will take place October 14 – 20, in celebration of Earth Science Week. The event is open to Amateur Radio operators around the world and is sponsored by the national affiliates of World Wide Flora and Fauna (WWFF), which encourages radio amateurs to operate outdoors in protected nature parks.
Amateurs can participate in one of two ways. They can opt to be Activators, setting up and operating in geological and nature centers such as national and state parks and forests, national monuments, and protected nature habitats. They may also decide to be Hunters, operating from home and searching out and making contact with the Activators.
The American Geosciences Institute in October 1998 organized Earth Science Week, a national and international event to help the public gain a better understanding and appreciation for the Earth sciences and to encourage stewardship of the Earth, a common goal shared by WWFF.
Both programs encourage participants to get outside and enjoy nature.
Earth Science Week 2018 theme of “Earth as Inspiration” promotes public understanding and stewardship of the planet.
"Get Your Park ON" begins at 00:00 UTC on Sunday 14 October and continues to 23:59 UTC on Saturday 20 October. Visit the "Get Your Park ON" Facebook page for more information.

CONTACT  US:    yl.beam newsletters :  Editor Eda    zs6ye.yl@gmail.com        
Anette Jacobs ZR6D  jhjacobsza@gmail.com    SARL news contributer.
Follow us on  Facebook at  ‘HAM Yl’ 
Earlier newsletters can be found on the website of WEST RAND ARC
 wrarc-anode.blogspot.com     &   https://wrarc-anode.blogspot.co.za/    
and at:  Italian Radio Amateurs Union: QTC U.R.I.
If you do not no wish to receive our emails, please let us know and we will remove you from the mailing list.

Calendar October 2018

4      Oct            SARL 80 m QSO
04.-08 Oct      57. FIRAC- Congress at Tapolca, Hungary
              Fédération Internationale des RadioAmateurs Cheminots“ (Railways)
5-7   Oct         DX NA YL DX
6 - 7 Oct             AWA Valve QSO (RSA)
7      Oct             RSGB DX Contest (UK)
9      Oct            Ada Lovelace Day  2nd Tuesday
12–14 Oct        USS Batfish Radio Club, Muskogee, OK. YLRL-District 5- YL activation, Oct 12,1900 CDT - Oct 14, 1700 CDT
12-14 Oct     RSGB Convention, Milton Keynes
13    Oct     RAE (RSA)  &  SARL Spring QRP (RSA)
14–20 Oct     “Get Your Park ON” WWFF celebration of Earth Science Week
15    Oct      International White Cane Day (for the Blind)
19-21 Oct     JOTA    57h JOTA/18th JOTI (3rd weekend) 21st Jamboree on the Internet/WW
20    Oct             CQ Hou Koers (RSA)
22.-23Oct      SYLRA Contest      10-10 UTC  CW, SSB, RTT    Ausschreibung    SYLRA
26    Oct            S African Maritime Mobile Net, 39th Anniversary (Started 1979)
27-28 Oct      CQ WW DX SSB   Starts: 0000 UTC Saturday   Ends: 2359 UTC Sunday
28   Oct             PEARS HF Contest (Port Elizabeth, RSA)
31   Oct             Witches On The Air / Halloween
                    (hopefully hosted again by YLs-Amateur Radio Ladies-Portugal ?)


yl.beam #62 sept 2018

Dutch and German radio amateurs 50th meet-up
Ja-Well-No-Fine / Comment
How do you hear me?  The RST System of Signal Reporting
Canadian YL  Jeanne Wilson  (VA7QLT) & Delta ARS & Vimy Ridge 
Golden Globe Race -  non-stop … alone … no outside assistance.... except for Ham radio
QRZ Contacts & Calendar

(Bad Bentheim on the borders of North Rhine-Westphalia and the Netherlands)
Dutch and German radio amateurs 50th meet-up
Dutch Young Ladies at DNAT in Bad Bentheim    Posted 26/08/2018by PA1ENG
Every last full weekend of August Dutch and German radio amateurs meet each other in Bad Bentheim. This weekend it is already 50 years ago that the Deutsch Niederländische Amateurfunker Tage (DNAT) was held for the first time. The Dutch Young Ladies Club was there.
. Mariëtte PA1ENG, Claudia PA5CT and Heather PD3GVQ  visited one of the radio amateur campsites and the radio market in the sports hall of a school.
On the other side of the castle (Burg Bentheim, the town’s emblem).was the annual flea market and in the middle of the park members of the Ammerland section of the Deutscher Amateur-Radio-Club (DARC) had placed a number of high antennas for demonstration. This was very interesting to see.
At the radio fair we spoke to many acquaintances, met Dieuwertje PD4JUF / DO4JUF who recently obtained her radio amateur license. Perhaps she will join our (contest) team in the future. Welcome!

From left to right: Heather PD3GVQ, Dieuwertje PD4JUF / DO4JUF, Claudia PA5CT and Mariëtte PA1ENG

Hello, I thank you for publishing our activities, as of June 19, 2018 we are Radio Club YL CHILE, CE4YLC
I think we are the first women's radio club in Chile, I know that there are no more women's radio clubs in the world.
 I'll thank you if you have any information. From Chile -  I send you a big hug.

Ja-Well-No-Fine / Comment
September is 'Ham Yl's  7th anniversary on Facebook – THANK YOU to all our friends and we hope others will join us in the future. It is particularly helpful to be able to 'share'  YL events & Dxpeditions.
A question posted on a forum from a  YL  new to the hobby, about how to interpret "RST"... and her comment “There's so much I still need to learn and understand.”  prompted the article below, hope it  proves helpful.     33 Editor ZS5YH Heather

How do you hear me?
The RST System of Signal Reporting was established roughly in 1934 as a quick method of reporting Readability, Signal Strength and the Tone of CW.
For voice contacts only the "R" and "S" are used.
The RST is also reported on QSL Cards and must be filled in correctly.

An RST report is a report from a receiving station on the quality and strength of the transmitted signal. Using shorthand in the form of numbers to represent the quality of a CW signal, or voice transmission, of a transmitting station's signal at the receiving station's location (QTH). Here is what it means:
R -  Readability - Understanding what is said and how well.
On a scale of 1 to 5, the readability of your signal with a "5" being perfect with no difficulty.
In other words the ability of the other operator to understand what you are saying.
A "1" is unreadable....a "5" is perfectly readable.
S -  Strength- On a scale of 1 to 9, indicates how strong your stations signal is.
A "1" is a very faint signal.  A "9" is an extremely strong signal.
T - Tone   Used for Morse code signal reports. Indicates on a scale of 1 to 9 the quality of the tone of the Morse code "dits and dahs".  From a "60 cycle harsh tone" a (1).... To a "very pure tone", a (9)

1 -- Unreadable
2 -- Barely readable, occasional words distinguishable
3 -- Readable with considerable difficulty
4 -- Readable with practically no difficulty
5 -- Perfectly readable

1 -- Faint signals, barely perceptible
2 -- Very weak signals
3 -- Weak signals
4 -- Fair signals
5 -- Fairly good signals
6 -- Good signals
7 -- Moderately strong signals
8 -- Strong signals
9 -- Extremely strong signals

1 -- Sixty cycle a.c. or less, very rough and broad
2 -- Very rough a.c. , very harsh and broad
3 -- Rough a.c. tone, rectified but not filtered
4 -- Rough note, some trace of filtering
5 -- Filtered rectified a.c. but strongly ripple-modulated
6 -- Filtered tone, definite trace of ripple modulation
7 -- Near pure tone, trace of ripple modulation
8 -- Near perfect tone, slight trace of modulation
9 -- Perfect tone, no trace of ripple or modulation of any kind

If you get a 5 5 (sometimes said 5 by 5)....Your signal is perfectly readable with a fairly good signal strength.
In some cases people may tell you: your signal is five nine plus twenty dB...
In this case the twenty db part indicates that your signal is so strong that it goes off the standard 1 through 9 signal strength S meter dial by twenty decibels as indicated on the meter readout. This would mean that you are putting out a REALLY strong signal!
Sources:    http://www.hamuniverse.com/rst.htm
Delta Amateur Radio Society  (BC, Canada) has something for everyone
From technical prowess to emergency operations,      GRACE KENNEDY Aug. 11, 2018

Canadian YL  Jeanne Wilson  (VA7QLT) & Delta Amateur Radio Society
The call sign was faint over the radio in the North Delta Public Safety Building. Jeanne Wilson and a group of other new hams struggled to make it out.
Bauer was teaching the group how to use a high-frequency radio — something a little more complex than the hand-held radios often used by beginning hams and emergency operators. But he had a trick in mind.
Unbeknownst to his class, Bauer had turned the dial to a caller from Malpelo Island, an islet 500 km west of the Colombian mainland, uninhabited except for a small military post. A radio operator had made their way out there as part of a DX Pedition (pronounced “dee expedition,” it’s a play on dx, the radio shorthand for long distance), and hams around the world were trying to make contact.
 VA7QLT Jeanne Wilson continued to struggle. Then she made out the call sign. Then, at Bauer’s urging, she got on the mic and made contact and remembers the smile that came across Bauer’s face.
“Congratulations girl, you just talked to a DX Pedition … You just talked to Malpelo Island,” she remembered him saying.
“And I’m like, ‘Well where the hell is that?” - The moment changed Wilson’s focus in amateur radio. Although she started at age 55 with a drive for emergency operations, she soon switched her focus to long distance competitions.
Over the years — Wilson is 63 now — she has made contacts in more than 100 countries, getting nearly a third of the available DX Pedition locations.
 Jeanne Wilson was part of a group of 17 amateur radio operators who went to Vimy Ridge in 2017 to operate radio during the 100 anniversary of the battle.
“I can tell you, it felt really good to be chased on the air,” she said. “It was probably one of the highlights of my life.”
Vimy Ridge
 April 9, 1917, is commonly highlighted as a turning point in Canadian history, where the four Canadian divisions fought together as a unified fighting force for the first time.
 France granted Canada  land at Vimy to build and maintain a memorial.  A First World War monumen and certainly Canada’s most important war memorial.
 Approximately 10 km north of Arras, 15 km south of Lens, 135 km southeast of Calais and 175 km north of Paris. GPS Coordinates: N50.379444, E2.773611

 non-stop … alone … no outside assistance ... except for Ham radio
Golden Globe Race  2018   
Marking the 50th anniversary of the first Sunday Times Golden Globe Race, Competitors may  only use equipment that was available  in 1968/9 to navigate and contact the outside world. That means using SSB and Ham radios for long-range communications, and VHF for short range (up to 30 miles) – no satellites.. Navigation means using the stars, sun, paper charts and a sextant – no GPS or smart-phone allowed.
The 2018 race keeps to the rules and the spirit of the original 1969  non-stop, solo, round the world yacht race.
The  race started  July 1st, 2018 fron France,  through the Atlantic, then east  through the Southern Ocean, past Australia, towards South America before returning home.
Contestants are using HF radio for safety and weather reports.  Amateur Radio is as important now as it was 50 years ago for these sailors. If you are able, please keep a listening watch as they sail across the lonely and dangerous Southern Oceans.
There have been problems with equipment and weather. Norwegian skipper Are Wiig capsized and was dis-masted 400 miles SSW of Cape Town, Monday 27/08/2018 and is currently heading for Cape Town.
Susie Goodall, a 27 year-old Englishwoman is the only female contestant in the 2018 Golden Globe Race 

ARTICLES WANTED     – both technical and non-technical. Please email to address below.
Facebook ‘HAM Yl’  ; SARLNews met Anette Jacobs ZR6D  jhjacobsza@gmail.com   
 yl.beam newsletters  Eda    zs6ye.yl@gmail.com        Archived at WEST RAND ARC
 wrarc-anode.blogspot.com   &   https://wrarc-anode.blogspot.co.za/   
also Italian Radio Amateurs Union: QTC U.R.I. –  La rivista della Unione Radioamatori Italiani

Calendar  September 2018
01       Sept     Ham Yl Facebook 7th birthday (started 2011)
01       Sept     West Rand Flea Market  (RSA)
1 - 2   Sept    Region 1- SSB Field Day  1300-1300 UTC
02-08 Sept     2018 - 19th World ARDF Championships, Sokcho, Korea,
8 - 9       Sept    SARL National Field Day    (RSA)
9 - 11  Sept    Rosh Hashanah
8-16    Sept     Route 66 On The Air!  http://w6jbt.org/  (USA)
15       Sept    AJV    Magalies Radio Amateur Klub    SAT, 1630 CAT
15       Sept    SCOPEX -  Telescope & Astronomy Expo.Johannesburg - 9am to 9pm 
15-16  Sept    All Africa Contest &     SARL VHF/UHF Digital Contest
15-16  Sept    Concurso Farroupilha;  festival in Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil - gaucho culture.
18 -19 Sept    Yom Kippur
22       Sept     Centenary of the First Wireless Message received from the UK in Australia
                  (22 September 1918). Special Event Station VK100MARCONI *
22-23  Sept     ROTA 2018 (Railways On The Air)  revised frequencies : 3.65, 7.15, 14.25.
24        Sept    Heritage Day;(aka Braai Day)
28-29  Sept     UK National Hamfest (10th year)
29- 30  Sept    CQ WW RTTY
29 Sept - 1 Oct  Annual Nancy Kott Memorial KN0WCW Event (00:01UTC Sat - 06:00UTC Mon)
                FISTS Nancy Kott Memorial KN0WCW Event 2018 from 00:01 UTC Saturday September 29 to 06:00 UTC on Monday October 1st. Operation will be on all Amateur bands; a friendly celebration of Nancy work.
9     Oct    Ada Lovelace Day, on Tuesday  10th Annual Celebration  2018
31   Oct    Witches On The Air /    Halloween


yl.beam #60 july 2018

French YL Dxpedition  Ile de Noirmoutier
YLRL 2018 Convention
Blog - YLs helping YLs  
(YL)  Anica, 9A7SSY - Savudrija lighthouse- 200th anniversary celebration
Marconi & “Elettra”  princess & yacht 
YLC 4th Anniversary  25-26 August, 2018  
 38TH  ALARA  CONTEST 25-26 August, 2018
QRZ & Calendar

French YL Dxpedition  Ile de Noirmoutier
TM64YL - Noirmoutier Island-  25 - 31 August 2018. 
 F4GDI Christine the chairman of the french YL group is organising an expedition to the island of Noirmoutier Island, IOTA EU - 064
They will operate on HF Bands.   QSL via F4GHS.
Address for direct QSL: CHRISTINE CARREAU, 13 CHEMIN AUX BOEUFS, GUECELARD, 72230, France.
Mado F1EOY         Christine F4GDI    Claudine F5JER       Evelyne F5RPB  
Johanna DJ5YL       Siggi DK2YL          Michaela DL1TM  Rosel DL3KWR
 Dora HB9EPE     Eva HB9FPM          Chantal HB9FRC     Gabriela HB9GNP
 Anna TF3VB                 Vala TF3VD 

Ile de Noirmoutier [46.9872° N,  2.2693° W] Coordinates 46°58′N - 2°13′W 
An island off the Atlantic coast of France in the Vendée department,  it is only half a mile off the west coast and  is connected to the mainland by a  bridge, Le pont de l'île de Noirmoutier; and the causeway 'Passage du Gois'. This 3 mile long cobble paved causeway is only open during low tide. Le Gois is visited by thousands of visitors a year who come to watch the road emerging from the sea as the ebbing tide recedes, or to see Le Gois disappear below the waves. Others come to collect the shell fish on the vast silted  mudflats exposed at low tide.
The Island’s only deep water harbour Port de l'Herbaudiere on the northern tip of the island, has  trawlers, crab and lobster fishing boats and a pleasure boat marina.
The Island is 49 km2 (19 sq mi); 20 kilometres long and at its widest 7 kilometres;  two thirds of it being below sea level, with some 50 kilometres of beaches. The landscape of the island is one of low lying fields, salt pans and marshes protected by sand dunes, dikes and forests. Walking and cycling are the best ways to explore during the holiday season. The highest point on the island elevation 20 m (70 ft, )is at the Château de Noirmoutier from which you can get a panoramic view of the island.

YLRL 2018 Convention
The Young Ladies Radio League (YLRL) 2018 Convention, is in Oklahoma City, OK.  organized by YLRL district 5 and only happens once every 3-4 years.  
YL Convention Speakers: Digital Modes - Ria Jairam N2RJ (YLRL District 2 chair) ;  Rovering -  Andrea Slack  K2EZ;   DXpedition Holiday Style -  Carol Milazzo KP4MD ; &Banquet Keynote Speaker Nancy Hall KC4IYD, NASA research scientist.

YLs helping YLs  
That's what  Niece KA1ULN. Believes - Go to her blog site about Yls in Amateur Radio and  STEM (Science Technology, Engineering, Math.) 
blog  link   http://ka1uln.blogspot.com/  

(YL)  Anica, 9A7SSY - Savudrija lighthouse - 200th anniversary celebration
Members of the Radio Club Croatian Flora Fauna will be celebrating 200th anniversary of the Savudrija lighthouse using the special callsign 9A200S. (9A two_hundred S)
Franjo, 9A2MF, a former lighthouse keeper at various lighthouses around the Istria peninsula, is responsible for this operation. He and his wife Anica, 9A7SSY, spent 4 years at the Savudrija lighthouse as its lighthouse keepers. Both of them are members of Radio Club Croatian Flora Fauna.
Activities will be on all bands and modes from March 1st until end of December 2018.
QSL 9A200S via 9A2MF.

Savudrija Lighthouse /Punta Salvore - Cape Savudrija, Croatia
Coordinates 45.489966°N 13.49095°E
Admiralty number  E2642 ; NGA number  11868 ; ARLHS number  CRO-134
Situated  at the northern end of the Istrian peninsula it is the northern-most Croatian lighthouse, situated right next to Slovenian border and only 56 km south of Italian town Trieste, at the southern end of the Gulf of Trieste. (go east from Venice, Italy across the Adriatic)
Savudrija is a small fishing village with the oldest lighthouse on the Adriatic, built in 1818. At a height of 36m above the sea, the light has a range of 30 nautical miles. Although automated, the light is still manned by lighthouse keepers helping to secure and maintain the site.  Rooms within the lighthouse have been made available for rental. The nearest tourist center - famous destination for tennis lovers - Umag, is situated only 9 km away. The area is popular with windsurfers.

0001 UTC 18th AUGUST 2018 TO 2400 UTC 19th AUGUST 2018 (48 hours or part thereof).
This year's event is dedicated to the memory of friend and Publicity Officer of 9 years, Jim Linton VK3PC, who passed away on 22nd February 2018.
The ILLW is not a contest.  There are no prizes, certificates, or other enticements to participate.
One of the objectives of the ILLW is to encourage the restoration of lighthouses all around the world. 
25 years ago on 28th August 1993 the very first Northern Lighthouse Weekend Activity took place managed by Mike Dalrymple GM4SUC of the Ayr Amateur Radio Group; 5 years later it became known as the International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend (ILLW)

 “Elettra” the yacht
It was aboard the original Elettra (yacht), which Mr. Marconi bought in 1919, that the scientist explored short-wave radio and radar, perfecting the process he used in 1901 when he sent the first Morse Code letter, a faint ''S,'' across the Atlantic Ocean. 
In 1922 Marconi made his first Atlantic crossing in the "Elettra". 
 Guglielmo Marconi, so adored his research ship that he named a daughter after her - Elettra - instead of the other way around.  The ship, which the scientist used as home and laboratory, was destroyed in World War II, and a piece of Mr. Marconi's history was lost with it.

As part of the Museum Ships Weekend (June 2-3, 2018). members of the A.R.I. Fidenza Radio Club (Italy), sponsored by the Guglielmo Marconi Foundation,  using callsign II4AMP  activated  Elettra for the sixth time. The station is close to the remains of the  keel of Guglielmo Marconi's yacht 'Elettra', which is kept at the Museum. The event  allows  radio amateurs around  the world to make contact. 

The book "Wireless at Sea - The first 50 years" (by HE Hancock, 1950) 
For this picture - Origin: USA - there is the following description:
"This photograph shows Miss Eleanor Steele of Schenectady, NY , radio operator on Senator Guglielmo Marconi's own radio outfit on board his Elettra, while cruising down the Hudson to Albany, New York, 1922. This is a very unusual photograph, in that being a radio operator was considered an extraordinarily masculine job in the 1920's. 

MARCONI Wireless On Cape Cod
In 1900, Marconi set up a high-powered transmitting station at Poldhu, on the English coast at Cornwall and in 1901 he built a wireless station at Signal Hill, Newfoundland and on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Storms blew down the aerials at Poldhu on September 17, 1901 and those on Cape Cod on November 25th.  Marconi received the first transatlantic signal - the three-dot Morse code letter "S" tapped out from Poldhu on December 12th, 1901 at the Newfoundland station.
On January 18, 1903, President Theodore Roosevelt's message was tapped out in Morse code from South Wellfleet (Cape Cod) to King Edward VII at the Poldhu station.  It was to be the first two-way transatlantic communication and the first wireless telegram between America and Europe.  

Princess Elettra -  Cape Cod, May 31,2018, 
  Princess Elettra Marconi 
 Princess Elettra Marconi Giovanelli of Italy, born in 1930, was the daughter of Marconi and his second wife, Maria Cristina Bezzi-Scali.  She inherited the Palazzo Marconi in Bologna in 1936 when she was 6, upon the death of her uncle, Alfonso, one year before her father’s death on her 7th birthday. She acquired the title of princess through marriage to Prince Carlo Giovannelli in 1966. 
As the daughter of the renowned inventor and electrical engineer Guglielmo Marconi, who won the 1909 Nobel Prize for his pioneering work in the development of wireless technology, she has continued to help spread the story of her father and his influence to people all over the world.
Princess Elettra Marconi visited the site of the Marconi Wireless Station in Wellfleet on Cape Cod,  on May 31,2018, where she was able to make radio contact with the Newfoundland site where Marconi received the letter “S” 1901 and made his first transatlantic wireless transmission to England in 1903. 
 Princess Elettra Marconi and KM1CC (Marconi Cape Cod Radio Club) made contact with VO1AA - SONRA (Society of Newfoundland Radio Amateurs) at Signal Hill, St. John's Newfoundland, Canada   
2018 marks the  115th Anniversary of the first transatlantic message  (1903-2018) 
See: Km1cc - Marconi Cape Cod Radio Club (Facebook) for great pics and videos.

The 20th of July 2018, marked Princess Elettra's 88th birthday and the day her father died in 1937
– A special greeting from all YLs

YLC (Young Ladies Chile) 4th Anniversary - 25-26 August, 2018 
 The idea of creating the YLC group was born.from a conversation between two colleagues, and now, with the formation of Radio Club YL Chile - CE4YLC, this anniversary has special relevance. 
YLC wants to celebrate the fourth anniversary by inviting all amateur radio opertors to participate in a contest in the 40-meter band,  in phone mode, during the weekend of August 25-26, 2018.
The objective,  together with celebrating the "Fourth Anniversary YLC", is to encourage the participation of all radio amateurs, especially ladies, and to keep our hobby. active :
Start Saturday, August 25, 2018, at 00:00 Hrs CE
Completion Sunday August 26, 2018, at 24:00 Hrs CE
QSL  Address:  Leticia San Martin Corrial XQ4NUA President CE4YLC

ALARA  (Australian Ladies Amateur Radio Assoc.) 38TH CONTEST - 25-26 August, 2018  
: All licensed operators throughout the world are invited to participate.
OBJECT: Participation: YLs work everyone, OMs work YLs only.
CONTEST: Combined phone and CW run over 24 hours:
STARTS: Saturday 25th August 2018 at 0600 hours UTC
ENDS: Sunday 26th August 2018 at 0559 hours UTC
SUGGESTED FREQUENCIES: All HF Bands to be used except 160m & WARC Bands
Contacts made on Echolink will also be accepted.
CONTEST MANAGER: Mrs Marilyn Syme VK5DMS,   alaracontest@wia.org.au
The current Rules have been simplified from last year and are on the website http://www.alara.org.au/contests/index.html so check them out and let’s have more YLs on air this year PLEASE!!!!!!!

Facebook ‘HAM Yl’  ; SARLNews met Anette Jacobs ZR6D  jhjacobsza@gmail.com    
 yl.beam newsletters  Eda zs6ye.yl@gmail.com     Archived at WEST RAND ARC
also Italian Radio Amateurs Union: QTC U.R.I. –  La rivista della Unione Radioamatori Italiani
26 July, 2018 , Portuguese yls, celebrated  2nd anniversary! 
Calendar - August 2018
2-5      YLRL 2018 Convention in Oklahoma City, OK.  District 5  hosting  (USA)
4          European HF Championship2018, 1200Z-2359Z, first Saturday in August
4 -  5    US National Lighthouse-Lightship Weekend (NLLW) 
5     SARL HF Phone (RSA)
8 -15    YOTA zomerkamp 2018  in de omgeving van Johannesburg in Zuid Afrika.
9     YL Sprint 12:00 to 14:00 UTC  Womens Day (SA) Thurs 
14        feast of St. Maximilian Kolbe Dabrowska SP3RN, patron saint of Amateur Radio,
18-19   ILLW International Lighthouse & Lightship weekend
19      SARL HF Digital  (RSA)
25.-26. ALARA 38th Contest 2018;   CW, SSB Saturday 0600 UTC to Sunday 0559 UTC 
25- 31  YL Expédition Internationale - L' île de Noirmoutier,  TM64YL,  Iota EU 064
25 - 27  BiWota 2018  –  British inland Waterways on the air 
26      SARL HF CW  (RSA)
25-26    YLC contest celebrates 4th  aniversary 
25-26    JARL Ham Fair 2018 (Japan Amateur Radio League) at Tokyo Big Sight, Ariake, Tokyo